Bitchy Neighbor

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The house was crowded with people. A party at noon was something I'd never heard of. Wolf whistles hummed as I passed making me want to curl up in a ball and die. Jo flipped off anyone who whistled. 

A man who looked to me in his twenty's approached us. "Buck, this is Y/N. She's the chick who keeps kicking Sheldon in his no-no square." Buck looked at me with a smug smile on his face. Brown curls filled his head, a red flannel draped over a white tank and a cigarette dangled from his teeth. 

He took it out, blew out a cloud, and cleared his throat. "She here to join the party?" Music blared from speakers somewhere I couldn't see. Everything was drenched in deep red making it hard to pick out people who seemed like threats. 

"If she wants. But she's kind of on the run from the cops-"

"I'm not on the run. I could go back if I wanted but I'm not taking chances of being thrown in jail." I said, shifted my weight to my left leg. 

"She doesn't want to be thrown in jail," Jo corrects before continuing. "She needs a place to stay. Said she could hole up in one of the empty rooms."

Buck didn't need to consider anything he just nodded his head taking another hit at the cigarette. "Second door on the left."

Jo thank him, kissing him sloppily on the lips. She turned back to me and I followed her up a flight of stairs, away from the drama of the party on the first floor. Once we got to the top, Jo pointed to the left. A single door was at the end of the hallway. "That's me and Bucks room." Then she started walking to the longer hallway to the left. "This is another empty room." I made a mental note that the first door on the right was empty. "That's the other person's room." First door on the left. "And here's yours." She opened the tired door and showed me the door next to the other person.

The room was small but perfect. A double bed that was made laid in the middle of the wall. There was a bedside table next to it and a Chester drawer on the other side. A large window peered out to the backyard. 

"Lucky for you your neighbor ain't here yet. He's not the most pleasant person but you get used to it." She said, looking at the door next to mine. "Anyway, there are some clean clothes in the drawer and the door across the hall is the bathroom so you can shower if you want." 

"Thanks," I said. She nodded and walked out of the room to go back to the party, I assumed. I wondered who the neighbor was but that wasn't my biggest concern at the moment. The room had a soft warm light that shined from a foggy glass ceiling light. There wasn't a fan but the room was a bit cold anyway. 

I walked over to the dark Chester drawers and pulled a few of them open trying to see what was in each drawer. Is it Buck's job to just harbor idiot's on the run from the police? The clothes in the drawer were a bit big but I kind of liked that anyway. Clothes that were too tight back every inch of my skin crawl. I grabbed a white waffle-knit shirt and a red and blue flannel with some light denim jeans. 

I closed my door behind me as I walked to the bathroom. I knocked on the door first not wanting to walk in on anyone. When there wasn't a sound, I slowly opened the door. No one was inside. I found a light pink towel folded up on a shelf and I brought it down. 

Unlike Soda's shower which could've also been a bath, this one was just a shower. It kind of looked like those nasty showers at gym class in middle school. This one wasn't nasty, though. I flipped on the showerhead and it rained down. 

The second shower in a week. The hell? I pulled the curtain shut and started to bathe myself. There was shampoo meant for girls' hair that supposedly smelt like honey but ended up smelling like nothing in particular. I wasn't complaining. Rather smell like nothing than pure T dog shit. 

I dried myself off and pulled on the new clean clothes. It felt as if a weight had been lifted off of me every time I shower. 

The grey shirt Darry had given me was still torn reminding me once again of Johnny. More guilt flooded through me. He's probably ok. I hope he's ok.

I laid the dirty clothes next to my black jacket. A mirror hung on the wall on the other side of the Chester drawers that I hadn't noticed before. The edges around the metal were rusted and old and the surface was dirty, covered with dust. I could still see myself through the reflection. My hair hung in strings because of the shower but other than that, I looked like a normal person. Even my reflection looked like a stranger.

I ran the towel across my hair once again before hanging it back up on a rack in the bathroom. I heard footsteps walking up the stairs so I dipped back into my room and closed the door.

The people downstairs weren't getting any quieter. Their muffled voices screamed through every layer of the house. 

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