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Eric blinked open his eyes, trying to bear the pain emerged when he tried to move. His head felt lightheaded and took in his surroundings. It was surely a basement cell as it was cold and mushy smelling damp. His head throbbed and moved his hands to rub that place.

But he couldn't; he looked behind to see his hands chained to the wall. He tried moving them but it only hurt, the metal scrapping his skin. He heard soft breaths coming in front of him and then realized there was another person in the room with him. He scrunched his eyes trying to see but nothing. 

"Who's there?", he spoke loudly. 

A soft groan was heard as the person shuffled. He asked again in a more aggressive voice making the person release a soft gasp. He instantly recognized the voice making his heart thump. There was only one person in the whole world who could make his heart race just at the sound of her sweet voice.

Could that be.....

"Lily!", he whispered in relief as she emerged out of the darkness, crawling to moonlight. To be honest, she was quite scared as to who was in the cell with her. All her fear flew out of the window as she ran towards him, throwing her arms around her neck. 

Unlike him, she was not chained and somehow that made him feel relieved. She cried hugging Eric as he nuzzled his face into her hair more. He so badly wanted to crush her into his arms and never let go.


"Shh! It's okay....I'm here now and Damien is too....You're safe, babygirl", he cooed into her ear as she felt safe. Eric was sitting with his legs crossed and Lily sat on his lap, curled up into his chest. She never wanted to let go. Her tears were dried and Eric sighed contently. It has been worse for him, every time she was away from him. He felt miserable.

"Well....well....well...what do we have here?", Xavier entered seeing the couple. Nate followed behind him, staring at Lily. Xavier gave a firm nod which led to Nate ripping Lily from Eric.

Eric wanted to strangle his neck for even touching her with his filthy hands. Lily was held by Nate while Xavier walked over to Eric. 

"Long time no see, Eric?"

Eric was shocked that this man knew his name. He has only gone by the name 'The King' but this was some serious shit. He perfectly hid his real identity for a purpose so that his enemies would not bother him. 

"How do you........."
"How do I know your name? Oh come on, you should have known. After all, we do the dirty business, King", Xavier mocked.

"You want the twenty millions you spent on her, right? I'll give you fifty. Let. Her. GO", Eric gritted out.
"Tsk....Tsk..Tsk...Though the offer is tempting, think Eric. Why would I let her go for fifty millions when I could use her to gain fifty billions....."

Eric's body froze when he heard about his wife being used. What was he planning to do with her?
What is that sick plan?
"What the hell are you going to do with her?"

"Well I own a sex bar down the street, a sex club and also a brothel where she could play her part....Also, your wife can be my sex slave...", he was cut off by Eric's profanities.

"Bloody Bastard! Don't you dare touch her!"

"Why? Because you haven't yet? You haven't manned up and took her innocence, have you?", Xavier smirked as he slowly walked towards Lily. She whimpered, cowering away from him.

"Oh Eric! I can smell and feel that she is still pure which makes me want to fuck her right here. After all, it is the innocence that pulls us towards it, making us want to taint it....", his words trailed off as his fingers caressed her collar bone. 

"Get away from her!", Eric exclaimed wanting to rip his head off. But Xavier just smiled making Eric cringe.
"How about for instance, I show you what she will be doing here for the rest of her life. Nate, do the honours", Xavier stood by the side, folding his arms behind his back. 

"Gladly!", Nate smirked and placed his lips onto her bare neck, sucking. He had been wanting to do this for a long time. His hands roamed her sides as Lily screamed.

"Get off of me! NO....Pl-please.....get off", her struggles were futile as Nate pinned her onto the ground, her arms raised above her head. She was absolutely vulnerable in this state.

On the other hand, Eric was losing his mind seeing his angel suffer. He yelled and screamed while his chest hurt seeing his wife about to get raped in front of his eyes. He felt helpless and defeated. Never in his life has he knew the meaning for those words. 

Nate's hand gripped her thigh, putting pressure onto her. She screamed feeling disgusted by anyone touching her this way. She immediately kicked him in the crotch with her knee as hard as she could. He fell sideways cupping his jewels, groaning in intense pain. Lily got off crawling away from Nate only to get a blow to her stomach from Xavier.

"You bitch!", Xavier gave another punch to her gut. 
"What do you want?!", Eric screamed not able to handle himself.
"What I want is revenge!", Xavier yelled turning to Eric.
"W..what?! I don't even know you!"

"Well, how would you? You killed my parents and my sister. The only person who loved me in this entire world. You took them away from me and now I'm taking yours"

Eric knew something like this would happen. He has killed so many people back in the past and he was finding it difficult to recognize whose son was Xavier. He knew better than to ask him about his parents. It would only add fuel to the fire!

"Look, I'm sorry....truly s-sorry.....", Eric said without any remorse. 

"Stop! You saying sorry will not bring them back. They are gone and can't return through your fake sorry......", Xavier said.

"Well, if they can't come back, then we will send you to them gladly", a hoarse voice spoke from the door.

All the heads whipped to see Damien with a pistol on each hand, aimed directly at Xavier and Nate. 
"One wrong move and I won't hesitate to pull the trigger"   

Xavier smiled while Nate growled angrily. He pounced on Damien foolishly and Damien pulled the trigger, the bullet going right through his head. He slumped down and Lily screamed crawling away. Xavier instantly grabbed Lily by her throat, placing a knife over it. 

"Such a fool. Now, put that gun down or she dies!", Xavier looked at Damien. They had a heated staring competition before Damien nodded, slowly putting one gun to his feet.

"Both the guns!", Xavier snared. At that point, Damien made eye contact with Lily and something in her clicked instantly. She gave an unnoticable nod before bringing her legs forward to gain momentum.

Without further notice, she swung her legs backwards, tripping Xavier who was unprepared. He lost his balance, falling on the floor simultaneously getting shot by Damien. Damien slumped down exhausted and looked to the side that was bleeding more. After all, he got shot. Lily hugged Eric who released a tired sigh. 

Everything was over!


We are near the end of the book! I'm so sad that their journey's about to end.
Keep up your supports...........

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