Chapter 22

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Liam forcefully drags me back to the boat. He doesn't say a word. I don't dare say anything either. I couldn't even look at Ryan. He just killed a man right in front of me. No matter what Robbie did, no matter how bad he was. Watching him die was something I wouldn't wish on anyone. I quickly wiped the tears from my eyes so Liam wouldn't see. Ryan was still at the hut disposing of the body. Liam forcefully pushed me onto the boat. He sat down across from me and looked down. I didn't like the complete and utter silence. I wanted him to say something to me, anything.

"Liam please. Look at me. Talk to me." I cry. 

He doesn't say anything for a moment. I watch him grip the seat of the boat.


"Stop Avery. I can barley look at you right now. I need to think of what I even what to say before I regret it." He spits.

"Please just say anything! Yell at me all you want I don't care please just anything is better than this silence. Please." I cry once more. 

He just shakes his head at me and continues to look down. 

Shortly after Ryan comes over. He nods at Liam. Liam stands up and for the first time looks at me.

"Can I trust you for two seconds?" He says in a snappy tone. 

I bite my lip and let out a small nod. Why did I care he was so angry with me? What did it matter anyways? I hated how I felt. 

He steps away a few feet from the boat and talks in hushed voices with Ryan. I let out a small shiver. I was absolutely freezing with the chill of the ocean. Liam and Ryan both walk back over and get onto the small boat. Liam sits down next to me and puts his arm around me. He gives me a tight squeeze to keep me warm. He places a small kiss onto my head. It warms me up inside. He still loved me. Even though he was angry. 

I laid my head on his shoulder and before I knew it I was fast asleep. For one of the first times in forever I felt comforted to have Liam by my side. I felt safe. I knew it would change, very soon. For now I just let everything soak in before hell started again. A small break from hell. 

Liam's pov: 

The sun is begining to set as we are just arriving back home. Avery was still fast asleep. I felt so angry with her. So much anger. But it felt so nice to have her back with me. So nice to see her growing baby bump, her beautiful blonde curls, her ocean blue eyes. It was hard to stay angry at her. So hard. I knew that I had to be though. 

Emma and Ella came running out. Ryan looked angry but when he saw our dad standing on the deck I saw his shoulders relax. I picked Avery up bridal style and quickly walked toward our house. 

"Is she okay?" Emma looks worried.

"She is fine." I mumble. 

I didn't want Avery to wake up. I didn't want her talking to Emma or my mother right now. I felt so much anger for them both. Things were going to change around here.

I quietly but quickly bring Avery into the house. I put her into the bedroom and put a glass of water next to her bed for when she wakes up. I lock the door behind me. 

I walk back outside to talk to my dad and Ryan.

"Things alright while we were gone?" I ask. 

"Just fine. I think everyone as learned their lesson. I assume you will be having a chat with Avery?" My father nods. 

"Trust me. We will." 

He nods.

I walk over to my mom. I have thought a lot about what had happened. Everything I wanted to say to her. 

"Liam please don't hurt her." She begs.

"What I do with Avery is none of your business. She is my wife you know! Why the hell would you help her off this island?!" I scream. 

"Liam can't you see how afraid she is of you? This is no life for a women! You're keeping her prisoner! You raped her! She has to carry that for the rest of her life! That poor girl does not deserve that! Neither does Emma! You two both! I am so disappointed! I never raised either of you to be that way! I am so sick of all this! I cannot live like this anymore!" My mother now has tears streaming down her face.

I never saw her break down like this. Only once that time when I was little. Now everyone was looking at us. My mom fell down to the sand. 

Ella runs over to her and wraps her little arms around her.

"Grandma whats wrong?" She smiles.

"Oh don't worry dear I am ok. Why don't you go inside and finish your puzzle?" My mom smiles. 

Ella happily runs inside to play.

"Elizabeth! Pull yourself together!" My dad runs over to her and yells. 

"Leave her alone!" Emma yells. 

I watch her cheeks instantly heat up with fear. So everyone was speaking their minds today. 

"Emma you have no business in this. Go inside." Ryan yells.

So Avery and I aren't the only ones constantly having problems. What a relief. 

"Well we need to get going now." My dad grabs my moms wrist and pulls her onto the boat.

The words she had said swish around in my head. What if she was right? She always seemed so happy, so ok with everything. Why the sudden change? Why would she yell at me? 

Ryan and I watch the boat head off toward the other side of the island. 

"You don't believe any of that stuff mom said do you? She was just overreacting it is fine. Avery is fine just talk to her." He walks back toward their house. 

Avery and I had lots to talk about when she woke up. I didn't want to talk about anything right now. I was tired of fighting with her all the time. I walk back into the house and head back to our room ready to accept what will happen next. It is going to be one long day.

So what did ya think? I can't wait to put out another chapter for you guys!! I hope you loved this one! Let me know what you guys thought! You have no idea how excited I am for my next book after this lots of ideas floating in my head(; 

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