chapter 8 the troll

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I was in Transfiguration class Professor McGonagall was teaching as how to transfigure a bird into a goblet. I had already successfully change the bird to Tue goblet and back again. I was sitting in the middle of Fred and George watching them try to transfigure the birds but not having much luck, but they weren't alone I was the only one who had finished so now I was sitting and patting the bird in front of me.

"Miss Potter will you please come here?" proffesor McGonagall said

I walked up to her desk.

"I need you to take this letter to proffesor Flitwick's office, normally I would just send an owl but since you are done with all your work I will have you take it." She handed me a letter and I walked to the charms class.

when I got there I heard the proffesor talking so I waited until he was done before knocking soon it was silent so I knocked

"Come in!"

I walked in and went to the proffesor's desk.

"Well hello miss potter what can I do for you?"

"Proffesor McGonagall wanted me tot give you this." I handed him the letter

He opened the letter then looked at me.

"Will you please wait here while I write a reply?"

"Of course sir."

"Good maybe you can help the first years with the anti-gravity spell I seem to remember you were quit good at it."

"I would love to."  After I said that proffesor flitwick went to his office. I became to walk around the room I then stoped in front of a boy with platinum blonde hair, he was doing the hand movement wrong.

"Hold on your doing the hand movement wrong like this." I pulled out my wand and said the incantation  "Wingardium Leviosa"

And the feather in front of the boy heaven to fly up in the air then I quickly lowered it.

" There." I said then the boy began to give me a glare

"I'm going to give you more advice when someone shows you the correct way to preform a charm. It would help if you did not try to glare them down, I'm only trying to help you become the best you, you can be , you should learn that you catch more flies with honey than vinegar."the boy look a little shocked at what I said

"Try again." I said before I turned around to see two familiar faces. Hermione was telling Ron that he was performing the incantation wrong then he tolled her to try it her self when she did the feather began to rise up in the air

"Good job miss Granger well done, here you go miss potter."

I walked over and grabbed a letter then before I left Seamus a boy in Gryffindor manages to blow a feather up.

"I think we are going to need another feather there proffesor." Harry said I then pulled out my wand and made amother feather appear.

"There give it another try I think I would work on my pronunciation if I were you." I told the boy before I walked out the door.

I then went back to the Transfiguration classroom and gave proffesor McGonagall the letter and sat down soon class was over and I walked on to the next while I was on my way I saw Harry and Ron with Hermione be fined them I walked over and was walking with Hermione when I heard Ron say "it's Leviosa not leviosar, she's a nightmare, no wonder she hasn't got any friends." I turned to Hermione but she was runing ahead crying and making sure to bump in to Ron.

"I think she heard you." Harry said

"Of course she did Ron has such a big mouth, what's wrong with you she tried to help you when people help you, your suppose to thank them not be mean. I better see you apologize to her or one day you will wake up to a bed full of spiders!" I said, Ron looked terrified I knew he was scared of spiders because Fred tolled me. After that I ran to find Hermione but my next class was about to start so I decided I would talk to her at dinner.

Before I knew it, it was dinner time I walked over to the Gryffindor table and sat down, Fred and George soon followed I was sitting waiting for Hermione so I could talk to her while waiting Harry and Ron arrived Ron was sitting in thmiddle of Fred and George while Harry sat next to me. Soon the feast began and Hermione was still not there I was not the only one who noticed this apparently.

" where's Hermione?" Harry asked Neville then said

"Matty Patel Said she would not come out of the girls bath room Said she'd been in there all afternoon crying."

Harry and I both looked to Ron who just did an I don't know with his shoulders

"Good job Ron." I said I was about to go to the girls bathroom when

"Troll! Troll! In the dungeon! Thought you should know." Said proffesor Quirrell just before he passed out, then everyone went into panic mode then Dumbledore's voice rang throughout the room.

"Quite! Will every one please follow their house prefect to there common room all teachers come with me to the dungeon."

Then Percy took the lead I stayed in the back to make sure everyone got there. When we we're in the corridor Harry and Ron ran up to me

"Hermione doesn't know!" They said

I then went with them to the girls bathroom but then I heard something and pushed them into the wall I looked and then we saw the troll walking in front of us.

"I think the troll left the dungeon." Ron said

"Its headed to the girls bathroom come on." I said

We ran by the time we got there Hermione on the floor covered What was left of the stalls.

"Don't move!" Harry yelled

Harry and Ron began throwing the debre I was slowly making my way to try and get Hermione finally they got the troll to turn around and when he did Hermione ran over to me and I grabbed her and we got under the sinks then the troll turned around and hit the sink with its club we screamed then Harry finally pulled out his wand the grabbed on to the trolls club and ended up on his head he then shoved his wand in the trolls nose, this causes me to really think about my brother he has his wand and instead of using magic he shoves it in its nose I'm going to have to Have a talk with him. Soon the troll started trying to shake Harry off but then Ron got his wand out and with Hermione's help he was able to make the club float then dropped it on the trolls head causing it to finally pass out after it fell Hermione and I crawled out

"Is it dead?" Hermione asked

"No just knocked out" Harry said

Harry pulled his wand out from the trolls nose

Ew troll boogers he said then he cleaned his wand with his cloak to which I said

Harry not on your clothes. I said

Then proffesor McGonagall proffesor Quirrell, proffesor Snape came in

What is going on said McGonagall

"Its my fault proffesor." Hermione then said that she had read about trolls and thought that she could handle it and that if we had not come she would be dead. Then McGonagall took points away because of Hermione but then gave Harry Ron and I house points then told us to go back to our dorms. As we were going back to our dorms I told Harry to stop I then pointed my wand at his cloak and said "Scourgify" and the spot where he had whipped then troll booger's was gone.

"Your well come." I said

"But in future don't wipe stuff on your clothes." I continued

Hey that's for the 200 reads its awesomeness, I hope you guys like the book so far and I was wondering if anyone was doing any shipping if so than with who?

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Bye guys!!!!:):):):):)

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