Beyond the mountains

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At level 50, she had unlocked Camouflage III, which allows to silence any sound produced. She had at 10, as it was very useful for hiding. Few enemies could discover her by smell, but it was easier by sound, and from much greater distance.

When it came to skills, it couldn't be said that she had unlocked one, since, unlike in the game, it didn't make sense as a skill there. However, she could now feel the call. Although, more than a skill, it was because the time had come.

For her part, the lynx had recovered In the Shadow, which allowed her to hide in the shadow of her sister, although not for long, as it continually drains mana.

Maldoa soon appeared, and hugged both her cousin and the elf. She also hugged the lynx, who was somewhat reluctant. The feline frowned at her sister, since the elf hadn't been able to help but laugh, at the no honest attitude of the feline. The laugh was observed with curiosity by Miletna, who was in turn surrounded by many beautiful insects, butterflies among them, and others insects that many would find unpleasant, but not a dryad.

"So, you have to go," the drelfa sighed visibly dejected.

"Yes, I have to go. But I'll come back. I hope we meet again," answered the elf.

"Where? To the mountains?" the drelf asked, worried. It was a place that could be quite dangerous.

"No, further, much further."

"You'll have to go to the kingdom of Goltrenak then, perhaps further. However, first, you have to cook one more time. Miletna won't forgive you if you don't. Also, I want to see how it looks in you.

The elf looked at the dryad, who looked back at her with eyes that seemed to glow in anticipation. Her cousin had told her about the food made by the elf, so the young dryad had delayed her departure, since she wanted to taste it.

Although Goldmi was more than willing to organize a farewell banquet, if she had not been, that look would have been able to convince her, to overcome any reluctance. It was a longing too sweet, pure and innocent to resist it. The huge smile when the elf nodded had the power to melt the coldest heart.

Thus, she prepared the meal while Miletna was watching the little goldmis with great curiosity and wide eyes. The elf also dressed in the highest quality armor that she had ever worn.

It was a completely black armor, with a soft shine like polished stone. She had obtained it on missions with Eldi and Gjaki, when they were already at level 100.

Putting it on reminded her of the long series of complicated missions they had gone through to get an armor that they really didn't need, since it was only level 50. She reminded too how much fun it had been.

She didn't remember very well whose idea it had been, but, back then, she had been excited at the prospect of overcoming the missions, of wearing that beautiful leather armor.

It was also impossible to forget the photo posing. Sometimes, they had to convince Eldi for some of them. Other times, she was the one who needed to be convinced, and sometimes Gjaki. After the group broke up, after Eldi left the game, even after the servers closed, she had looked at them again many times, with nostalgia. She hadn't always been able to prevent tears from running down her cheeks.

Along with the armor, she wore some precious golden crescent-shaped earrings, which weren't only a representation of her full name, Luna Dorada, or Golden Moon, but extremely valuable to her.

The most important thing wasn't the bonuses they gave, but that they had been gifted by Eldi and Gjaki. She knew that they had spent hours getting the schemes that would allow Eldi to create them, and the materials so that both the color and the qualities were perfect. In fact, she had worn them many times even at level 100, even though it meant losing some bonuses.

She also had a level 50 black bow, made by Eldi to match the armor, and therefore of quite good quality. There were also a black-edged sword and dagger, also his work. He had been forced to make weapons for everyone. Furthermore, she even had a hundred special arrows, made by Eldi, not only of better quality than normal, but with special attributes.

They were expensive arrows, a bit excessive for an intermediate level. However, when they had decided to make the equipment, Eldi had been too excited.

Some had extra penetration power, some had higher mana capacity, some had higher speed, and all of them were also black.

"Wow! You look amazing! You look beautiful! If your elf saw you, he would be flabbergasted," the drelfa laughed, and embarrassed her friend.

"Mmm, mmmm," the dryad nodded.

Her mouth was full of small salty crackers, which had been served as a starter, while waiting for the food to be ready.

"These earrings are also beautiful. The materials exquisite, and the craftship too. It shows that they've been made with great care. The shape... Your name?

"Yes. My companions made them to me," the elf agreed, her eyes moistened.

Maldoa smiled sympathetically, for she knew how much she missed them. She would have liked to tell her not to worry, that she would see them again. However, that was something she wasn't at all sure of. In fact, it seemed pretty unlikely.

"Black is beautiful, but a bit flashy. Perhaps it would be better if you covered it," suggested the drelf.

"Mmm, maybe I can change the color..."

In the game, she could do it, at least with those kinds of equipment. To the surprise of drelf and dryad, she could do it now too.

"Maybe yellow and red aren't the most discreet," laughed the drelf.

"I was just testing!" Goldmi complained, and stuck her tongue out after a moment.

Miletna almost choked laughing, as she watched the color combinations they were trying out, and while the lynx just was licking her snout. After a while, the dryad approached the elf and pointed to a part of her armor.

"Green here."

Maldoa and Goldmi looked at her and smiled. They didn't hesitate to follow her suggestion. After all, her appearance and attitude was that of an adorable child who was impossible not to indulge.

"A little stronger. Brown. A soft yellow. A little bit of black."

Surprisingly, she seemed to know what colors the elf could use, and where she could apply them. Perhaps for having been watching, or perhaps for a somewhat more mysterious and magical reason.

Whatever the reason, the result satisfied not only the young dryad, but the other two. It wasn't very flashy, and it was nice to look at. Even the lynx gave the go-ahead.

"Those colors blend in quite well in the forest," the feline valued.

So, not only was it the definitive combination, but Goldmi saved that combination. It was a function of the game that was accessible even now, though it was only equivalent to remembering a few words.

Soon after, the first dishes were served, and everyone enjoyed a delicious feast. So much so that, from that moment on, if the elf met a dryad, she would probably not be able to escape from her without inviting her to eat. That was something she didn't know, and Maldoa just played dumb.

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