chapter 9 the first Qudditch game

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Me,Ron,Harry, and Hermione were in the great hall trying to get Harry to eat something.

"Go on eat some toast."said Ron

"No I'm not hungry." Harry said

"Harry it's not good to play on an empty stomach." I said

"Good luck to day Mr.potter I trust after defeating a fully grown mountain troll that a little Qudditch won't be any trouble, even if it is against Slytherin." Said prof.Snape walking behind Harry.

"And good luck to you as well Miss.Potter." Said prof.Snape and I was very surprised because he said it in a different tone then what he did with Harry he said it like he meant it so I said "thank you." And he walked up to the teachers table. The mysterious prof.Snape. maybe one day I will understand him, but back to the matter at hand,


we finally got Harry to eat a little then we ran up to the dorms to change in to our uniforms then we went back down to the great hall. We got there right before Wood told us to go down to the pitch. Every one walked down then we went were the team's Come out it was a small little room type thing. We got in formation.

Wood and Harry in the front of me then me Angelina Johnson, Alicia Spinnet. Behind us were Fred and George.

The doors then opened and we walked out on to the feild we then mounted our brooms and took our positions then the game began Angelina got the Quaffle and scored ten points then then I swooped down and grabbed the Quaffle and managed to get passed the Slytherin s just before they tried to pretty much squash me but I got out of the way just in time, the two Slytherins smashed in to each other and I scored another ten points. But soon the Slytherin began there normal cheating and cuased Angelina to fall but then Harry caught site of the snitch and began to chase it. But then something started to happen to his broom he ended up on the ground look like he was going to be sick but instead out came the snitch and we won the game after that we went and changed. Back in to our normal clothes

when me and Harry went outside Ron Hermione and Hagrid where there waiting on us we began to walk with Hagrid.

Then Hermione told us that Snape was the one making Harry's broom go crazy, me and Hagrid both told them that was crazy then Harry told Hagrid that we knew about the three headed dog "fluffy" i had already asked him about it and he told me a little but not to much about it, but he let some things slip to Harry Ron Hermione and myself of coarse then we went to the library searching for anything on Nicholas Flamel.

Hey guy sorry short chapter but the next one will be longer hope you liked this chapter. Like always VOTE AND COMMENT they are greatly appreciated thanks for reading.
Bye guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)!!!!!!!!?:):):):)!!!!!!

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