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YOU and nendou both stood in front of kusuo's house "SAIKI

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YOU and nendou both stood in front of kusuo's house "SAIKI..!" you yelled from outside. a young lady opened the door she had short chopped black hair and a yellow apron.

"buddy! you ready to go to the beach!" nendou shouted in excitement causing the woman to shiver in fear "Nendou! your ugly face is scaring this young woman." your  b/t body figure pushed the taller male away from the short woman.

"k-kusuo are these boys your friends..?" the woman stuttered out before bursting into tears.

"saiki! you never told me you had a sister!" you're masculine/feminine voice shouted before pulling kusuo into a hug ignoring his glare.

"oh dear, you think i'm Ku's sister." the woman said as even more tears streamed down her face
"stop making her cry.." kusuo told his friend frankly giving in to his affection.

"wait your buddy's mom!" Nendou said in bewilderment ignoring how affectionate his two friends were.

"guilty as charge!" she said cheekily
"so what are you two lovely rays of sunshine doing here?" she asked kindly with a smile.

'she acts totally different compared to saiki...' you thought to yourself unconsciously staring at the pink haired boy in your arms.

"ohh- Um we wanted to see if saiki wanted to come join us to the beach!" you said finally snapping out of your daze. you distanced yourself from kusuo scratching your tinted cheek nervously

"oh that's so fun!" kusuos mother said

"yeah i'm not going-" Kusuo said before he was cut off by a creepy voice "your friend came all this way to ask you in person. you're going to the beach kusuo." her voice sent shivers down M/n spine he quickly hid behind nendou out of fear

"oh dear..." kusuo said as his face paled of its color


that's how we see the group of friends walking on the sandy beach the sun softy glaring against your s/c skin

"kaidou can you swim..?" you asked the blue haired boy who was standing in front of you

"o-of course i can!" he said nervously fiddling with his fingers

"uh hu sure sure" you said not really caring anymore you leaned against kusuo who sat besides you on the beach towel "hes going to drown.." you muttered to yourself as you forcefully began to pull kusuo onto your lap

"let me go." kusuo told the h/c haired boy who held him by the waist

"hmmm no!" you said not really caring about the stares from around you.

Kusuo rolled his eyes and pulled out a book not really caring or watching kaidou drown.

"whoa it's hairo!" you laughed at the familiar butt "why is everyone showing up now" kusuo said with a pout as he read his book

"Kineshi what are you doing here!" you called out to the red head as you removed saiki from you lap

"oh hey m/n! i work as a life guard during the summer breaks!" he explained as he pulled name to a very to friendly hug

saiki began to stare in annoyance as they hugged eachother

a scream soon echoed from the ocean causing the two of you to pull away and hairo to run into life saving mode

"volunteering when it's this hot? that's amazing" nendou said staring at hairo who ran it the ocean you nodded in agreement as you waved hairo a goodbye before you went back to kusuo who looked annoyed

"saikiiiiii lets do something.." you mumbled as you began to cuddle onto the boy

"the first thing you can do is stop.." he said before walking to the ocean to swim around causing you to frown and lay on the beach towel in boredom

"h-hey M/n!" kaudio said awkwardly wanting to start a conversation his cheeks a bit flushed "d-do you want to get ice cream?" he asked standing up nervously

"sure!" you said cheerfully before you dragged him towards a ice cream vendor

you locked your arm around kaidou as you happily bounced as your e/c eyes gleamed beautifully against the gentle sun 

"what flavors will you get M/n?" kaidou asked with a smile

"hmmm i think i'll get a coffee flavored one!" you said licking your lips in delight "what are you gonna get kaidou?" you fakely smiled at him

"i like dark chocolate ice cream!" kaidou said madly blushing before pulling you towards the vendor

'sorry kaidou... but i only like saiki...' you thought to yourself as the boy continued to blush as he grasped onto your hand with his smaller one as he swung it back and forth

you smiled softly before looking at the vendor "can i get a coffee flavored ice cream in a cup!" you said with a smile as kaido ordered his ice cream you decided to pay

"you didn't have to pay! y/n" the blue haired boy said as he licked his ice cream as you continued to walk back to the beach spot

you sat back on the beach towel resting on your stomach as you ate your ice cream as saiki sat besides you

"do you want some ice cream?" you asked as he kept eyeing your food he nodded quickly before trying to take the cup away.

"nu uh" you said pulling the cup away from him before you laid your head on his thighs lazily

"give me it" he threatened with a glare

"no~ you have to let me feed it to you~" you flirted pressing a small kiss to his thigh if looks can kill you'd be dead

"i'll kill you pervert" the pink haired boy said with a face filled with annoyance

"you can't do that to your lover silly~ now say ahh~" you said lifting the spoon near his mouth which he happily ate but still glaring

M/n smiled softly as he looked up at the psychic who was watching the sun slowly set in the background orange glow hit a caressed saikis skin

'hes so pretty...' you thought to yourself as saiki slightly flinched and looked down to you

you guys stared at eachother for a moment

before you closed your eyes and said "you know i really do like you saiki~"

"yes." saiki said staring at you with a soft gaze "i know M/n"

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