Twenty Seven

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*Alex's POV*

The next few days at Lindsay and Jessica's house were incredibly awkward. After our confessions of love to each other, you'd assume it would be all 'happy family', but instead it felt like we were more divided than ever.

Jessica was not acting like herself either. She seemed more angry. One evening Lindsay tried to make a joke to break the tension and Jessica just started screaming at her.

I knew I had hurt Jessica. She wanted me to stay and find another university in New York, while I wanted her to come with me to Los Angeles so I could study at UCLA. We were at a stalemate.

I decided that I would try and have a conversation with her during dinner, and I left my room to see how much longer that would be.

Both Lindsay and Jess were in the kitchen, neither talking, with Jessica cooking up some beef casserole, and Lindsay playing on her phone at the breakfast bar.

Lindsay and I set up the table, and soon enough dinner was ready, and we were all seated. I waited until both Lindsay and Jessica had food in their mouths before I decided to talk.

"Jess, I understand that you want me to stay in the city, but would it be so bad for a new start? Just me and you? We could buy a house near the beach, I could study my dream course at my dream university, and you could get a job wherever you liked. It'd just be us, away from all this drama. Wouldn't that be nice?" I preached.

She set her cutlery down and her face held an infuriated scowl as she tried to chew her food as fast as she could.

After she had swallowed, she replied, "I don't need a fresh start! I have a life here, a real life, not some make-believe, lovey-dovey one that you think we'll have in California. I have finally found a job where I feel like I am doing some good, and I am finally happy!"

"But couldn't you be happier?" I questioned.

"No! I am already happy! I don't need you to be happy with my life!" Jessica yelled.

I yelled back, "Yeah, well I don't need yo-"

"Shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!" Screamed Lindsay, jumping up and kicking her chair back behind her. "This is not all about you!"

"Yeah, Jes-"

"I mean both of you!" Lindsay was as angry as I'd ever seen her, and Jess and I both fell silent. "You both keep screaming about yourselves, but what about me? I'm still here! I want my Mom and my best friend. I don't care if you are both on opposite sides of the world, I just want to know that I still have you, that I know you. Right now, I don't feel like I know either of you!"

Lindsay stormed off to her room, and Jessica got up to follow her. I put my hand on her arm to stop her and she spun around, hitting my arm off.

"She doesn't want to talk to either of us right now," I whispered.

"You know, this is your fault. My daughter needs her mother, so that's exactly what I'm being!"

"My fault? If you hadn't been such a lousy mother to begin with, she wouldn't be so upset right now!"

"That's it! I'm done. Get out! GET ALL YOUR CRAP AND GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" She screeched, before running to her room and slamming the door shut.

Great, a best friend who thinks I'm a piece of shit, and the woman I love giving up on us.

I need a drink.


I sat in my regular bar stool in Roxie's for the first time in over a month. Alcohol used to be my friend, then my best friend, but somewhere along the way he turned on me. He made me do stupid things, so I had to let him go.

Tonight, we were reunited. I couldn't tell if I was happy or sad, but I knew I wouldn't be able to feel all that emotions crap after we got reacquainted.

I had one drink, then two, then three. I was by no means drunk, but I was no longer feeling, I was just contempt.

People flooded around me, yet I felt so alone sitting on that singular bar stool. That was until I noticed a woman, around the same age as me, sitting next to me. She probably looked the opposite to me from anybody else's view.

She was nodding along to the music, with a bright simile lighting her face up. She looked happy.

She noticed me looking at her, and made a funny face, obviously trying to make me crack a smile, and held out her hand.

I took a hold of it and gave it a shake, not bothering to listen to what she said her name was. We sat there and she talked while I sat and listened for a while. She had just received news that she got accepted into university, and her family were going to make the move with her.

Doesn't the world have a funny way of making you feel like shit?

I excused myself, walking to the bathroom. I splashed water over my face, trying to lighten up and not feel so deflated.

I heard the door open and saw the young woman from the bar walk towards me.

"Let me turn that frown upside down," she purred, then pulled into me as she kissed me.

Her lips were so soft, like clouds. They fit perfectly with mine. It took me a moment to realise that I wasn't thinking about this kiss, my mind was locked on Jessica's lips. In reality, the lips that I was kissing were pretty average. They were slightly chapped, and didn't have any real technique. It was a sloppy kiss, not a passionate, loving one.

Jessica's lips, eyes, body, face, her whole personality flashed through my mind.

"I can't!" I whimpered as I stumbled back, tears threatening to spill. "I love her."


My trip back home was pretty spotty memory-wise. Soon enough I recognised the silhouette of the oak trees that Lindsay and I used to hide in. This house. Her house, was my home. I was quiet, I didn't want Jess to wake up and yell at me again.

I closed the door behind me and sat on the couch with my head in my hands. The flood gates collapsed, and a torrent of tears flooded my face.

A moment later Lindsay was by my side, hugging me as I cried. Everything washed out of my body. I just kept crying.

"It's okay, Alex. Everything will be alright," Lindsay said, trying to reassure me.

"I love her. I don't want to lose her," I cried, as we sat there together in the dark.

"I know," she replied, as I cried myself to sleep in her arms.

Thanks for reading!

This story is coming closer and closer to an end, and I can't tell if I'm relieved or saddened! Thank you for all the support you, as the audience, have provided me. I never would have thought that my words would reach so many people!

All of you, stay safe xx

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- T.J Starc

The Teacher: AKA My Best Friend's Mom (GxG) (TeacherxStudent)Where stories live. Discover now