chapter 53- minecraft wedding

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(republished because barely anyone could see it for some reason???)

after we all meet up, wilbur tells us we're going back to the airbnb. everyone is a little confused by this, considering we were told we are going to be doing stuff all day, but we oblige anyway.

once we get home, wilbur tells us why we came back.

"we're streaming!" he announces. "clay's going to make a minecraft world, not the dream smp, and we're all going to play on it!"

"sounds fun, but what am i gonna do?" i ask.

"you have a twitch now, do you not..?"

"not a setup." wilbur laughs.

"clay has extras i'm sure, don't you?" he turns to clay and clay nods. "then it's settled. val will use one of the extras."

"the poor fans will have no idea who to watch," toby says.

after we get my setup together, we all head into our rooms and join a discord call.

"hi guys," niki says cheerfully.

"this is so weird, calling each other when we're in the same house," nick says.

"you and clay do that all the time," alex points out.

"yeah but... that's different."

"not really, my man."

"okay okay shush, i'm starting my stream," karl announces as he goes on deafen. i see more and more people go on deafen to start their streams, so i do the same.

i go to twitch and hit go live after tweeting out that i'm streaming.

"hello chat!" i exclaim as people start to roll into the stream. "hi guys! hello! i'm doing well, how are you all?" i talk to chat for a little bit until i announce what we're doing.

"okay so... basically. you all know the dream smp right?" i ask. "and no, i'm not joining. not today. i'll pester dream about it later, though." i let out a laugh. "what we're doing today is similar to that. we're making a new world for the ten of us. tommy, tubbo, niki, wilbur, quackity, karl, sapnap, george, dream, and me. place your bets on what you think is going to happen. i reckon wilbur will start a cult or two." i laugh at my remark.

"right, so i'm gonna go off of deafen now." i move my mouse and go off of deafen to be greeted with a plethora of screams.

"STOP, no YOU are dog water! not me!" alex yells.

"the SECOND this world is made i'm going to box you like a fish! i swear!" karl shouts.

"i'd like to see you try, karlos."

"SHUT UP!" nick yells.

"uh, hey?" i say almost like a question.

"VALERIE!" tommy shouts.

"oh god, the child's excited to see his girlfriend," wilbur says.

"shut up," tommy and i both say.

"oh my god, they're in sync!"

"couple goals!" toby says with a laugh.

clay makes the minecraft world and sends the ip to our group chat. we all join and hit each other's characters when we all join.

"rest in peace to your twenty one pilots username," wilbur says to me.

"well, with the twitch, we got a theme we have to uphold now," i reply. "we're like username twins. wilbur soot and valerie davis."

"how are we twins?"

"we both have a first and last name in our user..?"

"wilbur soot isn't my name."

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