Subs and Cigs

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"Why don't you come back to the house? Darry's worried sick."

Once my hair was dry from the shower, I decided I'd go grab some food or something. I pulled on some clean socks and then my dirty black converse. 

I skipped down the stairs to find the party kind of dying down. Some people must have left because it wasn't as crowded. Those who did stay were sitting on couches surrounded by empty beer bottles and cans, smoking cigarettes. 

I found Jo in the kitchen. "Hey, I'm headed out to grab some food. Want anything?"

"I'd kill for a sub right now." She admitted as she put up clean dishes from the sink. "And a pack of cigarettes." She added with a large smile. 

"Cool," I said as I walked I pulled open the two doors. I walked down the stairs and once I was out I put my hands in the pockets of my coat. Lots of people were out now. When I left the clock read two-thirty so almost every greaser should be up by now. That meant my chances of running into the group were high. Especially if they were on one of their walks. I'd doubt it though because Johnny's still recovering and based on what Dallas said this morning, Soda wasn't coming out of his room. 

I walked into town and pulled out ten bucks as I walked into the sub shop. I hardly ever paid for things but when there was no chance of stealing, I did. I put in an order for two normal subs and gave them the cash. 

After about five minutes of waiting, the person called my name. "Y/N," They shouted even though I was the only person in the store. I took the bags of the subs and walked out of the door, the bell ringing when I opened it. 

That's when I recognized the bird tattoo on the guy's bicep. He was the dude I hadn't seen before when I stormed into the house yesterday. 

Great first impression.

He must have recognized me because he stopped me before I could walk any further. "You're the chick the gang won't shut up about, aren't you?" His voice was raspy from smoking but still pleasant enough for me not to run away. "Y/N, right?"

"Yeah," I said clutching the brown bag closer. "I saw you yesterday but I don't know who you are."

"Steve Randall," He smiled and his teeth were a bit crooked. "Why don't you come back to the house? Darry's worried sick. Though, that's how Darry gets with all of us."

"Tell Darry I'm fine. Found a place to stay at Buck Merrill's place." He started to laugh. "What's so funny?" I say, a confused smile playing on my lips.

He put his hands up in playful surrender. "I ain't gonna tell." He said. "See ya 'round, Y/N." He turned around and started walking away. I stared at the back of his sleeveless denim jacket as he walked still confused about what just happened. 

I shook it off and went to the convenience store next to pick up two packs of cigarettes. One for me and one for Jo. I paid for those too, too tired and confused to steal anything. Plus, that would just get me thrown in jail if I got caught. 

Then I made for the house again. I'd been out about an hour when I got back. I knocked on the door and Jo opened it. Even more people were gone now. Only one stranger was in the living room and some giggling came from the dining room down the hall. I gave her the brown paper bag and she grabbed it eagerly.

"Thank god," She said as she took out the sub. "So," She said through large mouthfuls, crumbles tumbling on her shirt. "There's gonna be a get-together tonight down in some park a few miles far here."

I unwrapped the paper from around my sub and sat next to Jo at the bar. 

"Almost every greaser's gonna be there." She says. "You should come. There's some talk the some of the socs might show up too. So there might be a fight." A smile spreads across her face as she chews, looking at me expectantly. 

Almost every greaser.

Meaning the group.

"No-" I start but Jo waves a dismissive hand.

"Sorry, I miss phrased that. You are going, I will drive," I got to speak up but she keeps interrupting me by making a loud 'nope' or waving a hand to get me to shush. "Look in the first drawer on the counter in the bathroom there should be some make-up. Go get ready, babe. Starts at five-thirty."

Before I could say anything else she takes the last bite of her sandwich and throws the paper away before disappearing up the stairs. 

I sighed as I finished the rest of the sandwich.

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