Shadows clash

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Droxdlir reacted quickly, so he sent his air forces, as he knew of the rumors that the unicorn was pregnant. If they were true, it seemed likely that it had taken the opportunity to give birth now that Jrevlo's forces had been called elsewhere.

If so, it would be defenseless, so he could corrupt it. No doubt it would be a great credit to him to corrupt the mystical animal and add it to his forces.

"Perhaps, it's time to change who's the boss," he said to himself, while imagining himself in the possession of such a precious trophy.

He wasn't sure, but he had no doubt that it was worth a try, as the prize was so tempting.

"If I grab it under Vrenhjsil's nose, it'll be even better. I want to see his face when I use it to destroy him," he kept plotting.

For his part, Vrenhjsil diverted a large contingent of ground troops to the now unprotected area.

"Damn Jrevlo. Because of him, we take the risk of losing this opportunity. I'm going to destroy everything, and Droxdlir too," he cursed under his breath.

He feared that his enemy would get the prey, so he was willing to tear it apart while it was being corrupted rather than allow it to join Droxdlir's ranks. If he could corrupt it for himself, he would. If not, he would make sure not to leave anything.

The fight between the two continued, but with less intensity. They both kept their strength, and gradually approached the still-living area again. They wanted to see first-hand what was happening there, although they didn't take their eyes off each other.

Droxdlir was the first to frown, for the connection to the air force he had sent had been broken, and, with them, his dreams of greatness.

"Damn Vrenhjsil, it must've been him. I have to get there right away to prevent him from acquire it."

But he couldn't go there neglecting his rear, so he sent some ground forces, with the order to surround the area and enter from behind. Although the corrupted creatures couldn't damage him directly, they were dangerous if they had the power of another shadow attached.

It was some time later that Vrenhjsil's forces reached their destination. But, contrary to what he had expected, they were somehow withheld and even eliminated. He sent more, while cursing Droxdlir, whom he held responsible.

For his part, Droxdlir felt how the few he had sent to check the terrain, to enter from behind, had disappeared.

"Dammit. Vrenhjsil has already arrived and is protecting the area. I can't let him get it."

The two of them forgot their precautions and rushed into the area. They were still watching each other, and invoking their control of the miasma to penetrate the oasis of life that was resisting them, thus facilitating their and their troops incoming.

But as soon as they got close enough, they felt it. They felt an unmistakable presence, a presence impossible to forget.

"A spirit..." they said to themselves.

They looked at each other for a moment and stopped all hostilities. They still hated each other, they still wanted to kill each other, but that was nothing compared to wanting to destroy a forest spirit, something similar to what they had been in the past, and to which they could no longer return. It was something that reminded them of all that they had lost, and they couldn't bear it.

This was a matter for them to resolve themselves, for corrupted beasts couldn't deal with a spirit, so as they ordered the beasts to advance, they headed to the origin of that presence.

They were surprised to see that the plants themselves were fighting, something that was possible in the presence of a high-level druid, although it was almost impossible to achieve such bind with nature. Unless a spirit helped him, and could synchronize with him.

Cruel smiles appeared on the faces of both shadows. If they succeeded in corrupting the druid, they could torture the deepest essence of the spirit, as he could synchronize with him. And the idea of ​​making him suffer to that point was extremely seductive to them.

Knowing that a spirit was no match for them, and that plants couldn't harm them either, for a moment they forgot about the unicorn, and about the battle in which their corrupted beasts were involved.

They sped toward the spirit, eager to reach him, to capture and torture him, oblivious to everything else. Only a strange glow caught their attention for an instant, a glow that was heading towards them at breakneck speed, but which they simply ignored, since they knew that nothing could even hurt them. They were as fully convinced of it as they were completely wrong.

Their disbelief at being pierced by arrows capable of damaging and ending their lives only lasted a few moments, which was the time needed for them to disappear forever. Although the danger was far from over. The corrupted beasts would carry out the last orders given until the end of their existence.

"They are gone. Is there more?" Goldmi asked the spirit that was still trembling, while hugging him.

"No, Aunt Omi. I was so scared! You're the best!" he exclaimed, while ethereal tears were still running down his cheeks.

That relieved the elf slightly, though not their plight. Even with the help of the oasis' plants, the corrupted forces were closing in, and were threatening to overwhelm them. Perhaps, the awakened could help them retain their enemies, to buy time, but she feared that too many were coming at once this time.

Suddenly, a column of white light rose slightly beyond his position. It was a pure, warm and innocent light that soon condensed and enveloped a small figure that was unable to stand by itself.

Beside her, exhausted but radiating a deep happiness that seemed to be able to be touched with a finger, the mother unicorn turned her snout towards the small figure that was still glowing, and began to lick it very gently, to clean the newborn's fur.

"The little one-horn has come out!" Pikshbxgro announced in wonder.

Goldmi also forgot about their plight for a moment, as she gazed at the tender scene, to which even the lynx wasn't indifferent. After all, not every day the birth of a unicorn can be witnessed.

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