The Walk

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"You've never kissed anyone, have you?"

Sun peered into my eyes, causing me to start stirring before finally waking up. Panic rose in my chest for a moment until I remembered we'd had to spend the night in the woods. I go to stand up but am immediately pulled back down.

That's when I feel a gentle breath on the back of my neck and notice the arm covered in a brown coat draped over me. I lift his arm just enough for me to slide away from him. 

Not long after I stand up and begin to rake my fingers through my hair, digging out twigs and leaves, Dallas wakes up. 

I scan his brown eyes as he sits up for any glint of guilt in his eyes. I'd expected he'd woken in the middle of the night and practically big spooned me for kicks and grins. He rubs his eyes but doesn't seem to have any intention behind his facade. Yet. 

"Morning," He says. "We should probably find our way back to the Curtis' soon. How long have you been up?"

"About ten seconds," I respond with sarcasm, brushing crumpled leaves off my pants. 

He cocks an eyebrow at me. "Someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?" the gentle mocking in his voice was enough to make me was to scream. 

"Something like that," I mumble so only I can hear. 

He stands up and grabs his unloaded gun along with his pile of rings and necklace. He mimicked me, picking out sticks from his brown hair. 

I swear I can feel his eyes on the back of my head before I hear footsteps walking towards me. I turn around to face him. I end up having to look up at him before he reaches to the back of my head, pulling out a leaf. 

"Missed one," He says before dropping it to the ground. "You know, I just got the strangest sense of deja vu."

"Oh did you?" Sarcasm drips off my tongue as I cock an eyebrow. 

"You didn't? I mean you were there. Except your back was against a tree." His face was slightly turned from me but I could see the smirk. Blood rushed to my cheeks, hoping this wouldn't come up again. "Remember?" He turns to look at me now. 

I suck on my teeth before shaking my head. "No, I don't. Must have dreamt it."

"It was too good to be a dream," He drops the things he was carrying before walking towards me. "Let me remind you."

I involuntarily take a step back and before I know it, it's last night all over again. Except for this time, we aren't running for our lives. Everything was the same down to the way his forearm braced himself next to my head. 

"Now I know you remember this, Y/N. So stop lying to me."

"What are you doing?" I asked, trying to keep some kind of shield up as his free hand travels to my waist. 

I could've moved. It was easy, he left an opening for me to leave. I didn't. 

He looked at me for a moment and paused. A confused smile broke out on his face. "You've never kissed anyone have you?" My face went red and I looked down to my feet. One of his fingers lifted my face up again. 

His eyes scanned my eyes before looking down to my lips then back up to my eyes. The simple gesture sends a swarm to my stomach. 

I decide to do something with my hands that were awkwardly by my side. They find their way up his shirt, resting on his bare stomach, my nails tracing circles around his chest.

His lips slam into mine before I knew it. "Don't tease me, darling," He mumbled as he caught his breath. It only made my hand go further down. His soft lips got rougher and his hands found their way behind the back of my head and neck, his fingers tangling into my hair. 

"No," I pushed him back a bit and he scanned me with confusion. "You did not take my lips virginity. That did not just happen. We're going to the Curtis', now."

Unloaded Guns ~ Dallas Winston X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now