Chapter 48:

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"Hey.. I have been trying to talk to you all night. Liam won't let you go though. What is going on I haven't seen you for so long.."

I was so afraid Liam would come out and Emma would be talking about my previous plan at escaping at the hospital. I never told Liam that I had planned to escape. I didn't want to ruin Liam I had right now. That was the old Avery.

"Av did you get her blanket?"

Thank god Liam came out at the right time.

"Oh yeah I am sorry getting it right now." I grin at him.

I walk into the playroom to grab Ella's blanket and let out a sigh of relief. I watch as Emma rolls her eyes. Sorry Em... I think to myself.

I come out of the playroom and Liam or Emma are no where to be found. That's weird... I thought Liam would've waited for me to go downstairs. I can't help but feel a little pang of sadness that he went downstairs without me.

Liam's pov:

I grab hold of Emma's wrist and put my hand on her mouth so she can't say anything. She tries to but I clamp down tighter. I throw her into one of the bedrooms and close the door shut.

"What the hell Liam!" She yells at me.

"I have watched you all fucking night Emma. You have been chomping at the bit to talk to Avery. I know what you are trying to do I am not stupid. You are trying to convince her to escape again. I bet you attempted to come up with a dumb ploy to have her escape at the hospital. Well if you couldn't tell she is so happy with me right now. We are so happy together. Leave us alone! Mind your own business!" I clench my fists.

"She was scared to tell you how happy we were because she thought you would be mad at her. She was afraid you would tell her to snap out of it. She told me all of it Emma. We are happy. In love. So for god's sake. Don't you dare put any fucking bullshit into her head."

Avery's pov:

I head for the steps assuming Liam is already downstairs. I walk down and see Ryan sitting on the couch by himself nursing his drink. I feel myself paralyzed with fear. Clearly Liam wasn't downstairs. I quickly turn for the steps.

"Still afraid? Come take a seat." Ryan grins.

I don't want to go anywhere near that monster but I know I have no other choice.

He pats the open spot on the couch next to him.

"My brother seems very happy. My words of fear must have worked I see." He grins like he's the king of the world.

"God Ryan you are so pathetic. It's disgusting you can treat someone so terrible. I don't know how Emma can be with you. I will have you know Liam and I are the happiest we have been. No thanks to you. Sorry but scare fucking tactic's don't work. He actually treated me like a real person and was honest with me. I love him. Don't think you are king of the hill you didn't do jack shit Ryan." I spit the words like venom.

I felt the the Queen of the hill. Ryan was a bully, a terrible person. He was trying to instill that fear. But it didn't work. I finally stood up to him and god it felt great.

"You know what Avery you are such a fucking bitch. I am going to make your life-"

"You are going to do what Ryan? Save it. I don't have time to put up with your shit. I am going to find my husband and get the hell out of here."

I stand up with all the pride and power and walk towards the stairs. I assume Liam is still upstairs somewhere. I am about to turn the light on to the stairs when I feel a hand cover my mouth. I jump in fright.

"Shh just me baby." I can hear Liam's voice.

"You jerk! You always scare me." I laugh.

"I heard what you said." He smiles.

"Come on, you can tell me how awesome I was on the way home." I grin.

Ryan is pouting on the couch. I just roll my eyes and laugh. Liam and I see ourselves out.

"So wasn't I great?! I kicked his ass! I don't have time for his shit." I laugh.

"God you are so hot when you're a little ball of fiery. I love it." He smiles at me.

I stop walking and pull him closer to me. I close the gap between us and kiss his lips. He kisses me back with all the passion he can.

We pull away from each other.

"Where were you anyways? That's why I came downstairs. I had thought you were there."

We were walking hand and hand back to the house together.

"Bathroom." He blurts out.

"I know you. I can tell when you are lying Liam. Emma wasn't downstairs either. What happened? Come on. I thought we were being honest with each other." I snap.

I felt myself growing angry. I thought this whole thing was based on us being honest.

"Okay, okay I am sorry. You are right. I did lie. I was just having a little chat with Emma. I saw the way she kept looking at you Avery. I told her that you and I were in love. That I didn't want her putting ideas of running away in your head. That's all." He shrugs.

I stop walking and pull away from him.

"That's all? Liam what the hell! Why on earth would you talk to her?! I never told you to do that! I was going to tell her on my terms! Not yours! God she probably thinks I hate her now for not telling her. God I can't believe you! I need to go back there and talk to her." 

I try to speed walk back to their house but Liam pulls me back.

"No leave it alone for the night. I want to go home with you, I am tired." His irritation growing.

"Then you can go home. I am a big girl. I will find my way home."

"Avery I said no. You can talk to her tomorrow." His tone is stern. 

I let out a sadistic laugh.

"Oh my god. I get it now. You still don't trust me do you? You are afraid to let me outside by myself. You think something is going to happen don't you? So what? You said no so that means I have to go with you? I can't be free to make my own decisions?" I yell.

"No, No Av it isn't like that. You know that come on babe. I just want to go home and cuddle up together." He tries to pull me into him.

"No. God I had really thought things changed between us. But you're still treating me just the same. I really can't believe you." 

I run into the house with tears streaming down my cheeks. 

I thought things were working between us. I had believed with everything in my being that we were happy together, but then he pulled that card. I feel like it is old times all over again. 

So some trouble in paradise going on!! Liam still can't seem to give her all his trust can he? Do you think Avery will still be in love with him or will she snap out of it? I have a veryyyy exciting chapter ahead I can't wait to write it!! (: Comment and vote!!!

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