Chapter 2

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England slowly came out of this now big clothing,hes emerald eyes peeked at everything in wonder in how everything suddenly overtowerd him oh dear what on earth and I'm gonna do suddenly England's thoughts got cut off by his phone.

When England finally found his phone he glanced at the contact American idiot .
England just sat there watching his phone ring,if he awnsered he would sound like a little high pitched and then America would come round and then he would of course tell everyone and everyone will think i a am a fool.

England after a few failed attempts of climbing the stairs of his basement and a few tumbling he reached for the door on his tip toes,and when it finally opened he fell forward slamming his small face on the floor,tears began brimming the small boys eyes and he could feel there would be a small bruise.

The boy quickly wiped of the tears and waddled down the hallway,ignoring how his clothing have been beginning to slip leaving him in a oversized shirt.

He made his way to the kitchen , and grabbed a chair and tried to reach a cooking book since he was quite hungry, suddenly the chair began to tilt slightly as he moved his position ever so slightly,he felt sudden confusion,a confused face as he's pink lips began to form a pout and his eye brows furrowed,then when he moved his hand,shifting his body weight,the chair fell,he's tiny hand brining down a much of heavy books tumbling on him.

The tiny nation layed in shock,tears slowly falling down his pink cheeks as he noted he was bleeding from his nose,he just said there in shock and began to wail.

Then the door knocked

One then twice

He heard shouting

But all he could hear through the ringing in his ears, was someone calling his name.

Then the door flew open,a man walked in and began shouting his name, when he heard the wails the tiny nation was making he rushed to the noise.

"Hey kid,you took quite a fall,did England adopt a new kid or something?"America questioned

"No,it's me England you git"replied a high pitched voice .

"Wait England, why are you A child,and most importantly why are you hurt,were you trying to cook or something"

"Yes,I was hungry,the fall slightly destroyed my appetite"

"Well then,we should fix you up and find ya some food and perhaps smaller clothing"

"It better not be that Junk,you call food"

"You eat what I give ya little man"


England And America we're debating wether  or  not they get junk food.

"Look what I am sayin now is that,if we get Maccies,it will be better then the garbage you call food"

"First of all its rubbish you Twit,and it is better food thank you very much,but can you please go into the loft and get me your old clothing"

"Why on earth did you keep my old clothing,I mean it is oddly convenient,but I guess that's okay,okay find I will get the clothing and then we will get food, ok?"

"Fine.."England has lost the battle about the food,he's lips formed a small pout and his eyebrows forrowed,he's nose scrunched up,this is extremely unfair,he has not even gave me a reason why on earth he's here,I know I didn't ask but still!
While England was thinking about this situation he didn't notice America coming down stairs with an obscure outfit,it was a adorable white hoodie with a green dinosaur on it,a bit big for the boy but it would do,a small pair of black shorts with socks and a pair of sneakers,

"Come one Artie, let's go and get food,"America did not get a reply,all he got was a grumble of okay,America walked to the car and strapped England in the back seat,America's phone began to ring,"oh hey babe,yeah I'm at England's,oh you will never what have happend this time,yeah I know again,at least he did not turn Germany into a child again,instead he turned himself into one,does he not learn,yeah,il see you later,love you too"
America Glanced Back at England,to see him softly snoring,A soft smile creaped to his lips and he turned back round and began to drive to the mall,since the mall and a Macdonleds in.


I hope you enjoyed this story so far! I am not the best at writing up I'm trying my best, I would appreciate if you give me some tips to make my story improved and maybe some feed back on how you like the story,Sorry for grammar and spelling mistakes,I hope you have enjoyed this story and perhaps one day I will just rewrite this again if I feel like it's not good enough or if I feel like I can do better.

{New!} England is a child?! {rewritten}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora