chapter 7 Qudditch

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I was in charms class. Class had ended a few minutes ago but I stayed to ask proffesor Flitwick about an ice charm I was wondering about. After I talked to him I ran to go find Fred and George. While I was walking I bumped in to someone when I wasn't looking.

"Oops sorry!" I said

"No it's fine....... hey Anna!"

I had bumped in to Wood.

"Hey Wood what's up?"

"Well I have some news that might interest you."

"What is it?"

"Well Professor McGonagall found us a new seeker."


"Your brother, Harry."

"What your kidding, that's great!"

"Well I'm going to be practicing with him this weekend showing him how to play Quidditch, you want to join."

"Yes of course."

"Great I will see you ok."

"Ok well I better go find our new seeker bye."


I ran to go find harry while I was looking for him I heard some very familiar voices

" Hey well done Harry woods just told us."

"Fred and George are on the  team to, beaters."

"Our job is to make sure you don't get bloodied up too bad. Can't make any promises course rough game Quidditch!."

"Brutal but no one's died in years, someone will vanish occasionally but they will turn up in a month or two."

I run up behind two red head and pushed there heads togather.

"So what are you telling my brother about Qudditch?"

"Oh nothing much just the fun he's going to have."

"I'm sure, Harry wait up!"

I ran and caught up with Harry who was talking to Ron.

"Hey brother, I have a question why is it I have heard every thing about you being the new seeker from everyone except from you?"

"Huh you know word travels fast?" He said unsure

"That it does,that it does." I put my hand on his shoulder and we walked.

"And don't listen to Fred and George they just like to make fun." I said

"Yeah Harry Qudditch is a great game best there is!" Ron said

"But I've never even played Qudditch, what if I make a fool of myself." Harry said

"You won't make a fool of yourself its in your blood." Hermione popped up and said.

"Your right let's go guys." I quickly let then to the trophy case. When we got there Hermione pointed out the badge that read 'seeker James potter'.

"Wow Harry you never told me your father was a seeker too!" Said Ron

"Yep Harry your bound to be a great Qudditch player, I mean you will have the best chaser and keeper teaching you." I said

"Who?" Harry said

"Me and Wood of course!" I said

"Oh well good." He said

"Guy it's getting late we better go." said Hermione

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