Part 26

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      I waited in the common room for Riddle, why am I waiting for Riddle? Mother's wise words took over my mind as I set on the green velvet chair staring into the blazing fire,

"Never wait on a man, Emerald, make them wait on you"

I got interrupted by my thoughts when I saw Riddle leaning on the stone wall beside the boy's dormitory staring at me.

"Are you going to just keep staring at me, or are you going to help me?" I said gathering my books that I must've dropped on the ground in my thoughts.

"You keep on thinking about her," he said referring to my mother

"No I don't," I said opening my book to find a page about Amortenia

"I can tell when your lying," he said sitting down on the long couch, spreading his legs, and staring at the ceiling.

"It says here, Amortenia is the most powerful love potion in the world, it smells different to each person," I said looking up at him

"Why are you looking at me? Write it down, we'll have to create it tomorrow" he said making me do all the work

"I will not work for a man, you write it down," I said

"Well I'm not"

"I'm not," I said, we sat there glaring at each other until I got impatient, I grabbed the quill and dipped it into the ink. I felt Riddle staring at me so I looked up, he was smirking.

"I didn't do it for you, you don't even know how to write," I said writing down all about the potion and its ingredients

"I do know how to write, just hurry up" he snarled at me

"I hate you" I mumbled

"Right back at you" he grumbled under his breath

I got finished writing and started packing my things up. He stood up and walked to his dorm, he's such a lazy ass.

             The next morning, I went to potions and waited for Riddle. Of course, he walks in 24 minutes late, I used to hear stories about how Tom Riddle cared about his academics and how people thought of him. Mattheo Riddle is the exact opposite, sure he has the looks but he does not care if he's late to class, and he does not care what people think about him.

"Your late" I spat at him as he stood next to me over the cauldron.

"What's the ingredients" he commanded more than asking a question

I looked down at the notes I had written and read them,

"Ingredients: Ashwinder egg, Rose thorn, Peppermint, Powered moonstone, Pearl dust," I said as he got all the ingredients off the shelf and started doing the potion.

"You're helping?" I asked him

"Yes, it's only fair, you did the work yesterday," he said to me as he added the Powdered Moonstone

We stirred the cauldron until Professor Slughorn said it was time to present them,

"Riddle and Blackwood" he called out as we stepped up to the front of the class and sat our cauldron down on the table provided for presentations

I read everything about the potion until Professor Slughorn said,

"Now smell the potion" he stared, Riddle and I both took a whiff of the pink bubbling potion

"How much perfume did you put on today, god" he whispered as he stood back up

"Not as much cologne as you put on," I said covering my nose backing away from the cauldron

"What did you two smell?" Asked Professor Slughorn

"Nothing, absolutely nothing," we both said as the bell rung

I went for my bag and slung it over my shoulder, as I walked out of the classroom I realized something, I didn't wear any perfume today.

          I sat at lunch, stressed, how come I was just now finding out about Hogwarts ball. The only thing they ever had was the Yule ball, and that was during winter. I guess Snape wanted to switch it up, which is very unlikely of him. Half of Hogmeades was destroyed and The golden trio was nowhere to be found.

"You're coming to Hogmeades with me," Daphne said as she sat down beside me

"Who are you going with?" I asked even though I knew the answer

"Draco, of course," she said to me

"Who is your lucky partner," she said nudging me in the shoulder

"Peeves," I said holding a hand to my forehead dramatically and leaning back "Oh Peeves, he's such a darling, with his ghost-like ski-" I said as Daphne busted out laughing

"I wasn't finished" I stared but she pointed behind me, I looked behind me and saw Peeves floating looking at me.

"Thank you my darling Emerald for that darling poet, what were you saying about my ghost-like skin?" He said giggling then spitting gum at me

"Get back here Peeves," I said as I peeled the gum off my robes

"Seriously though who are you going with?" Asked Daphne

"Nobody, Daph, nobody" I sighed as I rested my head on my palm

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