Part 1

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"The Blackwoods were known for their fire powers. They could destroy anyone who stood in their way if they wanted to. Only certain Blackwoods inherited these fire powers and once they did they were feared by everyone in the wizarding world. That's the catch though, there wasn't another Blackwood who had inherited these fire powers in a century until one daughter, Emerald Blackwood. The Blackwoods were sawed as a loving family with every photograph that was taken, but behind the hugs, laughs, and smiles was a cruel, vile family. Joseph, the father, would come home from the Ministry of Magic and be so angry he would torture his daughter with the unforgivable curse, the cruciatus curse. The mother, Lola, would try to stop him but she knew he would just do the same to her. One late night though, Joseph came home more furious than he has ever been so who did he decide to take it out on, Emerald. Emerald was 13 at the time and she just prayed to the wizarding gods that she would live to see another day. The gods gave her help but didn't answer her prayer. Joseph was about to use the cruciatus curse for the third time but Emerald got so angry she assessed her fire powers. That night was the last time any sound came from that house, at the time Emerald didn't know how to control her powers so when she lost control she not only burned her parents and the house but herself also. Today, all that is left of the manor is burnt ashes and the screams of ghosts."

All the students stared at Hermione Granger like she had gone too far to mention their classmate who would turn 16 today, but it's good to make sure you still remember the ones who are now called the dead.

"Uh-mm thank you, Ms. Granger, for that extraordinary presentation, class is dismissed," said Professor McGonagall as she watched students pack their bags to head to their next class. She recalled the girl she once knew, she was by far the smartest out of her grade, maybe even some older students. Her beauty was flawless even though the girl thought she was ugly, she would be nice if she saw somebody hurt, always played pranks on the professors, but all that sweetness was gone when she came back for the third year she was not herself. The light got taken out of her and was filled with darkness, she was the one who hurt people emotionally not physically, became obsessed with Dark Magic so much that she would not accept invites from anyone no matter where the location was at. At this age, the boys got more interested in her, but she didn't care she didn't want love or friends she wanted power.

"Hermione why in the bloody hell did you do a presentation on Emerald Blackwood," said a frustrated Ron Weasley as he was walking beside Hermione.

"Didn't you hear Ron?" Said Hermione

"Hear what?" Butted in Harry Potter as he finally catches up with his two best friends.

"That Emerald's body was taken from her casket last week and nobody knows where she is."

The Killer Duo// Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now