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I assume that Tommy didn't expect me yet to be there so he was just singing songs and vibing.

When he did realize I was there, he was somehow embarrassed,

"O-Oh hey Y/N"

"Hey Tommy" I said putting my arm on my desk and resting my chin on my hand and smirking.

"Oh dont do that now" He replied. I assume he heard the sound of my smirk while I speak.

"What? Your singing was great!"

Everytime me and Tommy will just talk offline, it was a different Tommy. Its not like the Tommy you usually watch, its a Tommy that is, softer  than usual.

"Anyway, I hope you didn't mind me snatching you from Ranboo." He said making me snap back.

"Pft, I dont mind, Im pretty sure he doesn't mind either." I replied. "Well, what do you wanna talk about?"

"Idk, wanna play bedwars or something?" He asked.

"Im not pro at it but I can try." I told him.

"Alright, lemme hop on Hypixel real quick." Tommy replied.

We got on Hypixel and played for hours trying out different games. I did kinda bad, despite being a streamer for more than a year, Im still crap at bedwars. He carried me on most of the games but hey atleast we got to enjoy. A little bit later, Tommy said he has to go.

"Alright, I think Ill be hopin' off now Y/N. Thanks for playing with me." Tommy said while he was stretching his body for sitting too long.

"No problem, Tommy. Im glad to play bedwars with you." I replied.

"Ill talk to you tomorrow then, yeah?" He sounded tired. I couldn't blame him, he was tired and Im pretty sure it was pretty late. "What time is it for you?"

"Its almost 6 pm and you sound tired Tommy, go to sleep." I told him in more of a demanding way to make him sleep.

"Alright, goodnight Y/N, talk to you tomorrow."

"Night Tommy." I replied then he hung up.

I rested my head on my table for a while then the discord notif went off. I looked up and see Ranboo messaging me.

How was bedwars?

Okay, how did you know?


How? How did Tubbo know?

Look, even if Tubbo doesn't know what you two were doing, he'll come to me saying Tommy was busy and doesn't go on call with him.
Or Tubbo is asleep and Tommy's discord status said 'Playing Minecraft on Hypixel'


And you also know Tubbo can't keep a secret

Yes. I am well aware.
Did he fell asleep early today?

Lets just say he didn't woke up

"Ahh, Tubbo moment." I said to myself.

I better get going and do my school work

Shoot, I forgot about mine too, I gotta do that aswell

Well then you wanna call and chill while we do school work?

Yeah, yeah, sure lemme get my stuff first

Alright, just hop on vc when you good to join

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