Part 17

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I woke up on Saturday at 11:24 am, I didn't have any nightmares. My face lit up, I need to see how long the potion lasts. I got out of bed and walked down to lunch, the whole day I spent with Daphne and Draco. They told me about their future dates and all that crap. At 5:56, I decided to go to the library to find a book about the potion that I've been taking. The library closes at 7:00 so that should be enough time, right?

I walked into the library in the back of the room, where nobody could see me. I was reading the book before somebody slammed a book on the table.

"It's in this book," said Riddle as he placed the book in front of me.

"Thanks?" I said opening the book, that's when we heard doors closing and locking. I looked up at Mattheo and he looked at me, we both ran to the library doors and they were closed, we tried to open them but they were locked from the outside, Magic, Madam Pince does not use keys she uses her wand.

"Great" I groaned, that's what I get for being a loner and reading in the darkest part of the library.

"I'm stuck with you?" Mattheo asked as he looked at me with disgust

"Don't act like I want to be in here with you," I said with a death glare on my face, I walked back over to the table and I found the potion, of course.

The Potion for Dreamless Sleep,[1] also known as the Dreamless Sleep Potion,[3] was a purple medicinal potion that was used to induce drowsiness and, if done properly, provide a dreamless sleep for the drinker.[2] The potion lasts for a week before it wears out, if taken too much it could kill the user.

Of course, I found it at the wrong time. I saw Mattheo sitting down on the floor with his back pressed against the bookshelves.

"What's your favorite muggle book?" he suddenly asked slightly turning his head

"Pride and Prejudice," I said simply closing the book and placing it back on the shelf "you?"

"Romeo and Juliet," he said smiling to himself, I sat 6 feet beside him and laid my head on the bookshelves. A cold breeze came in and we both shivered to try to hide we were cold. I got up and searched for a metal bowl of something, I found an old goblet with spider webs in it and set a fire.

"Are you trying to burn the school down?" He asked me as I sat the goblet down in front of us.

"Relax, I can control it," I said making it bigger than making it smaller, he laid his head back then started closing his eyes.

"Goodnight Juliet" he smiled before closing his eyes

"Goodnight Romeo" I whispered then leaned back on the bookshelves and my eyes started going down.

I woke up with my head on somebody's shoulder and their head on my head. I snuggled into the shoulder until I fully processed who's shoulder I'm on, Riddles. I picked my head up which caused him to wake up and we both stared at each other a second before scooting away from each other. We heard the doors opening so we scrambled to hide, in cake Madam Pince with books floating beside her. She walked to the restricted area and we took that as our sign to run, we ran as fast as possible out of the library and stopped at the end of the hallway.

"Tell nobody," I said struggling to breathe from the run

"Roger that," he said then saluted me and walked away.

I walked towards breakfast and sat beside Daphne,

"Where were you? You didn't come in the common room last night" she asked

"I went through the common room early, probably didn't see me" I shrugged eating toast

"Yeah, your right," she said then went back to drinking pumpkin juice

My neck cramped from the library floor and it seemed Mattheo did too because he was yawning everywhere he went. I walked around the whole day yawning and massaging my neck. Astoria came up to me,

"You're the reason he won't talk to me" she yelled at me as I yawned

"Who?" I asked rubbing my neck

"Mattheo you idiot," she said screaming

"Don't come to me with your problems Greengrass, not in the mood, isn't my fault he doesn't like you" I said

"I'm sorry what did you just say?" She looked flabbergasted

"Apology excepted," I said before walking forward and my shoulder hit her shoulder. I'm not dealing with bull crap today, who do they think I am Mother Theresa?

The weeks almost up which means the potions almost up. I sneaked into Professor Snapes's classroom and looked around for a purple potion. There it is, Dreamless Sleep Potion, I grabbed the vile and drunk it. I placed the bike back on the shelf and walked out of the classroom. No more nightmares, no more reliving the past, hopefully.

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