>>Chapter 15<<

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(Y/N) marveled at the giant mansion before her, it had way too many rooms to count and (Y/N) wondered why they needed that much space if they were supposedly a small family. She tried to count all the windows she could see as they neared the entrance and gave up after counting 25. Hau, who was as excited as (Y/N) was, decided to let everyone know how flabbergasted he felt.

— "You guys this place is huge!!" — Hau screamed while lifting his hands up and pointing at the mansion behind him.

— "Thank you for stating the obvious." — (Y/N) replied, never taking her eyes away from the marvellous house but smirking knowing full well that Hau was glaring at her. Gladion chuckled and (Y/N) turned to look at him. Gladion quickly regained his composure and acting as if nothing had happened. He looked at (Y/N) once again to make sure she wouldn't fuzz over it but she was lost in thought staring at his house.

As soon as they walked in Hau screeched and ran all over the place pointing out all the fancy, expensive things they had lying around the house. Lillie laughed and invited everyone to the kitchen for some lunch before starting the pyjama party. (Y/N) sat down near the counter and Hau started opening the cabinets and looking inside. Gladion got easily annoyed by this and snapped at Hau.

— "Do you do this every time someone invites you over?" — Gladion said, quickly losing his patience.

— "Only when I'm invited to mansions as big as this one." — Hau replied smiling. (Y/N) laughed.

— "Do you get invited to mansions often then?" — (Y/N) asked.

— "Nope." — Hau replied smiling. Gladion seemed about to explode and Hau was, to be honest, afraid. So, he changed the subject. — "Hey Lillie, what are you doing?" — Hau asked, looking at Lillie who was taking an endless amount of food out of the refrigerator.

— "I'm cooking something for you guys, you must be hungry."

Being honest, (Y/N) did feel a bit hungry, and she knew Hau could eat as much as an army even when not hungry so asking was rather pointless. She turned to look at Gladion, who was glaring daggers at Hau who was almost salivating right over the food. He simply lifted his foot up and kicked Hau right in the ribs. The boy screamed, noticing Gladion was not done, he was walking up to Hau ready for more. Hau quickly got up and started running around the house while screaming bloody murder, Gladion following close behind. Lillie laughed at the sight and continued cooking. (Y/N) joined in, helping Lillie and was impressed to see neither of the boys were tired from running, on the contrary, they were running and screaming even more.

Lillie was making some curry for everyone, which was good because (Y/N) didn't know a lot of recipes but curry was one of her specialties. They seasoned everything and cooked in sync, moving spices from one end of the kitchen to the other, chopping this and boiling that. They continued for a few minutes until everything was done. Rather than letting the boys know they were done, they simply served the food and waited for Hau's sense of smell to do its job.

Hau stopped running suddenly, making Gladion slam into him face first, angering him. He was about to scream at Hau, but the boy left him behind and ran towards the food. Without even thanking his friends, he began stuffing his face and Gladion growled, while lifting himself up from the floor and walking towards the group of friends. (Y/N) handed him a plate and he thanked her, while taking a seat next to Hau to start eating.

After everyone was done, Lillie lead everyone to her room to play some videogames. (Y/N) kept looking around the place, as if looking for something. This caught Hau's attention.

— "(Y/N) what are you looking for?" — Hau asked, curiosity getting the best of him.

— "I'm searching for Gladion's room, I want to know what it looks like." — She said with a low voice, scared Gladion might hear her. They went up the staircase and (Y/N) looked at all the doors lined up on the upper floor, just which one was Gladion's room?

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