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loud ringing echoed throughout the home.

you groaned in annoyance as you searched for your phone

you wore boxers with a wet towel that was placed over around your neck as water dripped from your hair

the wounds on your wrist had become scabs and scars drops of water gently dripped down your torso.

"hello?" you answered the unknown number a cheerful voice echoed from the other end "mr M/n! nice to speak to you again!"

a awkward silence filled you pulled away from your phone before hanging up realizing it was kusuos older brother.

moments later it began to ring again a tick mark comedically appeared on your forehead before you answered

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT?" you yelled at him

"now now M/n, your dear older brother Akihiro wouldn't like hearing those kind of dirty words." he said with a laugh

you stayed quiet before you glared at the empty space in front of you "how do you know him.?"

"hmm? oh he was my old mentor when i was in middle school." his lips twitched up to a smirk "your brother was the only reason i was allowed to go to college at such a young age he helped convince the dean that i was naturally smart and not a cheater. i sadly couldn't repay by debt to him so ive been helping pay off his house and bills."

"i thought he had already paid off the house?"

"he just put everything under your name. he didn't expect to die at such a young age no one expected it."

you scoffed before realizing he was also very close with your brother "fine. what do you want?"

"finally! i was wondering how would you feel if i flew you out to england? and surprise my baby brother tomorrow?"

you laid down on your couch as you had the phone gently pressed against your ear

your eyes widen "TOMORROW? ITS 9 PM RIGHT NOW?"

"well you better start packing i have a date set up for the both of you at the rose garden so have a nice and casual wear~ bye bye i'll email the plane ticket right now!"

before you can argue he hung up 'i didn't even agreed!' you thought as you shot up the stairs looking for a backpack that you can use as luggage

you panicked slightly as your clothing was thrown across the bedroom floor



you laid comfortably on the hotel bed as nendou and kaido wondered why they where invited for a surprise.

a frown was decorated on your face since you expected kusuo for a date but with them two here it would turn into a trip with cockblockers.

you wore a pair of of shorts basket ball shorts that went below the knees and a long sleeve

the door slammed open revealing kusuo and his brother

"SURPRISE!" the two idiots shouted as he walked in un phased

"HI KUSUO!" you shouted as you jumped towards him. he dodge causing you to dive head first to the floor.

he began to point his thumb over his shoulder telling the other two to get out "come on. lets go."

kusuke quickly extended his arm to help you up. you thanked him as you began to dust your self up.

he had light blonde hair that was a bit long and murky green eyes. you began to stare at him 'they look nothing alike.' you thought as you stared at kusuo they were on opposite sides of the color spectrum.

they look nothing like their parents either. huh strange

the blonde clapped his hands catching your attention you moved closer to kusuo but kusuke pushed himself in between the two.

kusuo mentally scoffed as he felt slightly annoyed at his brother forcing his friends to show up for a game of tag.

"i'm going to be it! and kusuo will hide. you three need to help him out. the game will last 3 hours and you can go anywhere within the borders of london." he spoke quickly never stumbling over his words "great! you have a 30 minute head start! go!" kusuke said pushing start on his alarm clock.

you sweat dropped as he shoved the four of you out. "let's get started then!" you said following right behind kusuo.


the four of you found yourself standing in front of a subway the door was shut.

'tube strike' the paper read you quickly rushed up stairs

"how about a bus or taxi!" kaidou said as he looked around and squealed once he saw the huge line for the bus "it goes on forever!"

you quickly pulled on kusuos sleeve tugging him towards some rental bikes "this will do!" you said grabbing one for yourself

kaido grabbed his own but you shook your head before you called him "Kaido! get on mine you'll probably get tired half way through!"

the three of you quickly pedaled away into an alleyway.

kaidou was feeling slight nauseous at the fast pace we were going

"i think... we should take a break" he said slightly gagging and shaking the bike with his swaying movements.

before you can disagree the bike tilted causing you two to fall over you landed on your shoulders preventing any injuries.

'we've only been biking for 20 minutes but i mange to avoid all the cameras.. so we should be fine..' kusuo thought as he helped you up

"best course of action right!" the familiar voice said before a loud crashing noise echoed his motor cycle destroyed the floor beneath them.

you quickly jumped back on the bike with kaido jumping on right behind you.

"maybe he has psychic powers!"

'no thats me'

"maybe he put a transmitter on us!"

kusuo snapped in realization before he pulled a wire in his brothers bike with telekinesis causing him to come to a complete stop.

next you found yourselves gasping for air at a department store "i wish hairo was here" you said wiping the sweat off your face.

"attention shoppers!" a british accent said from the speakers overhead "we our on a search for 4 japanese men one has pink hair and has climbed big ben. another is a child with shifty eyes who calls football soccer. the third is around 5'10 and has made lewd remarks of are dear prince philip. and finally is the serial killer that looks like a gorilla!"

groups surrounded the 4 of you kusuo quickly grabbed your wrist running away heading towards some bathroom stalls.

kusuos had his back pressed against your chest as the 4 of you barley fit in the tiny stall.

tiny beads of sweat rolled down your face as nendou had accidentally shoved into you causing you two practically have kusuo pinned against the wall.

your calloused hands found themselves at your lovers waist as you tried to put some space in between the awkward position.

The alarm on the phone rang signaling the game was over.

you sighed in relief as you awkwardly pulled down your shirt so it wasn't above your crotch.


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