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youve caught up with nobara yuuji and megumi, they told you all about what happened with hanami and how yuuji now can use a 'black fist'.

even though you couldnt talk, you listened eagerly to their story, nodding now and then. talking with yuuji really was lifting your spirits.

as you talked with yuuji and nobara listening in, you saw gojo and megumi talk among themselves. you could make out a faint, "you should go for it." from gojo.

megumi on the other hand gave his sensei a blank stare and shifted his attention to the window besides your bed, completely evading gojos statement.

you made a mental note to ask megumi what happened between him and gojo while you were out. shifting your gaze back to yuuji who was still rambling about his experience with his new technique, you smiled at him.

suddenly the door was sliding open and revealed kaito standing there, he had his usual poker face on and scanned the room expressionless.

he cleared his throat by coughing and caught the attention of everyone, "the visit hours have ended, i want all of you to take your leave." he said while still standing in the doorway.

your doctor folded his arms in front of his chest and narrowed his eyes, "now." he said sternly as no one made a move.

yuuji visibly gulped as he was intimidated by the tall man. you would too since kaito threw everyone a piercing gaze with his emerald eyes.

nobara spoke up, "alright, y/n, see you in two days then!" she said as she stood straight. "youve been out for 10 days so ive made a big improvement in my combat skills, lets fight when youre better." she gave you a smirk as she was certain she could defeat you.

thinking to yourself, you realized that you had alot to catch up with. nobara dragged yuuji with her towards the door while you were thinking to yourself.

gojo stood up too and stretched a little. "dont worry, you'll catch up to them in no time." he said with his usual cheerful smile, reassuring you.

as gojo approached the door, you saw megumi still standing next to you. he spoke up, "get well soon." he said in his boring voice.

he walked towards the sliding door from the infirmary and turned around, speaking up once more, "once youre better, i..." but he didnt finish his sentence

you were confused at first and tilted your head sideways while slightly narrowing your eyes. he hesitated but continued, "when youre better, i want to defeat more curses with you." he said awkwardly.

megumi showed you a small smile while rubbing the back of his neck and you smiled back. nodding at his statement, you couldnt wait to grow stronger.

then when all your visitors left, kaito let out a sigh and closed the sliding door that he had been holding open to let them leave.

as he was walking towards your bed, he spoke up, "god, that boy is painfully awkward." he said as he now stood next to your bed. you laughed slightly at the comment.

he continued, "anyways, you should be able to use your speech tomorrow morning after youve taken a good rest." he said as he looked at you.

you nodded and looked at him too, "speaking with a dry throat is exhausting, so drink water, you can get some from the sink over there." he pointed to your side and put a red cup next on your table.

after he placed the cup on your table, he stood straight again, speaking up with no expression in his voice as usual, "at last, youre completely healed." he said.

you looked at him with widened eyes and were visibly confused, kaito slightly smirked as had expected this reaction from you and explained.

"you were out for 10 days, what do you expect." he said as he folded his arms in front of his chest again while looking down on you. "although, we need you to stay here for your check ups, thats all."

he finished and you nodded your head vigorously at him, excited that you were already better. "it is getting late, have a good night." he said lastly as he walked towards the door of the infirmary.

you looked at the digital clock on your nightstand and it read 'friday - 10.28PM' you guys had talked for a while you realized now, 3 hours to be exact.

sighing, you shifted to the egde of your hospital bed to see if you could still walk properly, setting both your feet on the floor.

standing up and balancing all your weight now vertically, it sure was a trick to do so. you stood there for a while and then placed one foot in front of the other.

luckily you still could walk, sometimes losing balace now and then, since it had been a while since you last walked, but you managed.

you grabbed the cup on the table and walked over to the sink, getting thirsty and wanting to rid yourself of your dry throat.

arriving at the sink without any further problems, you reaches your hand towards the handle and brought it upwards, letting the water flow out of it.

filling the cup, you thought about your mom. if she knew what had happened she would be worried to death. you wanted to visit her as soon as possible, you thought to yourself.

your mom and you didnt part ways in a good way, you remember how she was left crying as you walked away, on your way to jujutsu tech.

thats why you thought it wouldnt be good to just show up out of nowhere, you had to let her know you were coming, that could have been the least you could do.

thinking hard, you came to the conclusion to write her a letter and send it to her as soon as possible, she had always been against the idea of phones and such and that is why she didnt have one herself.

you brought the handle of the sink down again to stop the flow of water. with your cup filled, you brought it to your mouth. it really felt refreshing, you felt the stream of cold water go down your throat and felt relieved.

when you finished, you walked back to your temporary bed and sat down, slowly and carefully shifting yourself to lay down properly without hurting your stomach.

closing your eyes, you drifted off to let your unconsciousness take over again, even if it had been a day where you were just sitting and listening to stories of others, it was slightly tiring since youve woken up from your coma not too long ago.


this is for everyone who has been worrying about me for uploading more frequently than others,

i post twice a day as i make chapters during the time i travel. this usually consists of two travels from 40 minutes.

which is enough for me to make two chapters, i do this to pass time. i appreciate you guys worrying for me, thank you all <3

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