thank you.

21.1K 622 547

wow. so this is it. this is the end of love or host.

i'm in shock honestly. i never thought this story would end.

i think publishing this story on wattpad was one of the best decisions i've made in a long time. you readers have been so good to me. you guys are so sweet, inspiring, and all around amazing. i'm so grateful and lucky i got such an amazing audience to share my story with. you guys make me so happy and i can't thank you enough.

thank you for following me on this insane journey. thank you for giving my story a chance. thank you for sticking with me until the end. it means more to me than you'll ever know.

i mentioned this in an earlier chapter, but just because love or host is over does not mean i'm going to stop writing. in fact, i've been writing a new story and i'm super excited to release the first few chapters very soon! i have no idea when i'll actually release the chapters, i'm trying to not give myself a deadline so i don't rush anything and i can give you guys my best work.

again, thank you for everything. you are all amazing. i love you guys so much.


kate :)

coming soon!

let me down slowly

wilbur soot x oc


love or host - tommyinnitWhere stories live. Discover now