Pure Darkness

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"Anytime, doll."

We ran into the woods. The sun was almost dipping below the horizon. His hand still gripped my wrist, our feet pounding against the dirt floor covered in crackling leaves. 

For a while, we could still hear the sound of the cop trailing behind us, scrambling against the thick foliage. 

We'd lost him but we were still running. 

"Are we still in greaser territory?" I heaved as we finally stopped running. I had no clue where we were but Dallas seemed to know exactly where we were. 

"Yeah," He was out of breath too, doubling over to catch his breath. "We're in the middle of the woods."

"Oh, really? Damn, and I thought we were in the middle of the desert." He fakes a sarcastic laugh as he leaned against the trunk of a tree.

I realized the gun was still in my hand. "Here," I said passing it back to him. He holstered it on his hip. The breath got caught in my throat when I had time to finally realize what happened. "I- I didn't expect him to shoot it." I braced myself against a tree too. 

"I knew he would," Dallas said, picking at the bark on the tree.

"Well, thanks for giving me a heads up." 

"Anytime, doll." The name doll rolled off his tongue laced with something I couldn't place. But then his head picked up, staring into the dark forest. I heard nothing but I knew Dallas was panicking. He picked himself off the tree and walked over to me. He pushed me back to a large tree, pinning me against it. His body was pressed against mine, One elbow rested just above my head the other one was holding down my arm. 

He didn't look at me though.

But that's when I heard it. Multiple footsteps crunched against the floor. The sun was below the horizon now. Light was fading quickly but there was just enough for them to spot us if they came this way. Dallas was hiding us. 

I don't know what else I thought he might have been doing in that moment. 

Neither of us even let a breath whisp out. The footsteps got closer and closer until they stopped. 

"I see footprints." One of the men said. "They were here." A flashlight illuminated the trees behind us. Dallas pressed against me again. Neither of us looked at the other but I wanted to. Even though his dark eyes would blend in with the dying sun. Still, I kept my gaze at my feet. 

I could feel Dallas's chest rising and falling at random rhythms. I still held my breath only exhaling every ten seconds. It felt like hours until footsteps started to recede. I counted two voices but there could've been more. 

We stayed pressed together for another minute, waiting until we hear nothing but white static. 

"Oh," Dal said as he finally looked down at me. "I could get used to this."

"Yeah, yeah. I know you could." I shoved him off of me. The sun was now completely gone. I slid my hands into my back pockets.

Dallas must have noticed. "You can take your hands out, doll. It's dark I can't even see my own hands." I hesitated before pulling them out. He was right. I couldn't see my hands either. 

There weren't any street lamps or excess light from houses. Plus the large canopy of leaves blocked out the moonlight. It was pitch black. 

I placed my hands out in front of me trying to find a tree to sit against. My hands felt nothing but air until my hands found two branches of a tree. 

They weren't branches. They were Dallas's arms. His arms were covered with the big brown bomber jacket that he wore most of the time. "I can't see either." He kept his voice quiet just in case the people would make their way back. 

"It's like impossibly dark in this forest," I complain as I let go of his forearms. I start feeling around again until I seriously do find an actual tree. My back pressed against it and I slide down to the bottom. 

I couldn't see Dallas but I could tell he was somewhere to my right because of the twigs cracking. 

Then I heard some kind of strike. That was until I saw a bright flame erupt, illuminating Dal's face. He was carrying matches. He held the tiny stick in between his fingers. 

"Well, get over here so you're not sitting in the dark." Dal whispers. I could faintly see my surroundings because of the flame. I shuffled away from the tree I was against and scooted towards the flame. He passed me the box of matches and I lit one too. I thought about lighting a fire but there was no way to control it since we could see to get the materials. 

I watched the flame flicker. It rose and fell with the slight breeze shaking the trees. 

Run, Y/N. Run into the woods.

I did that. And now I was stuck in the woods with Dallas Winston. 

I saw my old kitchen. My mom and dad were cooking dinner, something that my brother and I both liked. Stuff like that was hard to find because we were both picky as hell. The two of us were upstairs when the fire started.

Once I was in the woods, I looked back one final time. The entire house was spiked in flames. It grew tall, sucking the life out of the air around me. 

Before more memories could happen, I flicked out the math and dropped it into the ground. 

"You alright?" Dallas questioned, still holding his match. The orange glow illuminated his sharp features. 

"Yeah," I lied. 

"Right," He scoffed. He knew I was lying. "You might be able to fool the rest of the greasers with your 'my parents orphaned me' story. But I can see through the bullshit."

I pulled myself into a hug, telling myself I was just cold. I knew it was because I didn't want the scars exposed. "The scars have a story. What is it?"

"Goodnight, Dallas." I turned over on my side and rested my head on my hands to avoid the hard floor. 

"I'll get that story, Y/N."

"Sure you will."

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