>>Chapter 5<<

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The morning was a cold one, which was unusual for Alola. (Y/N) stared out the window at the grey skies. It was probably going to rain. She sighed and started looking around for her umbrella and thought about wearing some warmer clothes for today. (Y/N) decided for a knitted dress with some winter tights and a scarf. She was glad she kept her winter clothes.


(Y/N) took out her umbrella and walked outside where it was already raining. She started walking towards school and began to think. She missed her parents, no doubt about that, but she liked the people she had met on the island so far. Lillie, Hau, the edgelord...they were all such unique characters and so nice to be around. Well, maybe except for Gladion who paid no attention to her about 90% of the time. She had sort of a love/hate relationship there; she felt both intrigued and annoyed by him.

By the time she arrived at school, it was pouring. (Y/N) ran inside and put her umbrella away. She heard a car pull up and looked up. Even though no one had come out of the car yet, she knew it was Lillie and Gladion. How, you ask? Who else has a massive limousine on this whole school? Exactly.

As Lillie got out of the car and into the school, she noticed (Y/N) standing there, waving at her and decided to go say hi. They hugged and instantly started talking about how crazy the weather was that day when suddenly (Y/N) screamed.

— "When the hell did you get here?!" — She was screaming at Gladion who was calmly standing right next to her and Lillie. Did anyone see him get out of the damn car?

Gladion smirked and stared at (Y/N), amazed by her reaction.

— "Why so jumpy, (Y/N)? Hiding something?" — Gladion replied, mostly as a joke, but (Y/N) took it seriously which only entertained him further. (Y/N) huffed and stared back at him.

— "So, you suddenly care about my secrets?" — She replied, knowing well that Gladion did not expect for her to continue his little game so well.

Gladion was, no doubt, taken aback by (Y/N)'s reply. He kind of expected her to blush like the other day. He enjoyed making her blush. Nevertheless, he was pleased that she decided to play along. He got close to (Y/N) and gently grabbed her chin, pulling her closer to him, if that was even possible, and stared right into her violet eyes.

— "Only about the ones that involve me." — He whispered to her and pulled away. He then enjoyed watching as (Y/N) blushed furiously and tried to hide behind her scarf. He laughed as (Y/N) punched him in the arm. Hard.

— "So, you both forgot I'm here. That's okay." — Lillie said, bringing both (Y/N) and Gladion back to reality. Lillie was clearly uncomfortable and realising what they just did, both (Y/N) and Gladion felt embarrassed, the only difference being Gladion didn't let it show while (Y/N) was, one again, red as a lobster. Gladion looked at (Y/N) from the corner of his eye and had to stifle a laugh. Lillie soon joined in and in mere seconds they were both laughing at (Y/N)'s redness while she screamed at them to stop. To be honest, she didn't entirely want them to stop. Of course, she was mad they were laughing at her, but Gladion laughing was such a rare sight she didn't want it to stop.

— "What is everyone laughing at?" — (Y/N) turned around and noticed Hau, confused as to what was going on.

— "Me." — She replied simply while looking at the two laughing figures, annoyed. Hau was even more confused than before but smiled anyway, seeing everyone was having fun.

— "Well I'd love to stay and laugh..."— He said while looking at (Y/N) and corrected himself. — "Not at you (Y/N)." — He looked at (Y/N) for approval before going on. — "...but we've got to go to class." — He finished his sentence.

They all then realised they were late for class and split up. Lillie and Hau went to their class while (Y/N) and Gladion went the opposite way towards theirs. While walking to class in silence, (Y/N) kept stealing glances at Gladion, who did not once look at her. Was he doing this on purpose? Neither of them was brave enough to break the silence. Luckily, they didn't have to since the classroom was mere steps away. They both got in and said nothing about what had happened. All words were left unsaid.


Class seemed to go on forever. (Y/N) did not care for any of it and decided to start drawing instead. She started drawing two hands like The Creation of Adam; reaching out to each other, only further apart and they were both connected by a red string tied to their finger. She didn't know why, but she kept thinking about the concept of fate. She knew well why she was in Alola; she had her reasons. She was there because of her family, but she couldn't help but think fate had something to do with it.

(Y/N) pushed her thoughts away and tried to focus on her class. Anatomy. They were looking at the internal configuration of the heart which (Y/N) could not possibly care less for. That was until something caught her attention. Chordae tendineae or heart strings. They kept the heart's shape and helped keep the atrioventricular valves closed so blood wouldn't go back to the atriums, but that's not what intrigued (Y/N). Takotsubo's cardiomyopathy did. Better known as the broken heart syndrome, it was characterized by heart strings breaking after a great deal of emotional pain or trauma, causing deformities of the heart, which then affected the perfusion and, in brief, you could literally die from a broken heart. (Y/N) was familiar with that type of pain.

The sky was still grey when school finished, but it wasn't raining anymore. (Y/N) decided to go to the beach for a bit. The weather was still a bit cold, but she enjoyed it; she was used to colder days.

(Y/N) called out Corviknight and got on his back. She wanted to get home fast to get changed and then go to the beach. She did not notice Gladion staring at her as she left, and she definitely didn't notice the eyes of strangers staring at her Pokémon.

A/N: Pretty please comment and vote! I want to know what you think of the story! Also let me know if you would like more pokémon battles in the story. I have never written one but I can try! I'll probably update later as well, I'm halfway through the next chapter

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