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The next day, I woke up to Tubbo spamming me with calls.

I picked up with my morning voice.

"Hello?" I answered kinda annoyed.

"Did I woke you up?" Tubbo asked.

"Yes." I replied. "What do you need Tubbo?"

"Im streaming and I want company." Tubbo said making me open my eyes.

"Jeez." I replied as I sat up. "I gotta go to the bathroom, hold on."

"Alright, Ill wait for you here." Tubbo said as I put down my phone to go to the bathroom.

I went to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. Then I went downstairs and put some bread on the toaster and I brewed tea while I wait.

My parents aren't awake yet then I realized what time it was. It was 5 freaking am.

The toast finished and I grabbed my toast and tea up to my room.

I picked up my phone from my bed and put it on speaker.

"Tubbo." I said sternly.

"Oh hey, youre back!" Tubbo said excitedly.

"Why did you wake me up at 5 am." I said rubbing my eyes.

"Wait! Is it really 5 am for you?" Tubbo said followed by his laugh.

"YES!" I shouted at my phone but not that loud that will make parents abruptly wake up and be mad me.

"Im sorry!" Tubbo said still laughing.

I opened my pc to see what he was up to in his stream. He was playing on the SMP. I decided to join in the SMP too while I eat my toast and drink my tea.

I spawned in my house where I last left. The people on the server was Phil, Tubbo and of course Foolish.

"Dang does Foolish even leave the server?" I said as I checked the player list.

"I don't think he even sleeps." Tubbo replied.

"I'll stick to that statement." I replied. "Ill switch to discord Tubbo brb."

I hung up on call from my phone and switched to discord on my pc.

"Back." I said as I joined back in the call.

I did nothing much on the server. I was just cleaning up the server because I was in the mood to build or place blocks.

A little bit later, Tommy texted me and it made my phone and my pc made a discord sound.

'Hey, you're up early' is what he messaged me.

I picked up my phone and texted him back,

Yeah Tubbo woke me up.

What was his reasoning?

Hell knows what. He woke me up at 5 am.

He said he wanted company.


Wanna come hang?

Yeah sure. You comin on the server?

Yeah Ill come on the server in a bit.

Okay okay see ya in a bit.

"I think Tommy is coming in a bit." I said as I settled my phone on my desk.

"Oh cool," Tubbo replied sounding like he has a smile on his face. I look at his screen and he does.

"What's the smile for?" I asked still tired.

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