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(A/N: fluff quality time with Tommy chapter :D)

We played for hours just playing tag and when we got tired we went up the small hill with the tree. We sat down and took a rest, it was perfect timing since it was sunset. The sunset was a mixture of pink and orange sunset.

 The sunset was a mixture of pink and orange sunset

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"This is pretty." I spoke, "Prettier than the just pink sunset."

Tommy hummed in agreement.

I laid my head down on his shoulder and when I did, he put his arm around my shoulder.

"Tommy?" I called.


"Thank you." I replied and looked up at him.

"For what?" He looked down at me.

"Staying." I smiled.

"No problem Y/N," he kissed my forehead. "Ill always be here for you."

Tommy took my hand and crossed it with his as we stared at the sunset again as it went down the horizon.

"Hey Y/N?" Tommy spoke.

"Hmm?" I turned to look at him.

"Can I.." Tommy hesistated to ask his question. "Can I kiss you?"

"Yeah, you can." I blushed but smiled at him. "You definitely can."

He held my chin and we kissed. It was like my first kiss, but this was better. It lasted until the sun was gone which didnt take long.

When we pulled away from each other, Tommy cupped my face and rubbed my cheek with his thumb.

"Im glad I got to meet you." Tommy said.

"Me too." I replied.

"Wanna go home now?" Tommy asked.

"Yeah, Im hungry now too." I said.

Tommy stood up and held out his hand to help me get up. I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up. We walked home hand in hand.

When we got home, my parents were at the dining table, eating.

"How was your date?" My dad asked.

I hid behind Tommy to hide my blushing face.

"Ill guess it went great." My dad added.

"It did went great Mr. L/N." Tommy spoke then he looked at me.

"Im glad both of you enjoyed it." My dad said smiling.

"Can I eat upstairs?" I whispered but enough for my dad to hear.

"Go ahead hun." My dad said as he pushed a plate that was already at the table for me.

I was about to go to the table when Tommy grabbed my wrist.

"Are you okay?" Tommy asked.

"Yeah, just.." I looked away to hide my blushing face but it didnt matter because Tommy noticed.

"Youre embarrassed, its okay." Tommy smiled as he pulled me closer to hug me. "Ill follow you upstairs alright?"

I nodded then I went towards the dining table to grab my food. I grabbed it and went up to my room. I got in and sat down to eat my dinner while I watch a movie.

Tommy POV

When Y/N went upstairs, I sat infront of his dad on the dining table.

"So," their dad started. "Do you like them?"

"I dont like them," I replied. "I love them more than anything."

"How can you prove that to them? I assume you know what happened to them before right?"

"Yes, I am aware. I am proving my love for them by showing it, not by saying it." I replied proudly. "It would help them to understand their feelings more and to also show that I will not betray them like their ex."

"My wife has been telling me stories about what you have been doing for them, like when they remembered their past and you stayed by their side. I appreciate you doing that."

"It is my job if I want to win her heart." I smiled.

When Mr. L/N smiled too, it lifted the weight in my chest.

"If they return your feelings, I give you two full blessing to be in a relationship. But if you break their heart, Ill have to take them away from you myself."

"Yes, Mr.. Ill not let you and them down." I smiled as I replied.

"Here, help yourself with the food and join her upstairs."

"Thank you."

I grabbed a plate of food for myself and went upstairs. I knocked on their door and when I heard them say 'Come in', I went in. I saw them watching a movie, it was the movie 'Coco'.

"Hey!" They greeted as they paused the movie.

"Hey!" I greeted back as I sat down next to them on the floor.

We sat down in peace and just ate. When it was on the musical part of the story, they would bop their head along to the beat of the song.

We both finished our food and I grabbed their plate to bring downstairs. When I came back upstairs, the sad scene was playing.

I saw them crying with their legs up to their chest. I said 'aw' in my head and I sat down next to them. I pulled them closer to me and laid their head on my shoulder. I could hear them sniffing and I just rubbed their back to comfort them.

"It always makes me cry." They whispered.

"Its okay," I replied. "I always cry on the sad scene of Up, its fine!

They laughed and leaned against my shoulder and I leaned my head against theirs.

When the movie ended they spoke,

"Wanna watch Up?"

"Yeah, sure." I smiled.

They played Up and we watched. I was really focused on it as well as them.

Of course, when the sad scene played, I cried. This time, Y/N comforted me.

We hung out for a few more hours, playing games, talking about stuff and listening to music until they decided to get in bed.

I sat down next to them on their bed and played with their hair. I decided to sing them a song, the same song I sang when Y/N joined our call one time.

"The other night dear,
as I lay sleeping.
I dreamed I held you in my arms.
But when I awoke dear, I was mistaken,
so I hung my head and cried.

You are my sunshine,
my only sunshine.
You make me happy,
when skies are grey.

You'll never know dear,
how much I love you.
Please dont take my sunshine away."

When I finished singing a little bit of the song, I saw that they fell asleep already. I smiled and kissed their forehead. I laid down next to them more comfortably and I cuddled them.

(A/N: RIP touch starved ppl)

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