Thirty - Epilogue

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*Alex's POV*

12 Months Later

I strolled down the hall in my slacks and blazer after finishing up my shift at work. University and a part-time job sure take a lot out of you

I knocked quietly on the wooden door and peeked my head inside.

"Good afternoon, Mrs Caldwell," I giggled, still in disbelief that our life together had finally become official.

She looked up from where she was seated behind her desk and smiled at me.

"Good afternoon to you too, Mrs Caldwell."

My smile beamed across my face, radiating my happiness. I sat down in the chair next to Jess and we shared a quick kiss. 

"Will you be home for dinner?" I asked my adorable wife.

She sighed and rubbed her hands over her face. "I doubt I'll be home before eight o'clock, marking these exams are going to take forever, and if I even try to mark these at home I know I'll get distracted," she smirked, looking me up and down. 

I chuckled as we held onto each other's hands. 

"Alex," Jessica interrupted the moment, now serious, "You should go visit your Dad tonight. He could use seeing you at the moment."

My mood flattened, but I nodded in agreement. Placing the chair back where it was, I said my goodbyes to Jess before heading back home.

Our house.

We bought it just after moving to Pennsylvania. 

I never went to LA. I realised I was being selfish. Yet, Jessica didn't want me to stay in New York just for her. So, we came to an agreement. We'd both move. And guess where we ended up? Following Lindsay straight to Pennsylvania. I received acceptance into Penn State, and we both started our University journey's together. Jess found another job at the local high school, and fell in love with it within the first week. 

Our house was not a beautiful, majestic mansion, by any means, but it was our home. It was the perfect size, not too big and not too small, and had a guest house in the backyard, which Lindsay lived in when she wasn't at her boyfriend's house. 

Our life was good, but it wasn't 'perfect'. After getting changed I hopped back in my car to visit my father. I got comfortable, knowing that the drive would take about two hours. 

Shortly after crossing the Pennsylvania-New York border, I came across my exit. The road was lonely, not many cars or buildings surrounding it. I pulled into the parking lot and parked the car. I got nervous every time I came here. The large building structures intimidated me, as I focussed on my breathing. 

I calmed myself down and walked towards the large glass door. I looked up at the sign above the door and felt like crying.

Southport Correctional Facility.

Walking through the doors, I was hit with a rush of cold air. Visiting hours were almost half way through for the evening, so I had to be quick. I went through all the normal procedures; signing papers, a pat-down, and walking through the large security metal detectors, before I was escorted to the visitor room. 

Being a supermax prison, my father and I were unable to meet face-to-face, instead we were forced to talk over a phone on opposite sides of a glass window. He looked worse than the last time I saw him. His hair had grown out and he was sporting a busted lip. 

"Dad, are you okay?" I immediately asked him, after picking up the phone. 

"Hello, my beautiful daughter," he smiled, and then winced slightly, which I caught. 

"Dad," I responded sternly.

"Fine. I'm fine, Alex. Sure, prison isn't my favourite place, but we only have thirty minutes with each other, can't we just enjoy it?"

I looked at him unsure, before giving him a small nod.

"Perfect!" He lit up, "now how are my baby and her new wife going?"

I laughed and we talked about anything other than prison. We even talked about Hamish. It had been two weeks since the anniversary of his death, and we both grieved it like it happened yesterday. 

Three months after Jess, Lindsay and I moved to Pennsylvania, the case regarding Nick and Brad's murder was reopened after someone came forward about the bullying that Hamish had received from them. It was only a matter of time before they pieced together my father's involvement and he was arrested that very day. I was wrecked with anxiety for both my Dad and myself, worried about how long it would take for them to reinvestigate Nancy's attack. However, against my will and pleads, my father took a plea deal, confessing to the two murders, as well as the attack on Nancy White. He sacrificed his freedom and his life for me. 

My eyes watered as the guards yelled out a one minute warning. My father gave me a sad smile, which I returned.

"Dad. Thank you."

"For what, sweetie?" 

"For protecting me."

He stared into my eyes. "I don't know what you're talking about. Thank you for protecting me. For saving me." And with that he was pulled from the table and back towards his cell.


 The weekend crept up quickly, and I regretted agreeing to host a barbeque. Since 6am Jess and I had been running around, trying to cook food and clean the house. It was mayhem. I tended to the barbeque, cooking the meats, and sharing too much with our dog, Chico. Meanwhile, Jess insisted on making the house spotless, even though we were only hosting two guests. 

When Lindsay and her boyfriend, Giovanni, entered, everything seemed to calm down. Jess and I were so happy to meet Gio for the first time, after hearing so much about him from Lindsay. The quote-unquote "man of her dreams".

We all spent the afternoon eating and laughing, like one big happy family. 

"We've got some news!" Sang Lindsay. 

"Please don't tell me you're pregnant," groaned Jess, and I pulled her into a side-hug. 

"We are going to Italy so I can meet Gio's family," she smiled, and I could tell that this man made her happy. Truly happy. 

We shared our congratulations and then Jessica cleared her throat.

"We've actually got some exciting news as well," Jess announced, looking over at me. I stood up with her as we held hands, "We've started IVF! You are now looking at some proud, soon-to-be parents!"

Lindsay started screaming and we all met in a group hug. 

I sat down, watching as my family ran around, excited. Lindsay and Jessica were looking at the ultrasound picture, sharing a bonding moment, while Gio stared at her in absolute adoration.

I was happy. 

Finally, happy.

One thing was for sure, our baby was going to grow up in a fantastic home. 

Thank you for reading!

It unfortunately has come to an end. However, coming soon:

A 'The Teacher: AKA My Best Friend's Mom' Spinoff!

Presenting: 'The Professor: AKA My Mom's Best Friend'

Starring the absolutely fabulous Lindsay Caldwell!

I hope this story has been worth it for all my readers. I know it has certainly been a rollercoaster for me! Thank you once again for all the support. 

Keep an eye out for some new content!

- T.J Starc 

The Teacher: AKA My Best Friend's Mom (GxG) (TeacherxStudent)Where stories live. Discover now