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*Alex's POV*

I woke up surrounded by warmth. I hugged closer to it, feeling more comfortable than I had in a long time. I must've died, because I felt absolute bliss. I could stay like that forever.

However, I felt a slight shifting from behind me and turned my head slowly.

"Good morning, gorgeous," Jessica whispered, my face inches from hers. I shot backwards so fast that I rolled off the bed and onto the hard floor, still trapped in the warmth of the blanket.

I just groaned and looked up towards the bed where Jessica had her head perched over the edge.

"I think you like the ground. It seems like your go-to place in the morning," she teased, smirking at me with an incredibly sexy smile.

I was so confused about what had happened the night before, but didn't want to miss out on the opportunity to watch Jessica's face light up as if she were a kid at Christmas, while we kept up our flirty banter.

After a few minutes, she offered me a hand to pull myself off the floor. I seized the opportunity, and pulled Jessica off of the bed and onto my body.

A blush instantly crept upon her face, and she stumbled over her words. So cute.

She started lifting herself off me, but I hugged into her shirt so hard that she couldn't escape. She continued to squirm, so I used my strength to flip us until I was on top. 

"Alex..." she breathed out, as my lips inched closer to her own. I could smell that beautiful coconut fragrance as I moved forward without any second thought.

Suddenly, I heard a door swing open and I fell off of Jessica as she jumped up.

"I found your shoe!" She yelled as she held up a random shoe from the floor beside us. I sat up to see Lindsay walking into the bedroom.

She ran at me and tackled me in a huge bear hug, seemingly oblivious to what she had just walked in on. I winced, then groaned, as I felt a stinging pain in my hands.

"Oh my god! Did I hurt you? Are you alright?" Lindsay rambled, worriedly. She helped me off the floor and onto the bed as I searched the room for Jessica, feeling dissatisfied and disappointed when I couldn't find her.

I let Linds take me to her room where she tended to my cut up hands and we laid on the bed as she told me all about what I had supposedly encountered the night before.


My head was spinning at all of the information that I had discovered. I remembered Hamish's death, my rage-filled outburst, and drinking alone at the bar, but everything after that seemed to fade into a blur.

I took in the important parts; the drugging, the horrible woman who tried to take advantage of me, but all I could think about were the parts revolving around Jessica. She knew where to find me, she took notice of me from 100 feet away in the pitch black nightlight, and she crash-tackled the bitch to the ground!

I've gotta admit, if the situation wasn't so serious, I might have found that a teeny bit hot.

The attention made me feel special.



After processing all of the facts, I decided to return home so that I could be alone. I wasn't ready to try and talk about Hamish, and was still exhausted. I guess being drugged can do that to a person.

The front door was unlocked when I returned home. There was trash scattered everywhere, and I felt as if I was walking through a war zone. I couldn't locate my father, but figured he was probably around somewhere.

That day, I slept through the afternoon, through the night, and all the way until 6am the next morning.

The return of school already put me into an annoyed mood, and it wasn't made any better once I arrived. Everybody was staring, and whispered, and gossiping. I felt like I was in a glass box, trapped and running out of air as everybody watched on.

I avoided everybody. Lindsay tried to follow me around the whole day, Carmen tried to get my attention in Art, Finn cornered me in English, while Ned sat next to me in Law, my current class. He hadn't said a word as of yet, but I knew that was bound to change.

I knew they were worried, but I was fine. I always was.

Our teacher was in the midst of an incredibly boring lecture when his phone went off and he rushed out of the room. A few minutes later, one of the office ladies, Pam, entered the classroom and informed us that our teacher had an emergency come up. We were required to sit and wait for a new teacher patiently, as we were in a double period and not even half way through it yet.

Several minutes later heels were heard making their way into the classroom, and I raised my eyes to find the beautiful sight of Jessica Caldwell.

She seemed to radiate beauty as she held herself with such confidence and pristine. Her curled hair bounced over both of her shoulders, and she wore a cream-coloured pantsuit to perfection. There was no denying it, I had the hots for Ms. Caldwell.

The class continued, and I remained gawking at her glowing figure, disregarding everything and everyone else.

She was my calm. Just looking at her helped me relax. Her beauty and finesse sparked a fire within me. My mind started thinking some really clichè thoughts but I was too far captivated to give them any regard.

After what seemed like seconds, the bell rang and Jessica dismissed us. Ned nudged me as I remained glued to my seat. Everyone moved around us and towards the door as Ned leaned over towards me.

"I know," he said, suddenly.

I broke my unwavering stare at Jessica, and looked at Ned, confused.

"What?" I questioned.

"I know that you like Ms. Caldwell. You like Lindsay's mom."


Sorry that I haven't been writing recently. I have been dealing with some personal problems, and am currently a little distracted. I hope this chapter was enjoyable, and I am hoping to release another within a week. Will everything remain calm for Alex and Jessica? I think not.

Thank you all for the neverending support! P.S- I reached 5K reads this week and want to share my thanks!

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- T.J Starc

The Teacher: AKA My Best Friend's Mom (GxG) (TeacherxStudent)Where stories live. Discover now