Part 25

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      "Look I'm sorry," said Rosier as he was walking behind me

"I don't do sorry Rosier," I said walking even faster

"Last name bases now, fine, she would make a better girlfriend anyway" he yelled as students in the corridor turned around and looked between him and me.

"Good to know, why don't you put that to the test Rosier?" I said turning towards him, they want a show I'll give them a show.

"Maybe I will, she would probably have more in common with me than you did, the only thing we had in common were books, fucking books." He said his face turning red

"Go ahead then, nobody's stopping you, but the only thing Greengrass will talk about with you is the latest fashion trend," I said laughing at him while walking away

"If your mad just say that" he yelled making me stop in my tracks

"Oh, please, why would I be mad over a little boy who wastes people's time?" I said walking towards him

"Your just a little boy Rosier, a little boy with nothing, nothing at all" I whispered

"Your the same though, Blackwood, you have nothing except the Dark Lord" he whispered back smirking, I looked at him before slapping him,

"Don't ever speak to me again" I said before walking away

I walked to class and sat beside Daphne,

"I heard what happened with Rosier, I'm sorry"

"News does travel fast around here" I mumbled as I saw people looking at me

"What?" I asked everyone in the class, they stopped looking at me and went back to what they were doing. Class ended and I walked towards my dorm, Pucey and Flint were standing against the wall when they saw me they smiled,

"Hey, Blackwood wants to hear a dick joke?" Asked Flint with a smile on his face

"No not really" I answered not in the mood

"I never mind it's too long anyway," he said as he and Pucey started laughing hysterically

"Hey, boys want to hear a pussy joke?" I asked with a sarcastic smirk on my face

"Sure why not," said Pucey as he shrugged

"I never mind you will never get it anyway" I shrugged as I walked away, I turned my head a little and saw them just looking at me, pissed.

I sat in Professor Slughorns' class waiting for him to announce the upcoming project he has announced.

"Settle down, settle down," he said as students stopped talking "I have announced already you all will be doing a project but I did not tell that you all will be doing this project with a partner, I will pick these partners too," he said as everyone groaned

"Silence, now I will lay a paper on you and your partners' desk, to tell which potion you will be doing an assignment on," he said as he started calling off names,

"Parkinson, Zabini"

"Malfoy, Finnigan"

"Greengrass, Thomas"

"Blackwood, Riddle" he announced, as soon as he said Riddle I felt a lump in my throat, and my breath hitches.

"Now, I have assigned you with a partner you do not get along with, this will build you and your partners' relationship," he said as everyone groaned and made complaints, Riddle walked over to the seat beside me and sit down. Slughorn came around and handed us all a paper, I flipped the paper over

"Amortentia?" Riddle and I both said out loud

"Yes, it's a love potion-" I interrupted Riddle

"I know what it is, but he gave us a love potion? I'm surprised he did not give us The Drought of the Living Death" I said

"I just can not believe I have to be partners with you" he grumbled

"It isn't like I wanted to be partners with you," I said anger flaring in me

Blaise Zabini POV

Parkinson and I were playing 'I Spy' instead of doing the work because this is boring.

"My turn," I said "I spy with my little eye something beginning with 's'"

Pansy looked around then looked out the window,

"Sunshine?" She said confused

"Nope," I said looking over at Mattheo and Emerald arguing "Sexual Tension"

Emeralds POV

Blackwood and I stopped arguing when we heard Blaise and Pansy laughing hysterically.

"What are you two laughing at," said Riddle

"Nothing," they both said as they stopped laughing and acted like they were doing their work. The bell rang, Riddle and I did not even get one word down.

"Meet me in the Slytherin Common Room at 8:00," I said

"For what?" He asked

"The project," I said then walked out

The Killer Duo// Mattheo RiddleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora