>>Chapter 7<<

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The sun was shining through (Y/N)'s bedroom window, waking her up. She got up and ready for school, wondering why Gladion acted like an ass towards her yesterday when mere hours earlier they were all laughing and having fun.


(Y/N) spent the whole day being ignored by Gladion, maybe it wouldn't have mattered so much to her if she didn't care so much. (Y/N) always hated her caring nature, she got attached to people too fast and when they left it hurt badly. But (Y/N) was used to being alone by now, it shouldn't bother her this much.

The bell interrupted (Y/N)'s train of thought. It was lunch time. Maybe she could try and make Gladion talk to her. With her heart set on her goal to be acknowledged by Gladion at least once that day, she marched through the classroom's door and in search of the edgelord. After some time looking, she finally found him walking through a hallway and ran up to him. Mustering all the strength she could find in her tiny little self, she forced herself to speak up.

— "Gladion!" — She said a bit too loud and blushed a bit but stood her ground. Gladion just looked at her annoyed. — "I'm done with being ignored by you! Don't you have any decency? Here I am, worried about you...my friend and you won't even look at me, seriously this is...."— (Y/N)'s words were cut short by Gladion pushing her against a locker in the hallway. He got dangerously close to her and stared into her eyes. (Y/N) was shocked to say the least. She could see that Gladion was not in the mood for talking. He had an angry look on his face. His brows furrowed, his eyes glistening with fury, and his jaw completely clenched in anger. She couldn't escape because Gladion was holding her shoulder against the locker and his other hand was resting right next to her face, making it impossible for her to run away in fear. She could only look at him and hope he wouldn't get aggressive. He growled lowly, making (Y/N)'s heart stop in fear. Was he going to do something to her? (Y/N) now realised it was wrong of her to try and lecture him. He was definitely not in the mood. He closed his eyes, sighed, and let go of (Y/N), pulling away. He then turned around and put his hands in his pockets.

— "Get out." — He said and with that, (Y/N) ran away, scared at Gladion's sudden outburst. She would most definitely not bother him again.


(Y/N) was walking up to her locker to put her things away and go home when she noticed Gladion putting some things in his locker. She automatically stopped and hid behind a column to avoid getting murdered, and mostly because she was curious and apparently decided to spy on him. Gladion had a bag and a stack of money in his locker. Why would he need all that money? And what was in the bag? Gladion then turned around to make sure no one was watching. (Y/N) quickly hid back behind the column and her breath hitched in her throat, trying not to make a sound. If Gladion caught her peeping she would most definitely be dead in a matter of seconds. She waited until she heard his footsteps slowly walking away from where he once stood. She decided to follow him. (Y/N) didn't exactly know if she was worried or just nosy but she wanted to get to the bottom of it all.

(Y/N) followed Gladion outside of school and into the beach. She decided to hide behind a bush that was close by and tried her best to listen in case he decided to talk to himself. Gladion sat down on the same rock next to the ocean as yesterday. He seemed to be deep in thought. She was determined to find out why Gladion was so moody lately. Hours passed without saying a word, (Y/N) was beginning to get bored, he just sat there and said nothing.

— "How much longer do you plan to hide behind that bush?" — Gladion said loudly. (Y/N)'s heart stopped. Was he going to kill her?

— "I'm sorry, I'm just worried, that's all." — (Y/N) said shyly, she was still scared of Gladion. — "Sorry if I'm butting in, but is everything okay?" — She asked, hoping to get a positive answer. Gladion huffed and looked away and back into the ocean.

— "You're not giving up, are you?" —Gladion asked.

— "Nope." — (Y/N) replied smiling. Gladion gave her a half smile and moved aside, inviting (Y/N) to sit on the rock with him.

— "Listen, I'm not one to talk or express my feelings, so don't push it."

— "I think I learned my lesson today. I know better than to push you into talking to me." — (Y/N) replied and Gladion looked down at his feet. He felt sorry for reacting so aggressively, but he was to proud to even think about the word sorry. He said nothing, hoping (Y/N) would fill the silence with whatever she wanted to say. — "It's okay, everybody deserves some space to breathe." — (Y/N) then got up, a bit embarrassed that she followed Gladion. — "If you ever want to talk, you know where to find me." — She said and began to walk away. Gladion could only stare at her. She was the only person who didn't annoy him apart from his sister. Maybe, just maybe, he finally found a person to call a friend. A real friend.

— "Thank you." — He said, but (Y/N) was too far to hear him.

A/N: I felt like the updates today were short so I decided to update once again. 3 updates in a day! Pleaaaaaaaaaase vote and comment, I'm really trying here

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