chapter 54- channelnutpig

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after our wedding, tommy and i go on a short honeymoon (which only consists of us standing in a mushroom biome while everyone follows us and giggles. they claim they were "quietly watching" but they were far from quiet). we all end our streams and meet in the living room.

"that was so fun!" niki exclaims happily.

"we even had a wedding," karl says, shooting tommy and me a look.

"not to mention you CHEATED ON NICK AND ME!" alex accuses, crossing his arms and pouting.

"it was all a bit! i promise!"

"don't do it again."

"of course not."

we all decide to watch each other's embarrassing first youtube videos together to pass time. some videos aren't bad at all, like niki's and clay's, but that changes when we get to tommy.

"tommyinnit..." i mutter, typing his name into the youtube search bar on the tv.

"oh no no no," wilbur says, motioning for me to pass the remote. "the real goldmine is at channelnutpig."

"NO!" tommy shouts. "do NOT show her that!"

"why not?" i ask. "i wanna see the good, the bad, and the ugly of tommyinnit."

"one, i don't have a bad or ugly. two, no. you don't want to see this."

"too late. we're watching it," wilbur says, playing his first video entitled "Terraria: Episode 1 (First Video Ever)."

"HELLO THERE, PEOPLE OF THE INTERNET!" tommy's young, squeaky voice booms from the tv.

"turn it down, oh my god," alex says, covering his ears and laughing.

"you sound so little!" i exclaim. i turn to tommy and he flushes red from embarrassment.

"i see why people find you annoying at first," toby remarks. tommy swats his arm.

"when people first find my channel, they tend to find me really annoying. so if you don't hate me by the end of this video, consider subscribing!" george mocks, his british accent thickening.

"don't try to mimic my accent, george. you're british too," tommy says. we watch all of tommy's old terraria video, everyone bursting with laughter at every second.

"thank jesus that's finally over," tommy says, taking the remote from wilbur.

"that was comedy GOLD," clay says through a wheeze.

"i'll show you comedy gold," tommy says, typing "djyeroc123" into the search bar.

"HEY HEY HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" alex says, motioning for tommy to stop. "YOU BETTER BACKSPACE RIGHT NOW."

"no!" tommy says sweetly as he scrolls through the videos from years ago.

after a while of watching each other's embarrassing videos, we realize a lot of time has passed and we're all starving.

"i vote we have a mcdonald's feast," tommy says.

"mcdonald's? really?" alex asks.

"yeah. mcdonald's. suck it up, big q."

"that shit's NASTY. i'm not eating that."

"then get an ice cream."

"the machine will be broken!"

"it's brocken!" karl whines. alex rolls his eyes.

"mcdonald's feast it is, upon channelnutpig's request. if djyeroc123 is THAT opposed to it, he can eat what's in the fridge," wilbur announces. everyone laughs at the use of their old usernames.

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