>>Chapter 18<<

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(Y/N) stared down at the mirror in front of her. She was wearing a black lace dress that was a couple inches above her knee and just perfect for the occasion, but the dress was not the reason she stared. She was thinking about Gladion. She kept thinking about how she would eventually see him at the party, and they'd have to talk about what happened the other day with Ilima. Part of her hoped the jealousy was due to mutual feelings between the both of them, but another part of her was furious at the idea that Gladion thought of her as an object he could own.

She took one last look at her image on the mirror, her violet eyes stoic as she looked at her reflection up and down, as if trying to look for mistakes in her appearance. Her eyes drifted away, and she turned around to face Umbreon. Umbreon's blue fur shining bright with the moonlight making it look like he was glowing. (Y/N) smiled at her Pokémon and spoke up.

— "I hope you're ready to take back dad's project...because I'm not." —(Y/N) said as she reached down to pet her companion. Umbreon leaned into her hand, accepting its owner's display of affection.

(Y/N) was scared about what would happen and her stomach was tied in a knot. She knew Gladion and Lillie would probably be mad at her for stealing, but they didn't understand what this meant to (Y/N). She already had a plan, and she would hide somewhere in Alola before going back to Galar for good.

(Y/N) took Milotic's, Corviknight's, and Umbreon's pokéballs and left her house to go to the party.


Gladion was at the party, wishing to be somewhere else. He was waiting for (Y/N) to arrive. He wanted to take one last look at her before running away from home for good. He was sick and tired of her mother's constant abuse and wanted to leave and go far away, but he needed to take something with him. A Pokémon his mother and her team constantly abused, and he wanted to help for as long as he could remember. Some company would be good, after all he was running away from home and everyone he knew. Including (Y/N). This hurt Gladion deeply, but last he spoke to her, she was livid about the mess he made out of jealousy. He was sure there was no fixing it, so there was no harm in leaving. That's what make him decide. The last push he needed in order to leave. His locker back at school already had a bag full of clothes and some cash ready for today. He was ready.

(Y/N) arrived at the party flying on Corviknight. She got off her Pokémon and placed it on its pokéball. She turned around and with a deep breath walked into the party with a fake smile.

It didn't take long for her to notice Gladion at the other end of the room. He made no attempt to talk to her, which somehow relieved her but also bothered her at the same time. She was glad there would be no tense, awkward conversation about what the everloving **** happened, also she felt disappointed Gladion preferred to stay away from her. She shook away the feeling and decided to ignore Gladion.

She found Lillie and started talking to her to try and distract herself for a little while, but it only seemed to make her more anxious.

Gladion, on the other hand, was completely calm with his decision to run away, not knowing he had picked the same day as (Y/N) to flee the island. He looked at her and immediately blushed, thinking about how beautiful she looked in her black dress. He was definitely gonna miss her and he was forever going to regret not telling her how he felt.


After a couple hours when the party was full of people, Gladion sneaked off without anyone noticing and ran to the elevator. He selected the lower floors where the labs were located and headed for Lab B.

After a few minutes of hiding from guards and scientists, he finally entered the lab only to find (Y/N) looking through the drawers.

— "What are you doing here?!" — Gladion whisper-yelled at the dark-haired girl in front of him.

— "Searching for S.... wait I was alone..."— She turned around to find Gladion standing next to her and covered her mouth before she could scream. — "What are YOU doing here?" — she retorted. Gladion didn't want to admit he was running away, but there was no point in lying to her. (Y/N) turned back to the drawers and continued her search while Gladion talked.

— "I came here to find a Pokémon before running away." — He stated like it was nothing.

— "You... you what?!" — (Y/N) said, stopping dead in her tracks and turning back around to look at him. — "Why are you running away?"

— "I can't stand my mother anymore, and they've been abusing this Pokémon for as long as I can remember. I want to help him." — Gladion said while walking closer to (Y/N) in order to help her look around.

— "Well, I guess we're both leaving then." — (Y/N) said, searching the drawers once again.

Then there was a long silence while both of them searched. Suddenly, (Y/N) jolted up, holding something in her hand.

— "I found it!" — She exclaimed while looking at the object. It was a pokéball.

— "Wait... why do you want type: null?" — Gladion ask, looking at the pokéball he was looking for too.

— "Is that how they decided to call him? Pff, rude. The project was called Type: Full, a Pokémon capable of changing into any type they wanted. Silvally is the Pokémon my father created and I'm taking him with me." — (Y/N) stated, staring at the pokéball, the only thing left from her father.

— "I was looking for him too... I thought Faba created him, though." — Gladion said, thinking about why Faba would lie about such thing. — "All I know is that Pokémon has been through a lot, and I wanted to take him with me." — He said being honest.

(Y/N) seemed conflicted about what to do. Give Silvally to Gladion, or keep it herself?

A/N: Sorry for taking ages to update! I've been drowning in school work and haven't had time to even write. Anyway, please vote and comment! I'll try to update sooner this time

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