Last boss

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The lynx's fur was more than enough to protect her from the splinters produced by the mana beams striking the stone, although it wouldn't have been as effective against a direct hit. However, this didn't occur.

The three-eyes hadn't changed its strategy, despite having dropped its health by almost 50%. Even if only one of them was hurt, the damage was shared by all three, because, somehow, they were linked to each other, unlike what had happened with the discs.

What the archer regretted most was the loss of arrows. It is true that she had many, but that didn't mean that she liked to see them pulverized every time the eye shot. But there was little she could do about it, since the iris area was the most vulnerable.

Suddenly, something changed. The three eyes began to rotate, as if they were linked together and the void between them was the center. At the same time, they all began to emit a continuous beam, weaker than the previous one, but non-stop. The best thing was that it wasn't aiming. The worst thing was that they were rotating faster and faster. It was what was called the Mortal Wheel.

Soon, they were spinning so fast that their beams seemed to form a huge disk that filled the entire cavern, capable of burning on contact. The eyes went down and up, making that discontinuous disc oscillate, so making it even more difficult to avoid.

At first, the lynx had dodged it with some ease, but it was no longer the case. She had received some hits that, although less intense than the previous ones, were painful and burned her, and the damage was accumulating.

Goldmi had already used Life Link once, and had healed herself afterwards, so she was extremely worried. From her position, it was easier to dodge, since she could see the wave coming, but it was difficult for her to attack calmly while her sister was in danger.

"Come back!" she had already asked her a couple of times.

But the feline was reluctant to do so, not until she had no other option, although her half-charred fur seemed to indicate that precisely there wasn't.

It was then that she decided to try again to sneak into the space between the three eyes. This time, the eyes didn't turn to her, but they did flick back and forth, so trying to pull her out of their blind spot.

The first time, they took her by surprise, as they hadn't moved from their position until then, and they were about to achieve their purpose. However, she reacted in time, after which she climbed on the back of one of them, and took the opportunity to Shred it.

It took a few seconds for them to react, to stop attacking, so the other two could turn towards her. She immediately let it go, and returned to the outside. They tried to shoot her a couple of times to no avail, after which they began to rotate again.

This time, the lynx didn't hesitate, immediately entered the inner circle, and attacked them, so they had to cancel the attack before reaching full speed. Again, they turned to her, and, again, she came out of the inside.

That situation was repeated a few more times, without the elf stopping attacking them, plus she had decided to explore a new strategy. Since she didn't need to spend a lot of mana, she had summoned a Twister, and drove it slowly towards her enemy.

It took a long time to arrive, but it was terribly effective when it did. Though a barrier was protecting the three-eyes from magic attacks, the Twister was a continuous attack that was eroding it non-stop, so it managed to go through it and attack the interior.

It was true that she was spending a lot of mana, and that it had taken a long time to arrive, but it was also true that her mana pool was considerably higher than when the spell had been unlocked. She could have it active for about seven minutes, a little less if she didn't want to run out of mana, and more than enough to do a lot of damage.

So, between the Twister, the arrows, and the feline's attacks, the dungeon's final boss' health was dropping faster than at the beginning. However, it hadn't yet said the last word.

Suddenly, the three eyes separated and began to move and spin on themselves, as if possessed by a strange Frenzy, and they were shooting again and again, without a recognizable pattern. They seemed to have gone crazy.

Not knowing what to do, and while faced with the threat of beams without apparent control, the feline decided this time to take refuge with the elf, while they were thinking about how to counter them.

She had dispelled the Twister, since now it was unable to reach them, and had begun to heal her sister as soon as she had approached.

"Any ideas?" asked the lynx.

"Wait for them to get dizzy?" Goldmi joked.

"Hey! Don't start competing me with bad jokes!" her sister protested, and made her laugh despite the fact that the situation they were in was not exactly leisurely.

The laughs didn't last long. The silhouette of one of the three eyes appeared shortly after. It was approaching the tunnel entrance, and even fired towards it. It kept spinning and firing non-stop, but its movement wasn't random. It had headed towards its enemies, and the other two weren't far.

It was a dangerous situation, because a beam that entered directly from the entrance, and not at an inclined angle like the previous one, would be very dangerous, very difficult to avoid.

If the lynx came out to get their attention, she would probably be able to prevent them from approaching, but she would put herself in danger. It wasn't at all easy to avoid the beams from three eyes that were shooting continuously and without a clear pattern. The other option was to hide in a side tunnel, several meters beyond. With this, they would be safe, but they wouldn't be able to defeat their enemy.

There were no more floors to explore, and it would be relatively safe to retrace their steps and withdraw from that battle. In fact, they could probably face those which were waiting for them outside the dungeon. Although there were many, and they could get reinforcements while facing them.

Therefore, they wanted to find the exit that should appear after defeating the final boss. Or, at least, that's how it was in the game. And then, there was the Oracle's prophecy. There, they had to find something that would be useful to them in the future.

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