Chapter 9

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The Russian man walked up the steep stairs, trudging his way to wake England. The man's scarf was gently placed around his tall neck, shimmering with his paler skin, as he was from the east and not the west like America, who in turn had tanish skin, and blonde hair. Which was very different from his silver. 

Once he reached to the top of the stairs, he carried on his quest to grab the tiny Englishmen, As he was walking, he admired the lovely decorations that seemed to light up the semi dimmed hallway, the candles were a horrible touch in his opinion, however they did seem to make the place more homey, but more like the 1800's.

The silver haired man reached the brown door, that looked like it hasn't been clean in a while, it was dark around the edges, making the middle bright, then the golden knob that seemed to make it better. He gently placed his hand against the heavy door and pulled, however it did not open, so he pushed, once again it did not open. Russia's hand's began to turn a even paler colour from the grip he placed on the door, he pushed once more, then pulled. 

The brownish door opened, the hinges falling apart slowly, the door creaked with every movement, when it open it revealed the tiny child he was meant to be getting, on the floor, covered In random clothes, and asleep.

Russia scoffed at the sight, the once so mighty man now at his feet, a  mere child in his eyes, who could not even place his clothes back, and in a childish fit decided to lock the door, throw clothing around, then once getting tired, decides to fall asleep on the dirty floor.

England's eyes fluttered open, his leaf colours eyes burned at the sight of the bright light, the only thing covering them was the scarf around him, he slowly stood up and walked towards the door, only bumping into the leg of a very tall man, the tiny Englishmen looked up, staring at the man, not looking into his eyes proper, his own eyes widened, tears swelled up in his eyes, at the thought that he had been caught, been caught being a child.

America, stomping up the stairs to see what was going on, and why were they not in the kitchen, he opened the door, eyes widening at the sight of England,  practically crying at Russia's feet.

'England, hey what's wrong, you can tell me its okay' The sandy blonde whispered as he swooped England into his arms, who in return borrowed into the neck of the man, shielding his tears. Softly, America swayed them both, trying to stop the crying so he could understand.'What happened bud? did the big and scary Russian do something' America questioned, looking over at Russia. ' you can't blame me for this, I only came up and he was asleep on the floor!' Russia defended himself to no value. 

America signed, as he gently started rubbing Englands back, as he's body was wrecked with soft sobs 'Hwe w-was mwean to m-me' The green eyed child babbled to him. England knew it was a lie, so did Russia, however America didn't. 'Dude! come on his a child, I know you hate him but his in a child like state, you can't do that! maybe go on a walk for a bit, leave me and England alone'

Russia tensed, his face tinting with pink as he realised that he could not get out of this, but he could try 'America, I did nothing to that brat, please let me explain and not that dammed vermon that you care for' 

America slowly rocked England, only glancing at Russia to listen, of course the blue eyed male did not care, as he believed England to the highest value.  'Listen? you want me to listen? when have you ever done that to me, when I tried to explain that I had to take care of England, you did not care, so no Russia I won't listen, get out, give us some space'

The purple eyes man stormed out, slamming the heavy door, leaving America alone with the child, who was still sobbing into his neck, and sucking his thumb to hide his smile, as he realised he has won this, he wanted America to himself, maybe he didn't love him, you're right he doesn't, he just doesn't want to let go.

Once England fell asleep on America, he gently went downstairs, sitting down on the sofa and putting on some dumb show, he looked at the tiny man on his chest, drool gently sliding down, as he thought 'this is who raised me' he looked nothing like the strict man whom he was forced to live with, not that he minded, he enjoyed his childhood, for the most part at least, he smiled as he looked back at some child stories he remembered, he remembers going to a meeting, an world meeting, where he was around 8, since today was nations day, every nation had to come, no matter what age, so there were a few toddlers, babies, even teens, plus the older siblings. He remembers the look on England's face as Prussia came in with a tiny blonde, blue eyed child, attached to his leg, he was bearly at his knee. Of course the American, happy to see another country since he doesn't have many siblings, ran over. The look on Englands face when he realised America make Prussia's little brother fall, he didn't understand at the time. Germany wasn't hurt, he wasn't even crying, more like laughing, Prussia laughed too. England had told him that if a child falls and cries, its better to laugh as it makes them calm.

He also remembers the time where he saw Prussia yell at him to do drills, or when England's face where he betrayed him, he didn't Love him, more like not wanting to loose a father figure that he never had. Then the door opened, making America leave his day dreams.

Hello, I know I haven't updated in a while, I hope you enjoyed though, leave a comment to have a sneak peak of who was at the door, or any questions about the plot or actions.

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