>>Chapter 2<<

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As (Y/N) woke up, she groaned, knowing that today she had to unpack all her things after school. Unwillingly, she stood up from the mattress on the floor and got ready for school. Walking outside she realised she had absolutely no idea where her new school was. She started aimlessly walking, hoping to find a sign or someone to tell her where the fuck to go.

She then saw someone she knew. Finally. She walked up to the green-haired kid to ask for directions.

— "Hey, Hau." —Hau then turned around to meet (Y/N)'s violet eyes and smiled.

— "Oh, it's you! Hello, (Y/N)" —Hau greeted her. — "What's up?" —(Y/N) sighed in defeat, hating to admit she was lost, she had such a great sense of direction, but she didn't know this island yet and that frustrated her to no end.

— "Well I am absolutely lost here." —(Y/N) looked down to the ground before asking— "Do you know where the Pokémon School is?" — She hoped it wasn't too far away because the scorching heat was about to kill her.

— "I'm headed there right now, follow me!" —Hau exclaimed while walking ahead of (Y/N). She decided to follow him without saying a word.

It was a short walk, thankfully, and (Y/N) tried to remember the way to avoid arriving late the next day. Hau kindly offered to show her around the school. He showed her where her locker was, the gym, the room where they kept all the instruments for music class, and the rest of the building full of classrooms. When the bell rung, they parted ways. Hau was a couple years younger than (Y/N) so he was in a different class.

(Y/N) walked up to the classroom she was assigned to and knocked.


— "Oh, you must be the new student. Come in." — (Y/N) looked up to see a shirtless guy, wearing a lab coat and sunglasses. She thought it was a little odd but looking at the students they seemed pretty okay with it. "Okay, I guess" she thought.

— "I'm professor Kukui, I'll be your teacher from now on. Now (Y/N), please introduce yourself."

— "My name's (Y/N), I'm 16 and I came here from the Galar region." —She calmly said. While looking around the room, she noticed the guy from the beach sitting on the left corner of the room, listening to music. It bothered her that he didn't pay attention to her introduction but then again, she would have done the same.

— "Tell us about your Pokémon, who's on your team?" —Professor Kukui asked, trying to know a bit more about (Y/N).

— "Well, first I have Umbreon." —She said while taking out a pokéball and throwing it in the air. A shiny Umbreon appeared and everyone stared, impressed by its colours. — "Next I have Corviknight and Milotic but they're too big for this classroom." —Professor Kukui nodded and looked around the room for empty seats.

— "You can sit behind Gladion." — "Who the fuck is Gladion?" Professor Kukui turned to look at (Y/N) only to notice her face of utter confusion. He then realised she didn't know anyone in the room. — "Sorry, Gladion please raise your hand." — Kukui tried to fix his mistake.

(Y/N) then noticed the guy from the beach raising his hand, without paying any attention to her. She took a moment to look at his face. He was not bad at all. What really caught (Y/N)'s attention was his eyes. A piercing, light green that completely struck her. She felt her cheeks flushing red, she felt embarrassed for staring at him for too long. She took a seat behind him and could faintly hear the music coming out of his earphones. He was listening to Ghost. Square Hammer to be exact. "Suits him" (Y/N) thought.

Professor Kukui started talking and (Y/N)'s thoughts drifted back to Gladion. Why she was so mesmerized by him, she did not comprehend. Perhaps he was attractive? Or was it the fact that (Y/N) liked his style? Or maybe she was intrigued by his lack of interest towards basically anything? Questions continued to run through her mind. Time sure flies by while thinking about Gladion.

(Y/N) decided to attribute her sudden interest to simple infatuation and decided to carry on with her life.

After an hour of talking about the different regions, Professor Kukui told everyone to go outside for some Pokémon training. Everyone walked outside to the front of the school, where the field was big enough for battling. The rules were laid out by Professor Kukui. It seemed pretty straightforward. Two trainers battle, then the winner continues to battle everyone until they lose, then the winner battles, and so on and so forth. (Y/N) was the first one up. She took out a pokéball and called out Corviknight. Everyone gasped, impressed at the big bird in front of them. Its red eyes were incredibly intimidating. Also, Corviknight was massive and that was pretty intimidating too. (Y/N) seemed pretty proud of her Pokémon, with whom she had trained so hard since she was little, and her Pokémon was only a small Rookidee.

The first battle begun. (Y/N) kept stalling with roost just to anger her opponent, which seemed to be working pretty well. The girl in front of her seemed furious about not being able to take down Corviknight. Her Toxicroak had no effect over her Corviknight. Obviously, Corviknight being a Steel type was immune to Poison type moves. After feeling satisfied with her opponent's anger, she decided to swipe for the kill.

— "Corviknight, Iron Head." — (Y/N) said calmly. Corviknight flew fast and hard to hit its opponent. A cloud of dust formed around the Pokémon from Corviknight's wings flapping hard. When the dust cleared, Toxicroak was out cold.

The battles continued for a while, (Y/N) being the reigning champion; undefeated. Someone from the back challenged (Y/N). It was Gladion. (Y/N) smiled.

— "Bring it on." —She said.

The battle with Gladion was tougher than expected. Even though Golbat is a poison type, Gladion sure knew how to battle. They kept countering, and dodging attacks for what seemed like hours, but neither of them budged; they were both hellbent on winning. A few scratches later, (Y/N) won the battle. She expected Gladion to throw a fit or something worthy of an edgelord, but he smirked at her, turned around, and disappeared in the crowd. This took (Y/N) by surprise, leaving her a blushing mess. The fighting carried on for a while, but no one was able to defeat Corviknight. The bell rung and (Y/N) groaned, knowing she had to go home to unpack.

The walk home was peaceful. (Y/N) took Umbreon out of his pokéball to keep her company. After a while walking, she arrived at the beach near her house. She stopped, expecting to see Gladion standing there like the other day. She mentally facepalmed herself after realising she just saw Gladion at school, there was no way he could be there at that moment. She ignored her thoughts and kept walking to her house on the hill.

Her house was pretty small. It had a small pool and a hammock outside. Inside there was a kitchen, and then a room where she was supposed to unpack her desk, her bed, a bookcase, and a piano. Then there was the bathroom, it had a tub by the window, it had a view of the ocean which was nice, and there was a closet next to the sink, which had yet to be filled with her clothes.

While unpacking, (Y/N)'s mind roamed freely through her memories. She remembered her family; her father was some sort of scientist, of what she never fully understood, she only knew it was Pokémon related; and her mother was always home taking care of her. Up until that car accident everything was good in (Y/N)'s life. But the past is the past, so there was no point in reminiscing about past times, they were long gone after all.

Connecting Heartstrings | GladionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora