Chapter 2

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"Wow you're place is so nice." Robbie is looking around Chase and I's apartment. 

We had just came from a spin class together. Emma had to work today so it was just Robbie and I. We have been hanging out for a few weeks. It was amazing to have a friend around here. 

"Thank you. Yeah we are still working on a few things but it is coming along pretty well." I smile at him. 

"Well I better get going. I have to get ready for work." Robbie says.

"Ok! See you on Friday?" 

"Of course! I will see you then!" He smiles at me and walks out the door. 

It was just me, myself, and I. Chase was at work. I turned on the shower and hosed off. I put on a cute outfit and locked the apartment door behind me. We needed some groceries. 

Running errands was kind of a big deal for me. Ever since being kidnapped I hated going out by myself. It caused me really bad anxiety. I felt like people were eying me up, ready to take me at any second. I am working on it with my therapist. Today I was feeling motivated though. Chase said he would go with me after work, but I wanted to do this for myself. 

I sent a text to my therapist as I put down the groceries. 

Avery: I  went shopping by myself today! 

I was just about to hit send when I saw a envelope addressed to me. Avery was written in cursive across the envelope. 

How did this get here? I locked the door. Chase hadn't been home he was still working, I just talked to him. Emma wasn't around either and she was the only other person who had a key. I felt sick. My whole body began to tremble. I ripped open the envelope. 

"I never knew you liked Utah."

I dropped to the floor and gripped the paper in my hand. The tears came flooding out. How did he know where I was? He was in Colorado in jail! Maybe it was just from an old friend from college. But how did they get into my apartment? 

I immediately call Emma to see if she had gotten anything. She was working from home today.

"Hey Av, whats up? " 

I could hear Ella's shrieks of laughter.

"D-d-did you get a note?" I can barley talk. 

"What are you talking about? Are you ok? What's wrong??" 

"Someone has been in the apartment. Someone left me a note!" I cry out.

"It says I never knew you liked Utah! How does Liam know where I am?! I thought he was in jail!" I cry out. 

"Okay I am on my way right now. Just stay there. Lock the door. I will call Chase and I will call the prison too." 

"Okay." I croak. 

"He won't get you Av. They are gone forever." She tries to reassure me. 

He always told me he would find me again. What if he really was going to find me? 

Chase got there before Emma did. I ran to him and hugged him so tight. I couldn't stop crying.

"We should tell your parents." He looks at me concerned.

"No! They are going to freak out and fly out here. It's fine. I have you here" I wrap myself around him. 

Emma arrives shortly after. She looks shook up too. I know this struck fear in her as well. 

She is holding Ella in her arms. A wave of relief flies over me looking at Ella. She had a way about her. 

"I called the prison everything is ok Av. They said they will keep an extra set of eyes on them." She lets out a sigh of relief.

I do the same.

"We should change the locks." Chase adds. 

"He is right." Emma nods.

It felt good knowing I had them. Liam wasn't getting out of prison. It was all going to be ok. 

 Unknown's pov:

"So she got the letter right?" Liam says in an anxious tone.

"Yes. She saw it. She freaked out when she saw it. Called Emma right away. Chase and Emma came to calm her down. I can tell she is still anxious." 

"You're still going to help my dad right? I say anxious that he will bail on his part of the deal.  

"Yes. Just keep doing what I tell you. I need Avery back." He demands.

Avery's pov: 

I started seeing my therapist 2x a week and going to more workout classes with Robbie. Working out felt like my escape. I was a lot more anxious so talking to my therapist was helpful. 

Chase and I were going out for dinner tonight. We were going to talk about the wedding. After the Liam scare I was excited to begin planning the wedding. I needed an escape from my past. It was trying to take over lately. 

Chase and I arrived at the restaurant it was a cute, quaint little place but it was our favorite spot in the town. Chase pulled my chair out for me. I froze. The flowers. There was a bouquet of lavender flowers with white daises.

My wedding bouquet was supposed to be lavender. He wanted lavender flowers. This was just a coincidence that's all.

"Av what's wrong??" Chase take my arm and squeezes it bringing me back to reality. 

"These flowers!" I look around and all the tables have lavender bouquets. 

"L-Liam he wanted lavender flowers... for the wedding... Chase I can't" I cry into his arms. 

"Okay it's all going to be ok come on we can go somewhere else." He kisses my cheek.

I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding in once we got out of the restaurant. A chill went up my spine from the wind.

"I'm so sorry Av. I didn't know that.." He looks down at the ground. 

"No it's ok. You didn't know. It is something I didn't like to talk about. The wedding... I try not to think about." 

"What if Liam got out and left the flowers?!" I cried out.

Chase looked at me not knowing what to say. I felt stupid as soon as I said the words. I had sounded crazy. It was literally just a coincidence. The restaurant had lavender flowers. It was a popular flower.

Once we got to another restaurant I calmed down. Once I had a glass of wine I also felt much better. I was even able to talk about the wedding. We finally planned a date too. 

July 10th. I couldn't wait to marry Chase. 

Who is unknown? How did Liam know she was in Utah? Things are picking up! I hope you are enjoying so far!! Comment and vote! (:

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