Part 7

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     I awoke with my feet draped around Draco's legs and head on his chest with my arm around his waist. I sat up and went to the bathroom, for some reason I thought Draco had slept in my room so I thought I was in my dorm. I walked to the bathroom, my eyes were not awake so I couldn't see anything, not even a person. I yawned as I entered the bathroom, pulled down my pants, sat on the toilet, and wiped my eyelids as I looked around. I widened my eyes when I saw Mattheo staring at me with his toothbrush in his mouth and nothing but a towel around his waist. I jumped up while pulling my shorts back up.

"What are you doing?" I asked him

"What are you doing?" He looked at me like it was my fault but I was not going to admit that, at least not to him.

"I will uh just uh leave now," I said

I cleared my throat and straightened up my posture, he smirked at me as I started walking towards the door. Just my luck, I tripped over a shoe on the bathroom floor, why do they keep their shoes in here? Before I hit the floor I fell into a pair of muscular arms that picked me back up to my feet.
I looked up at his eyes, as we stared into each other's eyes I got lost in them until I realize he was just in a towel. I backed away from his arms and opened the bathroom door then walked straight out of the room to my dormitory.

This morning is the worst morning ever, but the day has been pretty good so far. I'm pretty sure I aced my test and I'm on my way to the room of requirement until I got stopped by the one and only Harry Potter.

"Hey Emerald" he beamed at me happily, a little too happy.

"Hey,... Harry" I said as nice as possible

"I was uh wondering if you wanted to go to the Yule Ball with me?" that question made me jump back in surprise, I thought about it for a second then said,

"Yes, Harry Potter I would love to go to the ball with you" He smiled widely then walked off, this will help me keep an eye on him like the Dark Lord has asked me to do. One question though landed in my head. Why would he ask me to the ball? One option is he finds an interest in me, or he has a task to keep an eye on me just like I have one to keep an eye on him. If it is option 2, Harry has another thing coming for him because I'll get the win, I always do.

"Why are you smiling?" Asked Draco who ran up to me in the hallway.

"I'm smiling?" I asked, I didn't even realize I was smiling.

"Yea, you are, anyways there's a rumor you going to the Yule Ball with Potter but I don't believe that" he chuckled to himself like that wouldn't happen.

"That fast?!" I asked shocked that the news got around in about 10 minutes

"Wait really, Emerald he's my enemy you can't possibly go to the ball with him" he looked at me like I was the Dark Lord. I pulled the sleeve of his robes and dragged him to a secluded hallway where it was dark.

"It's for the task" I whispered "And I think he has a task also to spy on me" I answered in a whisper

He looked at me in the eyes and stared at me with a stone-hard face then his eyes softened "Just be safe, I can't lose you again" he mumbled in a whisper then walked off leaving me in the hallway, alone.

                         I sat in the common room on the green velvet sofa by the blazing fire reading The Dark Arts. People all around me chatting about the latest gossip, which is Harry and me, or telling each other how they failed Professor Sprouts' rest. I was peacefully reading when the portrait door slammed open and in came Mattheo Riddle. I thought he was mad about something Professor Dumbledore said but he started storming towards me. I went back to reading acting like he wasn't there until he snatched my book out of my hands.

"What are you doing?" I asked as calmly as possible

"What am I doing? What are you doing? Going to the ball with Potter. What are you thinking? Are you trying to get killed?" He shouted

"No I'm not trying to get killed, and why does it matter? You snog girls every day, no, every hour, so Riddle I would mind your own business" I pointed my finger in his chest.

"You know what, Potters going to break you"

"I'm already broken, mate" I spat at him before I sat back down on the couch and went back to reading. Not long after he stormed out of the common room.

"That was amazing" came a voice behind me. I looked up from the sofa and saw a brown-haired girl with blue eyes and pink cheeks.

"Hi, I'm Daphne Greengrass," she said holding out her hand, "I'm a Greengrass not an ass like my sister, get it?" I laughed then shook her hand.

"Emera-" I was cut off by her

"Emerald Blackwood, the girl who came back," she said dramatically like they give Harry Potter.

We both laughed and talked for what felt like 1 minute but then I looked outside and it was past dark.

"Holy shit, we've talked for 4 hours, how come I've never heard of you?"

"I guess when your quiet, nice, and don't care you become a ghost, my sister is loud, mean, and cares a lot so she's the center of attention," she said

"Well your way better than her, I guess I'll see you tomorrow?" I said as I gathered my book and started heading up the girls' dormitory's steps.

"Yeah, at breakfast," she said brightly, I waved goodbye and she waved back too.

I changed my pajamas and laid in bed, every time before I close my eyes I ask myself the same question.

Will I wake up or will I just crumble in my sleep?

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