chapter 19

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"We're fine, really. Please Poppy we have to go to the feast." I said pleading with Poppy to let me and Harry leave and go to the last feast tonight.

"Alright Anastasia, you and Harry are excused. You may go back to your common rooms."

"Thank you Poppy your the best." Harry said running out the door.

"Oh and Poppy have a nice summer." I said while opening the door and running out.

I ran stright over to Dumbledores office.

"Hello sir." I said opening the door.

"Hey kid."

I look and see Serefina stading in front of me next to her is Ela and Aqua.

"Hey long time no see." I say

"Yeah well I'm back now."


"Well Anna I'm glad you stopped by," I looked behind Serefina and saw Dumbledore sitting at his desk. "I'm afraid I forgot to tell you about the arrangements I made for you this summer."

"So where will it be this year."

"This year you will be staying with the weasleys."

"Really! Thank you sir."

"No need to thank me thank the weasleys for allowing you to stay."

"I certainly will."

"Oh look at the time I do believe you should start packing if you want to be ready in the morning." Dumbledore said.

"Oh yes I guess I better." I turned and started walking to the door when I shopped on my heel to look at Serefina.

"Have a great summer." I said before leaving.

"You too." Serefina said in response.

"When are you going to tell her what you where doing while you where gone, and what you found." Dumbledore asked

"Oh let her have her fun there will be time for that later." She said

"Serefina," Dumbledore said while getting up. "Just make sure you tell her before it's too late."


"Well that's everything I'm all packed." I said aloud.

"Well good done just in time for the feast." Hermione said startling me as she stood in the door way.

"Yeah let's go."

We went down to the great Hall the feast is about to start. I sit down next to Fred and George. The great Hall was all decked out in green and silver. Slytherin had won the house cup.

Dumbledore came to the podium and began his speech. I wasn't really listening, that is till he said,

"In light of resent events I think there are some points that need to be awarded." Dumbledore then gave hermione, Ron, Harry, Neville and myself points.

"Well I do belive that this calls for a change in decoration." And with that Dumbledore clapped his hands and the previous silver and green ribbon, banners and bows became red and gold with our lion crest.

"This is amazing." I said looking around the hall.

"And it's all thanks to the lot of you." Fred said.

That night we had so many laughs and gorged our selves on so much food that I had almost forgotten that this would be our last feast together for quite some time. That I wouldn't be seeing my brother for three months. I was quite sad about that thought, but I decided I would enjoy the night. I would have plenty of time to be sad in the morning.

Hey guys sorry it's taken so long to update but here it is. I can't believe this book is almost done just wow.
Well I have some people that I would like to thank for their lovely comments, for adding this to a reading list and for voting. Crazybooklover25 lenamcf Lily_Styons lolaandrooney Rummly witchesrevenge. You guys are so amazing thanks for being so awesome and everyone should go follow these awesome
Beautiful Unicorns right now.

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