Chapter 16 secrets

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"Hey where are you going its a free period for us?"

"Oh I have something to do, bye guys." I said to George and Fred, while running to Dumbuldore's office.

"Hello head master." I said while walking in to his office.

"Hello Anna."

"Where is Sarafenia ?"

"I expect she's just running late."

Normally I would just go straight to the class room but today I had to go and meet sarafenia in Dumbuldore's office. It would be the last class of the week because she was doing something but no one would tell me what.

"What is it that she's doing that she can't teach me for the rest of the week?"

"Never you mind" sarafenia said walking in to the room, "Come on let's go to the class room."

Then she led the way to the class room we had been using for all my lessons, well except with Aqua, she teaches me either in Myrtle bathroom or on the ground next to the lake

"Alright now let's get to work." She said, putting a lit candle on the floor about ten feet away.

"Watch" she said.

She was looking at the candle then she began to raise her hands as she did so the fire did the same. She then went in to full fire mode as I call it. She started to move her hands and the fire mimicked. She then began to do flips and started throwing fire at targets around the room every shot hitting its mark. When she was done I said,

"Wow you are good. But how am I supposed to do those flips and jumps and everything?"

"Right now your main goal is to get the fire to move with you. the rest we will work on later, You still have to learn how to make your own fire with out there being a candle. You must Crawl before you walk."

After we had finished for the day I still had some time before my last class started so I thought I would stay a little longer and see if maybe I could get serifina to tell me where she was going.

"I guess you'll be pretty buissey this week since you can't teach me the rest of the week. " I said.

"Yes" she said her back faceing me while she got her things ready to leave.

"With that thing your doing."


"Not that I care or anything." I said.

"Yep" she said.

"But you know if you wanted to tell me."

"I'm good." She said while turning around and walking to her bag next to me.

"No I don't want to hear about it." I said in a protesting manner

"Good cause I'm not telling you." She said while looking in the bag.

"I mean what would I care, nope don't want to hear about it." I said.

"I'm glad I was worried you would pester me about it the whole time. She said while turning around then suddenly feeling a wight at the bottom of her feet."She looked up to look at me but now I was on the floor saying,

"Please tell me I must know. Your killing me please. " ok maybe I was begging.

"Not gonna happen." She simply said.



"Please with whip cream sprinkles, coconut shavings, chocolate chunks, butter scotch, and a cherry on top." I said.

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