Chapter 18

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We quietly sneak outside. The men were sitting on the couch drunkenly slurring words together trying to talk to each other. I was so afraid what if they figured out we were gone? What if they hurt Liz? She was risking her life for us.

"Quick go get onto the boat. I'll watch for them." Liz whispers to us.

We both pull Liz into a hug with tears in our eyes.
"Thank you so much. We will come back for you." I cry.

"Avery?" A drunken Liam stumbles out onto the deck.
I stop dead in my tracks. Why did he always ruin everything??
"What's wrong honey?" Liz chimes in.
"I need Avery." He slurs.

I was hiding behind the tree close to the boat. He didn't know I was there. I prayed Ella wouldn't stir. If she woke up everything would be ruined.

"She went upstairs with Emma, she wasn't feeling well. I think she's sleeping. Come with me you're quite drunk I don't want you waking up and upsetting her." Liz gives him a squeeze.

She was such a good mom. It broke my heart she had to give birth to such terrible sons. It was all she had known. She tried to raise them right but Andrew had the say at the end of the day.

"No I saw her out here. I know she was here Mom." His voice growing with irritation.

"Honey you're very drunk let's get you inside it's so cold out here. Come on you can talk to her in the morning. Please when I was pregnant with you I had lots of trouble sleeping. Let her get some sleep, she needs it."

He lets out a sigh and mumbles something. He stumbles back inside. Liz looks back at us with a worried look. We had to go now or we would never get out of here. I suddenly felt extremely anxious. It felt like everything was closing in on me.

"Avery what are you doing?! We need to go now!" Emma whispers in a loud voice.

"Sorry yeah." I mumble.
My vision was beginning to go blurry.

Suck it up Avery. You need to get out of here. I have my future children to get off this island. I'm not just fighting for me anymore. I quickly pull myself together.

We get onto the boat and begin to paddle away. A shiver running down my spine. It was much colder than I expected. Ella was peacefully lying in the boat sleeping. Emma let's out a breathe.

"God I can't believe this is really happening." She smiles.

"Me either. I'm just so relieved. So happy. I feel almost odd in a way though." I begin to frown.

"Why's that?"
"I don't know. It feels weird just having up and left. Usually all my attempts at escaping he would find me. It almost feels weird not saying goodbye. I hate him. I don't love him but something kind of changed once we found out about the twins. God I sound crazy. Nope never mind, I am definitely relieved. I don't need to say goodbye." I laugh.

"Im glad I could help." She says in a sarcastic tone and laughs.
I laugh too.

It's then I notice how far we are. You can no longer see the houses in the distance. It's when I also notice how my arms are killing me from rowing.

"Can we take a quick break?" I ask.
"I was thinking the same." She smiles.

Liam's pov:
I woke up passed out on the couch. Hm I don't even remember falling asleep. I open my eyes my dad and Ryan also passed out. I'm still drunk. I need to teach that girl how to pour a drink. She pours a heavy hand. I laugh to myself. I know my mom said to let her sleep, but I miss her. I need to see my Avery. I won't bother her just a little kiss that's all I need. I pull myself up off the couch. Everything feels like a blur. I can feel all the tension in my head as I stand.

I make it up the stairs. My mom comes out from one of the rooms.

"What are you doing honey?"
"I need to see Avery."
"Honey I told you let her sleep. She needs it."
"She's my wife. I will do what I want!" I snap.

I begin to walk toward the door.
"Sweetie please she really wasn't feeling well when she went to bed." She continues.

I open the door to our bedroom. What the fuck.
I run to the bathroom. Nothing. I check all the guest bedrooms.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" I roar.

Her face turns bright red and she begins to cry.
"I-I-I don't know." She cries.

"What the hell is going on." Ryan stumbles up the steps.

"Avery, Emma and Ella are MISSING!" I scream.

It took him a moment to process it.



I run down the stairs. I didn't have time to fight I needed to find Avery. She wasn't leaving me.

"What the hell is all the screaming for?!" My dad is standing at the bottom of the steps.

"Ask your wife!" I snap.
"Avery, Emma and Ella are gone! They aren't here!" I scream.

Ryan and my mom are running down the steps.

"Maybe they went to Ryan's house, honey it's ok." My mom tries to reassure me.

"You fucking LIAR!" Ryan screams.

I run outside. And sink into the sand. Ryan comes out shortly after.

"They're  gone Ryan. They took the boat."
"Let's go we have the inflatable boat at my house. We need to catch up to them before they reach the land."

We quickly run to his house and blow up the boat. I felt my drunk-ness wearing off.

We quickly got into the boat and began to paddle like our life's depended on it. Which it kind of did.

It was then when I began to paddle faster then ever. I felt all my anger for Avery. Just wait until I got my hands on her. The betrayal I felt for her was unreal. She was trying to take my children away from me and worse herself. I already lived without her for a time and it wasn't going to happen again.

She's done when she comes back to this house. I will find her. She won't get away that easy. She always will be Forever Mine.

So will Avery and Emma get away or will Chase and Ryan find them??? It's not going to be good if they do find them😬 what did you think of this chapter??😊also wanted to let you know I will be trying to put up another chapter today but cannot promise it. I'm not sure how active I'll be this weekend either but I will try my best😊 comment and vote💕💕

Forever MineTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon