Chapter Eighteen pt 2

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Eial only knew where to find the demon because of the sudden grunts he heard. Jogging towards the sound, he saw Drokn, hair tied up with a red ribbon, topless, sweat dripping from his exposed back, arms, face, as he attempted to pull himself up with his hand braced on a branch. However, his attempt was rather futile and instead of any upward movement, he stayed hanging from the branch with no strength to pull up.

"Drokn?" Eial's voice chimed, halting the grunts.

Immediately, Drokn let go of the branch and fell to the ground, trying to hide his inability and lack of strength. He was intending to fall gracefully, as if all this was intentional and effortless. However, on his fall, his sore legs failed his ambition and instead he toppled down, waving his arms for balance, but ultimately dropped to his bottom.

"Have you slept any? We hadn't slept the night before, either," Eial inquired as he lightly jogged over to Drokn.

"I'm fine. I need to train." Drokn defied robotically, his eyes blackened, as if thoughts had rid him of the present.

Plopping down to his knees, Eial started to take out his pouch of berries to present to the demon. "I think it's important to take breaks and heal..." Eial started, but was interrupted by the demon.

"There's nothing to heal. I'm fine."

Pausing for a moment, Eial sighed internally. How was he to deal with this stubborn demon? "Mind eating with me?" said Eial, changing the angle of his face to look up at the demon.

"I don't have time."

An emotion started welling up inside the elf. It was similar to how he'd felt at the place they were before with the guards. A sort of buzzing and slicing feeling came over him. Suddenly, a glob of water splashed the demon's face, dripping down his chest, and both companions were wide eyed and dumbfounded.

"Oh jeez, I'm so sorry!" exclaimed Eial frantically and swept the demon's body with a wave of warm air, drying him off. "Anyway, you seem to have come back from your thoughts! You should take a break and eat with me."

"Are you just going to ignore the fact that you splashed me with water?"


The demon's eyes widened again with exasperation before he started to let out a roaring laugh. Although, the laugh was cut short from the painful squeezing of the muscles in his abdomen. Immediately, his hand went down to press on them, as if it would ease the discomfort.

"I have more of the medicine that helps with soreness," the elf said, holding the wrapped leaf, and noticed the demon's ear quirk with interest. "But I will only give you some if you take a moment to eat with me."

"You sly bastard," Drokn smirked with a face contorted in pain. Ultimately, he did join the elf. However, he struggled as his muscles screamed at each small movement, but he was determined to not let it show.

Not suiting to the demon's plan, the elf did notice. It was hard not to with the amount of times the demon's eyes or lips winced throughout their meal. With worry, he wanted to let the demon take a break, but he was unsure how.

As their meal was finished through small chatter, Eial prepared the concoction as promised. Without a moment to spare, the demon grabbed the prepared drink cup and swung it back in one gulp. The distaste was very apparent in his face as he finished, with his eyes scrunched and narrowed and tongue hanging out as if ridding the taste with the wind.

"Fucking— this tastes worse than before!"

Unexpectedly, Eial's smile broadened, but his smile was a mischievous one. "Although it doesn't help too much, mother put some sweet petals essence to ease the taste last time. I chose not to."

The fact that the awful taste last time was actually tamed, and now the elf— "You chose— you chose not to??" Shocked, Drokn's mouth was agape, his eyes wet from the horrendous bitterness. Until— he noticed the mischievousness in the elf's eyes. The demon scoffed shockingly and lunged, wanting to grab the devilish elf and ruffle his scalp in playful revenge. Yet, he moved only a brief distance before his muscles retorted and he stumbled onto the elf's lap.

"Perhaps you'll rest now?" Questioned the elf, gently caressing the demon's shoulders, coercing them to relax. The demon was still topless and the closeness let the elf feel the warmth emanating from his body. The scent, making his heart thump a little faster. He wanted to move his hands down the contours of the demon's bare back. He wanted to gaze deep into the demon's amber eyes. He wanted to—

In a rush, the demon strained through the pain and sat himself back up, away from the elf. "I'll be fine enough soon," he said and steadied himself to stand up, grazing the elf's hair with the tips of his fingers on the way.

And then the demon just walked away, stretching an arm over his torso and then the other.

And the elf sat where he was, the buzzing inside him growing louder.

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