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written at 3:30 am 😔💔 banana fish watchers prepare for pain. you can skip this chapter not much really happens.

new year's day- commonly spent with family usually for M/n every year he spent it alone at home like everyday but this new years was different.

shorter had sent you a message about meeting up and heading towards a the shrine with his two best friends

"shorter~!" you shouted waving at the boy with the purple mohawk he sent you a grin as you saw him drag two other people towards you

"m/n! it's good to see you! i brought ash and eiji!! i wanted you to meet them!" shorter said cheerfully introducing the group you noticed eiji was more happy and talkative ash was funny and sarcastic, and can be found slightly cold

"hello! it's great to meet you!" you bowed towards eiji and ash, the blonde looked confused but then understood what you said

"nice to meet you! Shorter has been talking a lot about you~" Ash teased his friend who had a blush decorating his face "oh really~ i didn't know you like me that much shorter!" you jokingly said with a smile

ash smirked "i liked this dude shorter"

on the other hand eiji panicked trying to calm shorter down from trying to strangle both of you 

"Woah, it's so crowded." eiji mumbled under his breath watching as the crowd walk around the shrine

"let's go pray!" you shouted dragging the them

"why do you japanese people like wishing to a god? the probably dont exist" Ash the only american in the group

eiji looked offended and pouted "well it's like a ritual i guess.... i use to come with a brother every new year!" you said with a smile as you waited in line

ash looked at you slightly sad since he never really was able to enjoy moments with his brother

"oh sorry! we wouldn't have bothered you into meeting us if you were going to come with your brother" eiji apologized rubbing his head nervously

"hmmm? no it's fine... uh my brother isn't around anymore" you said hoping they'd get the hint at least

eiji looked down disappointed that he brought up a touchy subject "it's fine though! it happened a couple years ago" you awkwardly chuckled ash gave you a pat on the back

"so how old are you? you seem more mature" ash politely asked "oh i just turned 17.. and you guys?"

eiji looked with a frown "im still the oldest..."

"EH? Your the oldest you look my age!" you said in shock

"i'm 19! ash is 17 shorter is 18.." eiji whined about being the oldest but yet looking the youngest

you let out a cackle along with ash who snorted at eiji's reaction

you soon walked to the shrine before you threw the money in then rang the bell then after you bowed and clapped twice before you said your prayer

'please allow me and saiki can get married' you prayed

you stared at ash who looked out of place causing you to smile "here let me teach you!" you said handing him a 500 yen coin

"first throw the money in, ring the bell, then bow twice" ash followed your instructions awkwardly "then after you clap your hands twice then say your prayer or wish!" ash nodded saying his wish not knowing if the gods would hear him since he wasn't saved by them when he was younger.

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