Twenty Nine

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*Lindsay's POV*

"I'm sorry. She gone," I whispered to my Mom and hugged her, never wanting to let her go.

We broke apart and she looked drained. Deflated. Defeated.

A single tear ran down her cheek, before she swept it away and turned around.


"I'm okay, I'm fine." I couldn't tell if she was trying to convince me or herself.

She walked slowly, shoulders and head hung low, looking like a ghost in a humans body.

I sat on the couch, watching as my mother lifelessly shuffled around the house. It was like she had lost her mind. Lost herself.

Her body adorned a pair of baggy tracksuit pants and she was wrapped in the warmth of her favorite Oodie, as she moved around the house with no real destination in mind.

I guided her lifeless soul to the couch and forced her to sit down and stop walking.

"I'll go make some coffee and some breakfast," I mumbled, looking at my mother through teary eyes, before leaving her sitting on the couch.


*Jessica's POV*

I was empty.

My body felt too heavy to carry.

My heart ached in my chest, begging for love.

I was laid back on the couch, staring at the boring ceiling. My mind was racing with thoughts, yet I thought nothing. Emotions flooded my body, yet I felt nothing.

I just wanted Alex.

It was true- she was young, hadn't lived life yet, or even started her first full-time job. I didn't care about any of that. I just wanted her. As selfish as it was, it was true. She was the second best thing that had happened in my life, after Lindsay. And Lindsay already loved her, being her best friend and all. It just seemed perfect. Almost too good to be true. And maybe it was.

Maybe it was never destined to work out.

Maybe we weren't right for each other, deep-down.


My gaze turned towards the door, as I remembered just minutes earlier when Alex closed that very same door on us.

I kept telling myself it was easier this way, that it'd hurt less. But it only hurt more. We didn't get to kiss that one last time. I didn't get to hear her tell me she loved me.

That door, the whole house, it all held memories of our time together. It pained me to face all the memories, so I closed my eyes.

A sound, similar to the knock of a door, filled my ears. I laid there, convinced I was imagining something. I was proved wrong when a second, more urgent knock was delivered.

I stared at the door, my hands shaking nervously.

It couldn't be her, right? She wouldn't come back.

Yet, my heart rate sped up, my breathing labored. The short shuffle to the door felt like a marathon in slow motion.

When I reached the door, my hand rested on the handle. My knuckles grew white as I squeezed and twisted the knob.

The first thing I noticed was the rain, then the person standing before me.

The mailman.

"I'm so sorry, sir. Please come in out of the rain!" I apologised to the elderly man, inviting him into the foyer.

"That's quite alright, ma'am," he shivered, handing me my mail, "I must be on my way, to try to get this route finished."

His juvenile smile made me crack a smile, as I allowed him to return back into the pouring rain.

My smile faded when I turned around and realised she was gone.

She actually left.

I was a few steps away from the door when another knock interrupted me.

I trudged to the door, opening it again.

"Did you forget something?" I asked the unrecognizable silhouette standing in the rain, who I only assumed was the Mailman.

The figure stepped forward and yelled, "Yes!"

Water rained down her body, drenching her, head-to-toe. Her bags sat next to her, and I gazed on in shock.


We locked eyes and held the stare for many moments. Everything else seemed to fade away.

"I forgot to tell you 'I love you'," she yelled over the rain, "and I came back to ask you something!"

I couldn't believe Alex was here. Actually here right now. She came back. I barely even processed it when she knelt down onto one knee. She smiled that cocky smile at me like she did before life became complicated.

"What are you doing, Alex?" I asked, confused, tilting my head to the side, quizzically.

"I'm proposing," she shouted casually.

I froze. My jaw almost dropped off my face.


Alex interrupted, "Jess, honey. I'm gonna talk for a second, you're going to let me, and then you can yell at me all you want to."

She cleared her throat while I still stood surprised.

"Jess. I stood on a train station platform today with bags in hand, ready to start a new chapter in my life. Instead, our memories suffocated me. I had a decision to make. To go, or to stay. I could move forward, or backwards. I was staring at the beginning of my future, and I realised that it wasn't a future without you. You are my past. You are my present. You are my future. My new chapter won't be worth it if you're not in it. I took a step back. I chose you. I want you. So, Jessica Maya Caldwell, will you make me the happiest woman alive and marry me?"

I just stood frozen. No words came out. No sound was heard besides the pelting of the rain that Alex still stood in.

Alex said something, yet I didn't hear her. She waved her hand in front of my face and I blinked out of whatever state I had frozen in.

My voice wavered, "Alex."

She grabbed onto my hands and stared into my eyes with maturity, confidence, and seriousness.

"Marry me, Jess."

I stepped into the rain, locking lips with the love of my life.



Thank you for reading!

There will be one final chapter in the form of an epilogue, which will take some time to write. However, I hope you all enjoyed the ending of this one, I had a few variations to choose from, but this one stood out the most to me.

I'd like to thank all my adoring supporters. I couldn't have done it without you guys!


Love you all,

- T.J Starc x

The Teacher: AKA My Best Friend's Mom (GxG) (TeacherxStudent)Where stories live. Discover now