Chapter 25

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I completely forgot I had named the babies without telling him. I didn't care about that. The way he found out. I had literally just blurted it out before I almost got killed. Yeah sometimes I forget that happened. Plus I had thought I was really going to escape. So him knowing wouldn't matter anyways. I felt my cheeks turning bright red. I couldn't tell if he was angry or excited. He had an excellent poker face.

"Oh um yeah. Wren and Liliah." I look down and play with my ring.

Liam takes my chin and forces me to look up at him. He cups my chin and kisses my lips. I can't help but kiss him back. The kiss is light and gentle. He pulls away.

"I couldn't have picked better names myself. I think the names are absolutely perfect. I'm just a bit upset you picked without me and the way you told me but it's ok. You were under a lot of stress it's not to sweat." He smiles.

Did he just....? Did he just say he was upset but not actually get angry with me? What happened to Liam?

"Wren and Liliah." I grin.
"Don't they just go so perfect together?!" I smile.
"You're so perfect Av. God you're going to be such an amazing mom. I hope Liliah has blonde curls and freckles just like you. I bet Wren will look just like me!" He's beaming with excitement.

I can't help but smile. Then I can't help but frown. A thought comes to mind. One I've been trying to avoid. Liam notices my look of unease.

"Hey. Baby what's wrong?" He frowns.
"Nothing I'm all good." I try to fake him a smile.
"I know that look. Talk to me about what's going on."

I wanted to but just not now. Today was actually going alright. Was I selfish for wanting to hold onto a good moment?

"I've been thinking a lot....about having a boy. I'm afraid Liam."

He looks confused.
I bite my lip nervously. How do I say this without him going off on me?

"I don't want your legacy to continue. I don't want Wren to kidnap and hold them hostage and force them to love him. I don't want to raise a kidnapper Liam."

It felt like a relief to finally say those words. I was holding onto them for so long. Liam doesn't say anything for a moment.

"I told you before I wasn't like that Avery. I was never going to do it. When I had saw you everything changed. I couldn't live without you. I had to do it. So if Wren wants to live a normal life then fine but if he wants to learn then he can. I'm not going to stop him."

I laugh.

"A normal life?! You call this normal? Liam our children are growing up on a fucking island! This isn't normal! Even if they want to meet someone they can't because they are trapped here! Are you going to hold our children prisoners like you do me?!" I yell.

Liam's pov:
I try to do something nice for her, something good and this is the thanks I get. The fucking thanks I get. She's trying to rattle me that's all. That's it. How I react to will determine how the rest of the day will go. I take a breath in and out. I want to scream at her. But I know I can't.

"Can we just talk about this later? Come on Av we were having a good time. I just want you to be happy. I saw that smile earlier. You can't hide it." I try to give her a smile.

In reality I really just needed to think about things. She was right. I couldn't leave the island, I was a wanted man. She couldn't leave either. I wouldn't trust for a second that she wouldn't try to run. She had us in a tricky situation. We had lots of time though. Why couldn't we just enjoy the moment when they were young? Worry later.

"No I want to talk about it now. I don't want Wren to be a kidnapper! I don't want him to have anything to do with this life!" She yells again.

"STOP!" I scream back.

She cowered away from me. Fuck. I didn't mean to. She just wouldn't stop. I needed time to think.

"Av. I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell. It just slipped."

She didn't say anything.

"We will talk about everything. I promise. I just need some time to think about everything that's all. Please?" I give her puppy dog eyes.

"Whatever." She moves away from me on the couch.
I knew she was pissed but what else could I say? I didn't know what to say yet. I needed more time. I was going better though. I only yelled at her once. I kept my calm for the most part. I did a good thing. We continued to watch the movie she didn't say a word. Eventually she had drifted off to sleep. She couldn't say away. She ended up waking up half asleep and lying her head in my lap. I ran my fingers through her curls and watched as she dozed back off to sleep. God she was so perfect.

Avery's pov:
I don't know what the hell is going on with Liam. I yelled at him and he didn't even fight me back. I was expecting a screaming match, instead he was calm? He snapped once and then apologized. I should be happy we aren't fighting. I am but I don't like his answer. Talking about it later. I saw the look in his face. He has no idea what is going to happen when they are born. That terrifies me. I hate what he said about Wren. Wren will not be a kidnapper. He will not follow in Liam's footsteps. I won't stand for it. I feel more afraid now bringing them into this world. They are going to have some many questions. Why can't we leave the island? Why are we on an island? I don't want them to grow up trapped like I am. I'm nervous for the doctor to come tomorrow. I hope Wren and Liliah are doing ok. I am petrified to deliver not one but two children. Maybe I'll talk to the doctor get his opinion. If he says I should go to the hospital maybe just maybe Liam will finally cave.

I woke up and I was in Liam's lap. I could feel the soft blanket on my legs. I don't even remember falling asleep. I must've been tired. I just lie there for a minute enjoying being snuggled up with him. He was playing with my hair. It felt so good I let my shoulders relax. Chase and I would always lay like this and we would do this too.

Oh how life would be so different. If I never went back to California to see Chase's family things all could've been so different. I would've never met Liam. I would've never been kidnapped. So many what if's. So many scenarios I want to happen. Here I am though. Here is my life. Cuddled up with my kidnapper or should I say husband, trying to deny these feelings of happiness I get with him sometimes, and the fact that I am pregnant with his children. Yeah. This is not the way I would've imagined my life to turn out.

Woohooo!!! Next chapter will be an update on the twins!! Do you think they will go to the hospital? Look at Liam actually being nice for once(for the most part.) Is Avery falling for him again?? Do you think when she has the twins she will fall for him more?? Let me know what ya think!!

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