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"Lily, please talk. I just want to hear your voice", the man said after an hour of staring at me. It felt really uncomfortable under his gaze and it freaked me when he knew my name.

"Ho-how do you know my name?", my voice was just above a whisper. Immediately his face lit up into that creepy smile making me cower. He sat on the bed sitting close to me as I backed off. 

"What would I give to hear you scream my name?", he spoke. "Oh Lily, I know everything about you. If only you were married to me. We would have been happy"

I cringed at that thought as it almost gave me a heart attack. Marrying this man? No way in heavens......

"W-what...?", I asked.
"I knew you were mine the moment I laid my eyes on you. I waited patiently for ten years and when I thought I could be with you, that old hags married you off to a dick!", his tone was angry at the end.

My eyes widened, "You...what?"

"Yes, you were only eight at that time and I was fifteen. God, you were so beautiful, young and so innocent. I wanted to make you mine", he said with a smile.
"But no worries. You will not go back anymore. You belong with me here. We will marry and I will make love to you, we can have a dozen kids. Oh by the way, I'm John, your soon to be husband"

My mouth hung open and my eyes were wide. I couldn't believe the nerve of this man. I'm a married woman, how can I betray my husband. I'd never marry a man like him. 

Is he a pedophile?! What human being ogles at young children??!

"", I whispered as I watched his face changing. 
"What did you just say?", he asked in a low voice.
"I said I'd never marry you!", I burst out moving away from him. 
He was so crazy and obsessed. 

For the first time he raised his hand slapping me hard. The force made my face turn as my cheeks stung. My eyes watered but I promised myself I would never show any weaknesses. I bit my lip to stop my sobs as I looked back  up at him. He looked ready to murder someone.

"Is it because of your husband? I swear I'll kill him. We will marry after I bring you his head", he said and gripped my hair. I squeezed my eyes shut as my scalp hurt. I bit my lip so hard tasting blood. He pushed me onto the bed, pointing a finger at me.

"Watch me!", he warned and left, locking the door. I felt my cheek hissing in pain as a bruise was forming. I rubbed my scalp where he tugged my hair. He was definitely a psycho....

It has already been a day and I didn't see anyone coming to my rescue. And they didn't even know where I was. I decided to make my own escape as I looked around my room. My eyes fell onto the hole on the wall which were used for fixing exhaust fans. My eyes lit up as I realized that it would fit my body. 
I got up looking around the room pushing and prodding at things. I found a chair and a stool which was high enough for me to reach that hole.

I knew it was midday as I climbed the chair, looking out through the hole. I locked the door from the inside before climbing, so he can't get to me.
I pushed my body through the hole and looked down to see a haystack.

"Perfect!", I smiled as I let go gaining a soft land. I looked around to see a barren land.
Jesus! Where did he bring me?!

I took off into the woods without turning back. My feet pumped as I pushed vines, cobwebs, plants, etc. I was running for a very long time and my feet hurt. I did not even see a soul in sight and I was sure to get lost. 

I sat down under a tree, panting. My heart was beating faster and I felt a headache coming. I walked through the woods trying to see a highway or a trail. But everything was in vain. I heard a cracking sound which made my body freeze. Then I heard footsteps running. I quickly dived into a bush hiding myself. 

"LILY! Baby where are you?", John roared as I heard his footsteps louder. I clamped my mouth shut as I felt fear creep up.
"Please, come back. I love you....", he yelled. I shook my head controlling my tears.

I felt something creep up my ankle and it bit me. I yelped falling out of the bushes, clutching my ankle. John ran towards me and I took off in the opposite direction, hoping to outrun him.

But who was I kidding?!

He wrapped his arms around my waist, lifting me up a few feet above ground. I screamed and thrashed in hos arms as his grip got tighter.
"Please, let me go. PLEASE!!!! LET ME GO!!!!", I yelled.

"Stop this madness...", he gritted before slapping me on my bruised cheek. I cried out in pain as I couldn't bear it. He slapped over the already bruised one. 
"How dare you? After I provided you with food and shelter, this is how you repay me?", he shouted in my face. 

"Please, I did not ask....any of that....jus...l-let me go....", I pleaded falling on my knees. He threw me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, walking back. I cried the whole time as I was powerless. He threw me over to the bed and he closed the door. 

"I'm done playing the nice guy with you. Bitches like you only understand pain and that's what I'm going to show you", he said as he undid his shirt. My eyes widened as he tied me up to the bed post with his shirt. He took his belt, rolling it up in his hands.

"You are going to count, baby!", he whispered and my first blow came towards me.

I was not ready for the hit. It has been so long since I experienced the pain and it was so bad. 
"I SAID COUNT!!!", he roared slapping me. My legs shook as I cried in pain.


"Good girl...", he smiled as he whipped the second time. I screamed as my body felt as if on fire. The blows were too much as the slapping sound echoed around the room.


"Now get ready because third one is gonna hurt like fuck! You know they always say that third time's a charm....", he snickered, enjoying my screams and pain.

But before he could whip again, a loud bang shook the whole room. My vision blurred as I looked to see the door breaking open as men filed into the room. My eyes landed instantly on a pair of green orbs as I felt being pulled into darkness. I smiled as I succumbed into darkness.

Well, I guess, what they said was right.
After all, Third time is really a charm!  


His Innocent Wife  *(COMPLETED)*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang