[23] spooky club

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"SAIKI!!" the psychic medium of the school called out to his friend

who quietly ate besides you. your eyes stared up at toritsuka in curiosity and disgust.

"hi to you too toritsuka" you said trying to get him to acknowledge your presence he nodded sending you a smile before he cleared his throat

"i wanted to ask you guys something! i'm starting my own club!!" he began to ramble "the clubs are recruiting right now! we have no choice but to go along with it too!"

kusuo kept a deadpanned "You're just after the freshman girls, aren't you?"

you sighed in annoyance at perverts mindset.

"hes a pig" you whispered to kusuos ear while making eye contact with toritsuka who made an innocent look.

"well! since i need some members to start a club, i talked to some classmates. i don't know yet what kind of club i'll start though."

"how about the club of shame?" Your boyfriend spoke up causing you to laugh "that would be perfect for you toritsuka!"

he ignored your comments "to be honest i tried joining other clubs but  now would let me in!" he complained as he explained how the all girls teams refuse to let him in "so i have no choice but to make my own! my very own harem!"

'you mean club?' kusuo thought as he leaned a bit closer to M/n

"the occult club" toritsuka said in a ominous tone.


we stood behind a wall watching our classmates question the clubs poster.

"look their taking the bait!" he whispered with a blush

kusuo was hidden behind you a bit farther from the pervert since you disliked him

"have you two every heard a theory? that people can mistake fear for attraction. and with the occult club we could put this theory to the test! that's why i invited you and M/n! to see if saiki will-" before he could finish a glare was thrown from behind M/n causing him to shut up and walk towards the classroom

"huh?" you confusingly followed him as he ignored your questions to finish what he was saying.

'scary..' toritsuka said as he felt the stare burn in his back

"i bet girls are lined up already.." he said shaking it off and walking into the dark empty classroom

"umm id like to join the occult club" a voice spoke up from besides three you turned to see a ghostly pale face and dark hair apparition

M/n yelped as he fell back at the spooky appearance toritsuka also began to scream in fear as he ran to hide behind kusuo who turned on the light.

she wore the PK academy uniform "im Arisu Makino." you stood up dusting yourself off blushing in embarrassment

she began ramble about dark magic before toritsuka pushed the long thick bangs out of her face to reveal a freckled face.

the purples haired boy pointed outside the door "the occult club meeting is that way." he said bluntly

you grabbed his shoulder "but aren't you the club presiden-?" he quickly covered your mouth before the door entrance opened revealing kaido

"hello occult club! my name is jet black wings, an exorcist who just happened to pass by."

toritsuka told kaido he couldn't join "oh hey kaido!" a feminine voice shouted from the door chiyo skipped in

you stood besides kusuo as the group began to slightly argue. you leanded against him slightly hugging his arm

'i want to see if the misattribution of  arousal thing works' kusuo thought as he turned the lights off with his powers.

"What happend?"

"a black out?"

the tvs that were mounted on to the wall began to fill with static you tightened your grip on kusuo as sweat began to stream down your face nervously.

toritsuka ran towards the door trying to open it but failed Arisu began to chant a random prayer

your chest pumped rapidly with adrenaline as you clenched your eyes shut trying to ignored your surroundings before you knew it the lights were on.

"oh good.." chiyo said as she calmed down. kusuo stared at the heart floating besides her which showed the number 95

kaidou was layed faced down on the ground and the heart floating above him was a 52. chiyo witnesses her crushes state and her fondness for him went down.

'i guess being afraid of the dark isn't sexy..' he thought before he stared at M/n who was calming down his breathing. Kusuo failed to see the floating heart around the boy. his purple eyes darken before forcing himself to look away towards toritsuka

he had a red coating his cheeks as he stared at Arisu the heart floating besides him beamed the number 98.

'no way! i'm in love with arisu!'
kusuo deadpanned at his toritsuka thoughts 'misattribution of arousal is real!'

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