chapter 23//

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guess which indecisive baddie finally fleshed out this story

also we don't even mention it this time if you know no you don't no i will not be more clear

please i want to write something and then i go into so much detail about something insignificant im so annoyed at myself like im kind of a baddie and then i go do things like this

Another day, another problem solved. 

...Except he had probably only solved one problem that was most likely incredibly minor to the original plot, and he had been in this world for a few days already. 

In fact, apart from the obvious twins, George, Angelica and Yumi, he hadn't seemed to have met any of the other male leads yet? 

Well, he shrugged that thought off, thinking that there was no point in him pursuing them when he had more important things to do, not to mention he hadn't really planned on getting involved with them in the first place.

So he set his mind on thinking about what had been bothering him since his stay in the little medical room - the magic from the Orcus. 

And no, he hadn't forgotten about how he needed to enhance his senses and practice the flow of Qi, and how to manipulate it, but he was a man of procrastination, and only was going to do something completely new when the circumstances explained that it was the only choice. 

And so he sat there, basking in the complete and utter silence of the car in his thinking mode, not noticing George's constant, hesitant glances his way.

They seemed to have kept the silence up all the way home, because Leige blinked himself out of it when the car stopped moving for a while. 

He muttered a quick thank you to George, who was being a lot quieter than usual, and left the car eagerly, wanting to get to the library as soon as possible.

Passing by the workers in the house, who were still as defensive in front of him as they were before, there was a thought that run through his mind - Right, didn't Angelica work here?

Well, since he had only seen her one morning, he just assumed that she only worked here on certain days. Since she had been here this morning, he wondered if she would be here now.

Maybe if he was super duper extra nice about it, she could demonstrate her magic in front of him and he could study it closer, when he wasn't the one who was about to be blasted to pieces. 

After he finished reading about possible reincarnation and magic, then he would go onto his Qi practicing, and then he could maybe perhaps if he was really really nice then they could spar together once he got better. 

 As he finally reached the two large, majestic doors, he wasted no time in opening them and hurrying in.

He had a lot to do tonight.

Already a little more familiar with the layout of the library than the last times, he headed straight to the what he called 'dusty dusty no one come here' section in which he had found the information about Qi.

Obviously, the large library was well-maintained, and most shelves were so shiny with polish that spiders would feel guilty about spinning their webs, no matter how beautiful the webs would turn out to be.

However, there was one section that was a little hidden and would only be accessed if you bothered to walk past all of the much more appealing bookshelves, dusty with webs and dead bugs stuck in them galore. 

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