chapter 32- obvious dub

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after fifteen minutes, everyone gets ready to go to the snow tubing area. we all get in the car and get comfortable, since it's an hour long car ride.

once we finally arrive, we all wearily get out of the van. most of us fell asleep during the drive.

wilbur leads us all to get a pass to go tubing and wraps the wristbands around our wrists.

"alrighty..." he says as he wraps the last wristband around toby's wrist. "it's 11, we're all going to meet at that cafe in an hour to eat." wilbur points to a nearby building. "and at 3 we're going home. sound good?" everyone nods. tommy and i run to grab tubes and race each other up the slope.

"who's gonna get to the bottom first?" he asks, adjusting his blue puffer jacket.

"me if you don't CHEAT like you did yesterday!" i say. he scoffs.

"we'll see. on three?"

"hell no. you're gonna cheat again."

"no i won't!"

"i don't trust you!"

"suck it up. ready, set, GO!"

i'm caught slightly off guard but still slide down the slope on my tube. as i predicted, i beat tommy by milliseconds.

"i won," tommy says.

"no you did not. that was an obvious dub for me," i shoot back. tommy rolls his eyes and laughs.

"look!" he shouts, pointing at the tubes. i look in that direction but don't see anything.

"what am i looking at?" i ask.

"the two seater tube! we can go down the biggest slope together!"

"ooh, not a bad idea." we both rush over to the tubes and pull the two seater out from the pile. i help him carry it (since it's actually really heavy) and we make our way up the biggest slope.

by the time we're at the top, we're both out of breath from carrying it.

"we need to work out more," i say.

"i'm a minecraft streamer, sweetheart," tommy says with fake annoyance. "i'm not doing that." i laugh.

"suit yourself. you ready? wanna make another bet or something?"

"nope. i'm not owing you food again."

"so you're scared you'll lose?"

"not scared. i just know i'd lose. you've got nerves of steel."

with that, we both got into the tube, me in the front of tommy in the back. tommy slides his feet against the ground and pushes us down the huge slope.

my eyes widen as the sharp, crisp air flies nips at my face so much that my eyes start to water. we're going a lot faster than i realized. tommy grabs my shoulders the second we start moving, and i instinctively wiggle my hands under his. he moves our hands to my sides and we hold on to each other tightly.

"someone scared?" tommy asks as we fly down.

"just shut up and don't let me fall off," i say, trying to hold back my scream.

"wasn't planning on it. even though i don't think you would fall either way."

once we hit the bottom, the adrenaline runs through my veins. i jump up and practically bounce.

"again?" i ask tommy.

"woah, what? really? what happened to 'don't let me fall off' and you gripping my hands so tightly i started getting pins and needles?" tommy says with a smirk.

"adrenaline rush. lets go again."

"let's get the crew and we can all race each other down the hill." i nod and tommy and i run off to bring everyone together.

the pairs are me and tommy, toby and niki, wilbur and alex, karl and nick, and clay and george. as we are all making our way up the steep slope, tommy whispers to me.

"we already had a practice round. we're gonna win this."

"of course we will," i reply.

once we finally get up the hill, karl makes an announcement.

"last one down the slope buys everyone lunch!" he shouts. everyone nods in agreement.

"who doesn't love a friendly competition?" niki says.

"especially when there's SPENDING SOMEONE ELSE'S MONEY involved! pogchamp!" alex shouts. he fist bumps wilbur as he says this.

we all get into our tubes, and clay starts counting down. once he yells "GO!" tommy kicks off and his hands meet mine at my sides. since we're probably the lightest tube, we're going faster than most of the others. we end up in second place, hitting the bottom after niki and toby. after us comes nick and karl, then clay and george.

"TAKE THE L WILBUR!" toby shouts as soon as wilbur and alex hit the bottom. wilbur picks up some snow from the ground and throws it at toby in return.

"kinda feeling like having a nice 3 course meal right now, steaks for everyone?" george suggests with a laugh.

"shut the fuck up, george. absolutely not," alex says, playfully shoving him. george shoves him back into the snow.

"I HATE YOU!" alex screams.

we all continue racing each other for fun until lunch. once it's 12:15, we all collectively decide it's time to eat. we all head to the cafe, laughing at wilbur and alex having to pay for our meals.

(A/N ik this has been slowburn but i promise things will start getting interesting VERY soon ;) i had a lot of fun writing this chapter and i hope you all enjoyed reading it! thank you all for the support, it means the world to me :] please vote, comment, share, and add this to your reading lists. it helps a ton and i appreciate it more than you know <3 i hope you all have an amazing day/night and I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!!)

love or host - tommyinnitTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon