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"Careful, that's Soda's girl."

Soda, he told me to call him that instead of Sodapop, and I walked as quietly as we could through soc territory. Luckily it was early in the morning and a weekend so not many people were up. Those that were didn't take notice of us. Even though I wasn't a greaser, I knew I looked like one. With my large black jacket that I stole from a thrift store I used to work at to my distressed jeans. I was pure greaser on the outside. 

Finally, Soda told me we were safe now. He lifted his head as we approached a park next to a water fountain. I'd never been over here before, but it looked nice. 

I could tell the difference from the soc territory to the greaser. As I looked around I could see the old torn-up houses kind of like the one I'd taken up home in. Shingles threatened to fall off roofs, doors almost coming off hinges. But it looked cozy to me. 

"Here's the gangs street." Soda said as we sat on the edge of the water fountain staring out at the small road. He started pointing to different houses and telling me who lived there. Some of the names passed through my head, unable to put them into my memory. Some I remembered, though. Like Two-Bit and Soda's best friend, Steve. Apparently, the two of them work at the same gas station.  "And that's my house." He points to a small house that was protected by a metal gate. The lights were on inside so I guessed more people were in there. "We'll go there and I'll ask the gang to see if anyone knows where you can go for the night."

I hesitantly agreed. But I trusted Soda, so I trusted whoever he would ask. And if anything went wrong, I remembered my knife. 

I shoved my hand in my pockets once we started walking. It didn't take long before Soda opened the metal gate, letting it close behind me. He skipped up the stairs and opened the door without knocking. I shouldn't find that strange because it's his house but somehow it struck me as odd. 

When I stepped in, I realized what he meant by 'ask the gang'. I was expecting maybe three people to be there but it was a lot more than that. My eyes skittered across the house at all the eyes peering at me and Soda.

"Soda bringing home another girl??" One of them asked. He had black hair slicked back with lots of hair gel. 

Soda rolled his eyes. "It's not like that. This is Y/N, the girl from the rumble. She pulled the knife on Bob." A collective 'oh' sounded throughout the living room. "I was running from the cops, dipped into some old house, and found out she lived there. The cop ended up chasing us out of the house."

"Well, shit, man. She can't go back there." Another guy spoke from the kitchen. He also had dark hair but he looked much older.

"Thanks, Darry." Soda said sarcastically. "That's why I brought her here." 

The boy Soda called Darry laughed. "Soda did something right for the first time." Everyone started laughing but I stood there uncomfortable when Darry walked up to me. "You look like shit."

"Well, you sure know how to make someone feel comfortable." I scoff and cross my arms. 

"Nah, what I mean is that we have a working shower and I can get you some of my mom's old clothes so you can clean up a bit. I'll get Johnny to run to the store and grab some breakfast for all of us." I started to ease up a bit but still had my guard up. Showering in a house full of boys who didn't really look like they knew boundaries wasn't a smart idea. But I really can't remember the last time I'd taken a decent shower. Now that I think about it, I was eager to get clean. 

"Alright. But if anyone pulls any shit while I'm in the bathroom, I'm not afraid to cut a bitch." I seethed. Darry put his hands up in a playful surrender. "Trust us, no one here's a perv, despite what the whole county wants to believe. I'll go grab the clothes and you can get in the shower. Johnny," Darry looked at a tan boy who looked to be about fifteen. "Go to the store, I'll give you some cash, and don't get some dumb shit, okay?" The boy agreed. 

Darry turned around and walked down a hallway into a room and pulled out a few pieces of clothes. A put them in a pile on my arms and handed me a towel. He pointed down the same hallway the room was in. "First door on the right." I nodded and walked towards the room.

Once I closed the bathroom, I made sure to bolt the door shut. The mirror was foggy but I could see a clear reflection of me. Dirt and grime covered my face and my hair was in awful knots. I sighed as I walked towards the bath/shower compound and turned on the water. It rained down in heavy drops. 

I started undressing, immediately self-conscious and worried that someone would burst through the door at any moment. But I trusted Darry, I think. Or maybe I trusted people too easily. This could all be a ploy to rape me or murder me. 

I pushed the curtain back and stepped in letting the warm water soak every inch of me. A shower has never felt so good. I ran my hands through my hair letting the water seep into every strand. I looked around at the soap. There wasn't much but I ended up using a tea-tree shampoo and conditioner and a minty bar soap. It was about all that was there but I was just glad that I didn't smell like B.O and dirt. 

Once I was done, I stepped out and immediately covered myself with the white towel. I dried myself off quickly before looking at the clothes that Darry had given to me. A plain grey tank top and a pair of dark green cargo pants that were a perfect fit. I shrugged on my black jacket over top of it all. I looked back at my reflection in the mirror. 

Just getting that little bit of dirt off my face made me happy. I looked like a normal human, not a homeless rat. I grabbed a random hair tie that laid on the sink's counter. Not sure who the hell would've needed a hair tie, but I wrapped my hair into a ponytail anyway. 

I hung the towel in the towel rack to let it dry before walking out. The hallway smelt different from the bathroom but it smelt nice. That nice that shouldn't smell nice but does anyway. The smell of smoke and undrunk beer. 

Talking continued in the living room. Once I turned the corner to join them I realized Johnny wasn't back yet but another face graced the room. 

"So no one was going to tell me that a chick was just showing in the Curtis's shower?" The new face said. "A not bad looking chick at that." He said half to himself. 

"Careful, that's Soda's girl." The black-haired boy from earlier spoke from his spot on the floor in front of the tv. 

Soda choked on the water he was drinking. "She is not my girl." He said waving his hand aimlessly through the air. "She saved me from the cops and then I saved her from the cops."

"Wait, you're the one who-"

"Who pulled the knife on blondie?" I said, tired that that's how I was being recognized as. "Yeah."

The new boy's lips tugged slightly into a smirk before slinging his arms on the back of the couch, focusing on the picture on the tv. "Two-Bit can we watch something other than cartoons, for god's sake?" The boy said. 

Two-bit, the black-haired boy, turned around and glared daggers at him. I looked between the two of them. 

"No don't listen to him," I walked over and sat next to Two-Bit on the floor. "I like cartoons." 

"Finally some appreciation." Two-Bit smiled. I turned around and looked at the boy, who I still didn't know the name of, on the couch who was sneering at me. I smirked sarcastically at him before turning back around. 

Unloaded Guns ~ Dallas Winston X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now